Bildungskarenz Flashcards
beforehand (adv)
im Vorhinein
at an earlier or preceding time
” You have to arrange the time and date beforehand.”
I’ve got to phone x more applicants
Ich muss (noch) x Antragsteller anrufen
obtain (v)
obtain something to get something, especially by making an effort
“He has just obtained a position abroad.”
custom (n)
an accepted way of behaving or of doing things in a society or a community
“it’s a local/ancient/burial/marriage custom”
“It is a Hungarian custom for the bride to change her dress at midnight.”
der Brauch
gallantry (n)
courage, especially in a battle (“a medal for gallantry”) Tapferkeit
polite attention given by men to women (“I like to think that gallantry isn’t dead,” he said, kissing her hand.)
habit (n)
a thing that you do often and almost without thinking, especially something that is hard to stop doing
“I’m trying to break the habit of staying up too late.”
(An) Gewohnheit
rude (adj)
“I don’t wish to be rude, but I have another appointment in five minutes.”
customery (adj)
if something is customary, it is what people usually do in a particular place or situation synonym: usual
“Is it customary to tip hairdressers in this country?”
offend (v)
offend (somebody) to make somebody feel upset because of something you say or do that is rude or embarrassing
“Neil did not mean to offend anybody with his joke”
verletzen/kränken/beleidigen/vor den Kopf stoßen/anecken
recipient (n)
a person who receives something
” It is important to adapt the formality of letters according to the recipient.”
stereotype (n)
a fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular type of person or thing, but which is often not true in reality and may cause hurt and offence
cultural/gender/racial stereotypes
“He doesn’t conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase.”
value (n)
the quality of being useful or important
syn.: benefit
“Branding has to add value to the product.”
align (v)
align (something) (with something) to arrange something in the correct position, or to be in the correct position, in relation to something else, especially in a straight line
“The house is aligned along an east-west axis.”,
auch: “Build a portfolio project that is aligned with your passion”
ausrichten, in Einklang (bringen) mit
scale (n)
the size or extent of something, especially when compared with something else
” We are going to advertise on a much larger scale next year.”
wind up
away (adv)
to or at a distance from somebody/something in space or time
“The product launch is only a couple of weeks away”
“The main landfill site was moved further away from the city.”
noch weit weg/weiter weg
see to (phr.v.)
see to something: to deal with something, to take care of, to handle
“Will you see to the arrangements for the next meeting?”
“Don’t worry—I’ll see to it.”
“We still need to hire a van, but my brother will see to that.”
sich um etwas kümmern
matter (n)
a subject or situation that you must consider or deal with; synonym: affair
“This is a serious matter which should be put on the agenda.”
as good as (phr.)
almost completely
“Now the project is as good as finished, we can all relax a bit.”
“He as good as called me a coward.” (= suggested that I was a coward without actually using the word ‘coward’).
so gut wie
apart from (prep.)
except for/in addtion to, as well
“I’ve finished apart from the last question.”
“Everybody is here apart from Beth, who is in Japan, so we can start.”
“Apart from their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.”
außer/abgesehen von
advisable (adj)
sensible and a good idea in order to achieve something
“We thought it advisable to seek police assistance.”
“ Is it really advisable to invest so much money in this scheme? “
insult (n)
a remark or an action that is said or done in order to offend somebody
“His comments were seen as an insult to the president.”
“I’m calling about…the report we were discussing last week”
“Ich rufe an wegen/weil..”
” I was trying to get hold of you yesterday. “
A telephone expression to inform someone of a previous attempt to contact him/her.
“Ich habe gestern versucht dich zu erreichen.”
state (v)
the mental, emotional or physical condition that a person or thing is in/To make known; to express clearly in speech or writing
“He was in a state of permanent depression.”
“When you write a business letter, you should state clearly what you want.”
Zustand/angeben, erklären
memorise (v)
to recall something exactly
” I memorise what I am studying much better when I write it.”
remember (v)
to have or keep an image in your memory of an event, a person, a place, etc. from the past
“I remember reading something in the paper about that.”
“This is Carla. Do you remember her?”
“In history class, I can never remember all the dates.”
recap (n)
the act of repeating or giving a summary of what has already been said, decided, etc.
