Weather and Climate: Ch. 3 Flashcards
Equation for Mean Daily Temp
(maximum day temp + minimum day temp) /2
Equation for Daily Temp Range
max day temp - min day temp
Equation for Monthly Mean Temp
Add mean daily temps for month / # of days in month
Equation for Annual Mean Temp
Average of 12 monthly means
Equation for Annual Temp Range
Warmest average monthly temp - coldest average temp
What is the primary control of daily air temp?
Earth’s rotation
What time are sun rays most intense?
around noon
During the afternoon, incoming solar radiation _______ outgoing radiation
What does incoming solar radiation exceeding outgoing radiation cause
energy surplus
When is the max temp for dry regions on cloud-free days?
late afternoon (3 - 5pm)
When is the max temp for humid regions?
around 2pm
IR energy is emitted by surface
Rediational cooling
Early morning (before sunrise), day’s _________ temp is reached
Annual temperature cycle more pronounced ________ from equator
Highest and lowest temps do not coincide ________
Annual temperature cycle lags behind solstices by average of ___ days in U.S.
Annual temperature cycle lags behind solstices by average of ___ days near larger bodies of water
Annual Temperature Cycle: Warmest =
end of July
Annual Temperature Cycle: Coldest =
end of January
Factor that causes temp to vary
Temperature control
What are the 6 reasons temperatures vary?
- Latitude
- Elevation
- Land and Water
- Ocean Currents
- Prevailing Winds
- Cloud Cover
Characteristics of Latitude
- Primary control of temp
- temp decreases on average as you gain latitude away from equator
- typically, greater variation in temp from south to north in winter
Temps _______ as you ______ elevation
decrease; increase
Water heats and cools ______ and to a _______ degree than land
slower; lesser
Water is highly _______
Water is ________
Land is _______
_____ heat is required to raise temp of water compared to land
_________ from water is greater than land
Characteristics of Maritime Climate
- locations downwind of water
- experience smaller range in annual temp
Characteristics of Continental Climate
- inland locations
- experience greater range in annual temp
Ocean currents transport _____ from one region of world to another
warm ocean current that flows from tropics to midlatitudes
Gulf Stream
The Gulf Stream supplies heat to cooler __________
cold ocean current that flows from cold to warm latitudes
California Current
Dominant wind direction
Prevailing Wind
Characteristics of Windward coast
- prevailing winds blow from ocean to land
- keeps and temps cooler
Prevailing winds blow from land to ocean
Leeward coast
Cloud cover keeps daytime temps _______
Cloud cover keeps night temps _______
Clouds reduce incoming _______ ________
solar radiation
Clouds absorb outgoing ___, emitting it back to ________
IR; surface
Clouds act as a ________ “snuggie” at night
What is another factor why temperatures vary?
Urban Heat Island
a city that is an island of warmth surrounded by cooler air
Urban Heat Island
Lines that connect points of equal temp
Iso = ______
Therm = _______
Isotherms never _____ eachother
amount of temp change per distance
Temperature Gradient
Steep gradient = …
closely spaced isotherms
Closely spaced isotherms = …
rapid temp change
What are the only two countries to use the Fahrenheit Scale
U.S. and Belize
Using the Fahrenheit Scale, water freezes at ____
Using the Fahrenheit Scale, water boils at ____
The Celsius Scale is used for most _______ purposes
Using the Celsius Scale, water freezes at ____
Using the Celsius Scale, water boils at ____
What is the equation to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
℃ x 1.8 + 32
What is the equation to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
(℉ - 32) / 1.8
Perceived increase or decrease in temp felt by human body
Apparent Temperature
What are the 2 indices used for Apparent Temperature?
- The Heat Index (HI)
- Windchill
Characteristics of Heat Index
- High humidity impedes evaporation:
–> people more uncomfortable on hot, humid days - Combines temp with humidity
Characteristics of Windchill
- Faster wind blows = greater body’s heat loss
- Uses temp and wind speed
- Frostbite (freezing of skin)
Heat is removed from exposed skin quickly and discolors and freezes
Person loses body heat faster than body can produce it in …
cold, damp weather
lowering of human body causes mental and physical collapse
Hypothermia can happen at temps between
32℉ and 50℉
What is the hottest region in the U.S.?
desert SW
What is the coldest region of the continental U.S.:
Northern Great Plains and northern Maine