Weathering, mass movement,runoff and marine processes Flashcards
What is geomorphology?
The study of land forms and processes that shape them.
What are geomorphological processes?
weathering, mass movement, erosion, transportation and deposition
What does sub-aerial processes mean?
What does CASHA stand for?
Hydraulic action
What is solution?
tiny, invisible dissolved particles eg. chalk and limestone
What is suspension?
small particles float along the movement of water
What is saltation?
When big stones bounce along
What is traction?
Large stones roll along
What are the 3 types of weathering?
physical, chemical, biological
Give 4 examples of physical weathering.
freeze thaw, wetting and drying, crystallization, exfoliation
Give 2 examples of chemical weathering.
Oxidation, carbonation
Give 2 examples of biological weathering.
Roots of plants, animals
What is hydraulic action?
waves break against the cliff and water forces itself into the cracks- compressing air inside. ( the sheer force of water enlarges cracks)
What is cavitation?
The opening up of cavities within cliffs due to the changes in pressure as waves crash in and out of the cracks.
What is abrasion?
The launching of rock fragments and pebbles against cliffs by waves can break off bits of rock
What is quarrying?
Destructive waves in storm conditions plunge heavy hydraulic pressure on the cliff. This can cause bits to break off and undercuts the base of the cliff.
What is attrition?
The reducing of angular rock fragments into pebbles, shingle and eventually sand particles.
What is soil creep?
the extremely slow movement of individual soil particles downhill
What is mudflows?
when the earth and mud flows downhill (usually clay), often after heavy raining.
What is rockfall?
the sudden collapse or breaking away of individual rock fragements
What is a landslide?
When a block of rock rapidly moves downhill.
What is landslip/slump?
Its like a landslide but its slide surface is curved rather than flat.
What is runoff?
When excess of water flows down a slop or cliff while carrying sediment