“After each lesson, the teacher sends us a recap by email”
(Stunden-) Wiederholung
verb: recap
rekapitulieren, wiederholen, zusammenfassen
outdated (adj)
no longer useful because of being old-fashioned
“These figures are now outdated.”
“ My computer system runs very slowly because it is outdated”
überholt / veraltet
draft (v)
a rough written version of something that is not yet in its final form
“My sister helped me draft my motivation letter.”
diligently adj)
in a way that shows care and effort in your work or duties
“They worked diligently on the task they had been given.”
perks (n)
A privilege, benefit, or gain in addition to one’s regular salary.
“A company car is one of the perks of my new job. Other perks are a mobile phone, laptop computer and lunch vouchers”
summon (v)
summon somebody (to do something) (formal) to order somebody to appear in court / to come to you
“He was summoned to appear before the magistrates.”
“In May 1688 he was urgently summoned to London.”
bordert, einberufen, gerufen; jem. kommen lassen
broach (v)
to brouch sth. / a subject
to begin talking about a subject that is difficult to discuss, especially because it is embarrassing or because people disagree about it
“She was dreading having to broach the subject of money to her father.”
“The report fails to broach some important questions.”
resentful (adj)
feeling bitter or angry about something that you think is unfair
“She was resentful at having been left out of the team.”
aufgebracht, grollend, nachtragend
spend (v)
to use energy, effort, etc., especially until it has all been used
“She spends too much effort on things that don’t matter.”
“ They feel well today: they ran a lot.”
hier/unten: verausgabt
suspense (n)
a feeling of worry or excitement that you have when you feel that something is going to happen, somebody is going to tell you some news, etc.
“Don’t keep us in suspense. Tell us what happened!”
“I couldn’t bear the suspense a moment longer.”
to exert yourself
to make a big physical or mental effort
“In order to be successful he would have to exert himself”.
sich verausgaben
tied (adj.) SPORT
to set the bar high (expr.)
to establish extreme high standards of excellence
“They have set the bar very high, they will never find a candidate with such a profile.”
die Latte hoch legen
opposing (adj)
(of teams, armies, forces, etc.) playing, fighting, working, etc. against each other
“The opposing team was much stronger than us”
“It is time for opposing factions to unite and work towards a common goal.”
gegnerisch, entgegengesetzt
subsidise (v)
to give money to somebody or an organization to help pay for something; to give a subsidy
“Why should car drivers subsidise public transport?”
“The housing projects are subsidised by the government.”
finanzieren, finanziell unterstützen
casualty (n)
a person who is killed or injured in war or in an accident
“Both sides have suffered heavy casualties.” (= many people were killed)
(Unfall)Opfer, Todesopfer
affordable (adj)
cheap enough that people can afford it or buy it
“Bus passes are not affordable these days, they should subsidise them more”
leistbar, bezahlbar, erschwinglich
fare (n)
the money that you pay to travel by bus, plane, train, taxi, etc.
“Children travel (at) half fare.”
“I can’t take the bus, I havn’t got any spare change to pay the fare”.
Fahrpreis. (spare change: übriges Kleingeld)
exhaust fumes (phr)
waste vapour produced by cars burning fuel
“Vhicle exhaust fumes can irritate the eyes and respiratory tract, and are a risk to health by breathing is.
extent (n)
how large, important, etc. serious somthing is
“We don’t know the extent of his injuries”.
to … extent (idiom)
used to show how far sth is or how great an effect it has
“To some extent what she argues is true.”
“The book discusses the extent to which family life has changed over the past 50 years.”
it’s not a bother / it’s no bother (phr)
used for saying that you are happy to help someone and it will not cause you any problems or difficulties
“Let me pick up the children from school, it’s no bother.”
Keine Umstände, macht mir nichts aus
(of something bad) to appear serious and likely to happen soon
“There was a crisis looming”
..sich abzeichnend, kündigt sich an
notorious (adj)
well known for being bad
“She’s a notorious liar”
“…an area which is notorious as a centre for drug trafficking”
berühmt-berüchtigt, stadtbekannt, notorisch
to make the headlines (expr)
to feature as a top news story because of the importance of the subject.
“The new king made the headlines this morning across the country.”
testimony (n)
(Legal) statements made by a witness in court.
“It is the testimony of a passer-by which made it possible to convict the culprit.”
(Zeugen) Aussage
culprit (n)
a person who has done something wrong or against the law
“The police quickly identified the real culprits.”
