Weather and the environment (Unit 20) Flashcards
urban (adj)
relating to towns and cities:
People moved to the urban areas for jobs.
suburban (adj)
in a suburb, relating to a suburb, or typical of a suburb:
We live a suburban life in a quiet residential area on the outskirts of a town.
rural (adj)
relating to the countryside, or in the countryside:
I´d find rural life difficult after living in a city for so long.
smog (n)
polluted air that forms a cloud close to the ground:
Smog is a serious form of pollution in many large cities.
Smog. Abgase.
fog (n)
thick clouds that form close to the ground and are difficult to see through:
Driving in fog can be very dangerous.
smoke (n)
a grey, black, or white cloud that is produced by something that is burning:
A column of black smoke slowly rose above the building.
mist (n)
a mass of small drops of water in the air close to the ground:
The whole valley was coveredwith mist this morning.
Dunst, ev feiner Sprühnebel
weather (n)
the conditions that exist in the atmosphere, for example whether it is hot, cold, sunny or wet:
The hot weather will continue through the weekend.
climate (n)
the climate of a country or region is the type of weather it has:
Mexico is renowned for its hot climate and spicy food.
forecast (n)
a statement about what is likely to happen, usually relating to the weather, business or the economy:
Did you hear a weather forecast today?
prediction (n)
a statement about what you think will happen in the future:
My prediction is that there´ll be an election within six months.
Prophezeiung, Vorhersagung
waste (n)
the useless materials, substances or parts that are left after you have used something:
Many factories have stopped pumping waste into rivers.
Abfall. Haushalts-/Industrie-Abfall
litter (n)
things that people have dropped on the ground in a public place, making it untidy:
I wish the tourists here wouldn´t drop so much litter on the ground.
Straßenkehricht. Kleinmist auf den Straßen/öff.Orten
rubbish (n)
things that you throw away because they are no longer useful:
The streets were littered with rubbish.
The rubbish is collected on Tuesdays.
The streets were littered with rubbish.
clean (adj)
not dirty and polluted:
Go and put on a clean shirt.
clear (adj)
if the sky is clear, there are no clouds:
We were just lying on the ground looking up at that clear, blue sky.
pour (v)
to rain very hard:
The thunder and lightning stopped, but it continued to pour.
gießen/schütten (Regen)
drizzle (v)
to rain very lightly:
It was only drizzling when I left so I didn´t bother taking an umbrella with me.
flood (v)
to cover a place with water, or to become covered with water:
Water burst through the dam and flooded local villages.
environment (n)
the natural world, including the land, water, air, plants and animals:
Industrial development is causing widespread damage to the environment.
surroundings (n)
a place and all the things in it:
She soon became accustomed to her new surroundings.
wind (n)
a natural current of air that moves fast enough for you to feel ist:
A cold wind blew.
air (n)
the mixture of gases that we breathe:
She breathed in the cold air.
reservoir (n)
a lake, often an artificial one, where water is stored so that it can be supplied to houses, factories, etc.:
They´re planning to build a new reservoir to supply water for the area.
lake (n)
a large area of water surrounded by land:
There were some boys swimming in the lake.
puddle (n)
a small pool of water that is left on the ground after it has rained:
Our dog loves jumping in puddles.
pond (n)
an area of water that is smaller than a lake:
My grandparents have got a small pond in their garden.
pond (n)
an area of water that is smaller than a lake:
My grandparents have got a small pond in their garden.
thunder (n)
the loud noise that you sometimes hear in the sky during a storm:
Carol jumped under the bed when she heard the thunder.
lightning (n)
the bright flshes of light that you see in the sky during a storm:
The ship was struck by lightning soon after it left the port.
global (adj)
including or affecting the whole world:
The global economy has become increasingly unstable.
worldwide (adj)
happening or existing all over the world:
This is a worldwide network of more than 100 organisations.
plain (n)
a large flat area of land:
There´s a large, flat plain between two mountain ranges.
land (n)
an area of ground, especially one used for a particular purpose such as farming or building:
The land around here is very fertile.
(Bau-)Land, “gewidmetes” Land
field (n)
an area of land that is used for keeping animals or growing food:
That´s a field of wheat over there.
desert (n)
a large area of land with few plants and dry weather:
The Sahara is one of the biggest deserts in the world.
extinct (adj)
if something such as a type of animal or plant is extinct, it no longer exists:
A number of plants ind insects in the rainforests have already become extinct.
endangered (adj)
if something such as a type of animal or plant is endangered, it may soon become extinct:
What can we do to telp protect endangered species?
recycle (v)
to treat waste materials so that they can be used again:
You should recycle those newspapers and bottels.
reuse (v)
to use something again:
Once you´ve recorded a film onto a video cassette, you can reuse the tape by just recording over the original film.