Sea level change Flashcards
What are the possible causes of sea level change?
. warming of the oceans water
. storage of oceans water as ice in ice sheets
. isostatic rebound
.. Continent- continent collision
How much sea level change does warming of the oceans water cause?
centimeters to meters
How much sea level change does storage of oceas water as ice in ice sheets cause?
tens of meters to 200 meters
How much sea level change does continental- continental collision cause?
hundreds of meters
What is an emergent coast?
Coastlines created when there has been a relative fall in sea level
What is a submergent coast?
Coastlines created when there has been a rise in the relative sea level
What is an isostatic change?
Rising or falling of a land mass relative to the sea because of the release of the weight of the ice after the last ice age.
What are raised beaches?
beaches above sea level and new beaches that consist of cobbles and pebbles that have been rounded by wave action
What are relic cliffs?
cliffs above new cliffs and have a steep slope angle and have various heights
What is the case study of raised beaches and relic cliffs?
Kings caves in Arran (NW of Scotland)
What are rias?
. Form along discordant coasts where mountains and hills are at right angles to the coastline
. sea levels then drop due to vertical erosion
. the sea levels rise and the deeper segments fill creating the drowned river valley.
Give the case study of rias.
South West Ireland
What areFjords?
. they are drowned glacial valleys
. they have steep sides and flat bottoms ( like a u shape)
. they have a shallow entrance called a threshold ( usually less and 100 meters deep)
. they have been carved out due to moving ice being submerged as sea levels rise
Give a case study of Fjords.
What are dalmatian coasts?
.Similar to rivers but formed when rivers flow parallel to the coast ( concordant coastlines)
. Open bodies of water (sounds) develop which create islands.
What are sounds?
open bodies of water
Give the case study of Dalmatian coasts.
Found off the coast of Croatia
What is thermosteric sea level rise?
When the water in the oceans get warmer causing water molecules to expand and move further away from each other increasing the volume of water