“ The names of the culprits are not yet known. “
die Schuldigen
to be spoiled for choice (expr.)
Having such a selection of good choices, that deciding which one to pick is difficult.
“The seller offers her dozens of watches, she was spoiled for choice.”
remains (n)
Historical or archaeological relics.
” One can still admire Roman remains in the region.”
dismay (n)
A sudden or complete loss of courage and firmness in the face of trouble or danger.
“This piece of news has plunged all the employees into dismay.”
Bestürzung, Betroffenheit
bewilderment (n)
a feeling of beeing completely confused
“His suprising announcement caused bewilderment.”
FAssungslosigkeit, Erstaunen
signposted (adj)
(Of a road, path, route, etc.) To be marked with signs to provide travellers with information such as directions.
“We have followed a signposted trailwhich has led us to a beautiful valley.”#
ausgeschildert, beschildert
consecutive (adj)
Folllowing, in succession, without interruption.
” Our company was elected “best employer of the year” for four consecutive years.”
workshop (n)
A room or building in which things are made or repaired.
” The carpenter was making beautiful furniture in his workshop”
meager (adj)
Poor, deficient or inferior in amount, quality or extent.
“She had very meagre chances of winning.”
mager, dürftig
tense (adj)
“You seem a bit tense today, is there anything the matter?”
angespannt, gestresst
insensitive (adj)
Not having normal emotional feelings; cold; tactless; undiplomatic. Indifferent, unempathic.
He never shows his emotions, he looks insensitive to other people’s problems.
unsensibel, unempfindlich, gefühllos, taktlos
instinctive (adj)
Done without conscious thought; prompted by instinct.
“When he entered the room she felt an instinctive dislike for him.”
instinktiv, prompted by = veranlasst durch
surplus (n)
an amount that is extra or more than you need
“This store’s surplus is offered to charity.”
reimburse (v)
to pay back money to somebody which they have spent or lost
“to pay back money to somebody which they have spent or lost.”
adopt (v)
to start to use a particular method or to show a particular attitude towards somebody/something
“The police adopted tighter security measures.”
“She sometimes adopts very unpleasant attitudes.”
an/übernehmen, anwenden, einführen
pollute (v)
to add dirty or harmful substances to land, air, water, etc. so that it is no longer pleasant or safe to use
“The river has been polluted with toxic waste from local factories.”
(figurative): “a society polluted by racism”
gradually (adv)
slowly, over a long period of time
“Gradually, the kids began to understand.”
shelter (v)
to give somebody/something a place where they are protected from the weather or from danger; to protect somebody/something / to stay in a place that protects you from the weather or from danger
“Trees shelter the house from the wind.”
“The American government has accused them of sheltering terrorists.”
“As the storm approached, they tried to find somewhere to shelter.”
abschirmen, schützen / beherbergen / unterkommen
real estate (noun)
property in the form of land or buildings / the business of selling houses or land for building
“We asked a real estate agency to find us an apartment.”
to work in real estate
authorise (v)
to give official permission for something, or for somebody to do something
“They authorised the use of a dictionary during the exam”
“I can authorize payments up to £5 000.”
“I have authorized him to act for me while I am away.”
erlauben, genehmigen / legitimieren / bevollmächtigen
encroach (v)
to slowly begin to cover more and more of an area
“Our neighbours’ plantations are encroaching on our land.”
force (v)
make somebody do something
“We cannot force employees to work overtime.”
“I was forced to take a taxi because the last bus had left.”
prosperity (n)
the state of being successful, especially in making money
“After the war, the European countries were slow to regain prosperity.”
Wohlstand (“Blüte”)
elect (v)
to choose somebody to do a particular job by voting for them
” The French elect a new president every five years.”
“What changes will he make if he gets elected?”
…the newly/democratically elected government
jem. (zu etw) wählen, küren
vote (v)
a formal choice that you make in an election or at a meeting in order to choose somebody or decide something
“You can cast your vote at the local polling station.”
“No candidate gained a majority of the votes in the first round.”
concise (adj)
giving only the information that is necessary and important, using few words / [only before noun] (of a book) shorter than the original book, on which it was based
“She gave us clear and concise instructions.”
“This is just a concise dictionary—you should get yourself something bigger.”
kurz & bündig, kompakt
in favour (of sbdy/sth) expr.
if you are in favour of somebody/something, you support and agree with them/it / in exchange for another thing (because the other thing is better or you want it more)
“I’m all in favour of (= completely support) equal pay for equal work.”
“He abandoned teaching in favour of a career as a musician.”
“To convince me, Peter has captured a number of arguments in favour of his thesis. “
unterstützen /
zugunsten (etw zugunsten etw tun)
crop (n)
a plant that is grown in large quantities, especially as food
“The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticides.”
“ Farmers receive a subsidy for growing certain crops.”
Saaten, Pflanzenbestand
subsidy (n)
money that is paid by a government or an organization to reduce the costs of services or of producing goods so that their prices can be kept low
“…state subsidies for rice producers”
“The EU spends billions on subsidies to farmers every year.”
Förderung, Subvention, Zuschuss
at no cost (phr)
Free of charge; free.
” Flickr allows amateur photographers to publish and share photographs at no cost.”
resident (n)
a person who lives in a particular place or building or who has their home there
” The residents of the village all gathered together for the annual festival.”
Einwohner (pol.)
non-resident (n)
a person who does not live permanently in a particular country / a person not staying at a particular hotel
“Student fees are higher for non-residents.”
“The hotel bar is open to non-residents.”
inhabitant (n)
a person or an animal that lives in a particular place
“It is a town of about 10 000 inhabitants.”
“It eats mice, lizards and other small inhabitants of the forest floor.”
original inhabitant: UReinwohner
citizen (n)
a person who has the legal right to belong to a particular country
“She’s Italian by birth but is now an Australian citizen.”
“Polish citizens living in other parts of the European Union”
naturalise (v)
naturalize somebody: to make somebody who was not born in a particular country a citizen of that country
“I became a naturalized American citizen when I was 18.”
solvent (n)
a substance, especially a liquid, that can dissolve (= remove or destroy by a chemical process) another substance
“This solvent should no longer be used in household cleaning products.”
indefinitely (adv)
for a period of time with no fixed limit
“Your group can continue to occupy the land indefinitely, as the Land Disposition Agreement is renewable.”
“The trial was postponed indefinitely.”
to be up to sthg (phr)
to be doing something / doing something mischievous or scheming.
“I told her what we are up to this afternoon.”
“What are you up to at the moment?”
“Those kids are always up to no good.”
etw. vorhaben / etw. im Schilde haben
staple (adj)
forming a basic, large or important part of something
“The staple crop is rice.”
“ Jeans are a staple part of everyone’s wardrobe.”
Grundnahrungsmittel, Hauptprodukt, “Stapelware”
curb (v)
curb something: to control or limit something, especially something bad
“He needs to learn to curb his temper.”
“…a new law designed to curb harmful emissions from factories”
drosseln, zügeln
form (n)
an official document containing questions and spaces for answers
to fill in a form, to complete a form
an application/entry/order form
“We filed a complaint form to ask for a refund.”
something that you enjoy doing when you are not working (syn: hobby)
“Watching television is still the most popular national pastime.”
“Fishing is an enjoyable pastime for people of all ages.”
“Reading is my favourite pastime”.
der Zeitvertreib
dedicate (v)
to give focused time and attention to something/someone because you think it is important / to say at the beginning of a book, a piece of music or a performance, or when receiving an award, that you are doing it for somebody, as a way of thanking them or showing respect
“He dedicated four hours a week to photography.” “She dedicates herself to her work.”
I want to dedicate this award to my first music teacher, Ben Gould.
theme (n)
the subject or main idea in a talk, piece of writing or work of art
“Hot temperatures were a common theme over the past couple of weeks. “
“The President stressed a favourite campaign theme—greater emphasis on education.”
Thema, Thematik, Motiv, Leitmotiv
proceed (v)
proceed (with something) to continue doing something that has already been started; to continue being done
” Pierre wanted to add illustrations to his work but he did not understand how to proceed”
“Work is proceeding slowly.”
vorgehen, weitermachen
neglect (v)
neglect somebody/something: to fail to take care of somebody/something
“Don’t neglect your health.”
“Local communities have been neglected in favour of private sector interests.”
impeccable (adj)
without mistakes or faults
syn: perfect
“The interns are expected to show impeccable conduct during their assignments.”
“He was dressed in a suit and an impeccable white shirt.”
“Her written English is impeccable.”
einwandfrei, makellos