It is the condition of the air or atmosphere at a particular place over a short period of time. (Ex: sunny, rainy, windy)
It is not permanent and may vary from minute-to-minute due to temperature, humidity, and wind speed & direction.
Change in weather includes:
- Raining
- Snowing
- Hazing
It refers to the weather pattern of a place over a long period, long enough to yield meaningful averages. (Ex. hot and humid)
This can be changed in hundreds, thousands or millions of years.
Give an example of climate change.
- Ice age to last 2 billion years ago
What are the 5 greenhouse gasses
- Water Vapor
- Carbon Dioxide
- Methane
- Chlorofluorocarbons
- Nitrous Oxide
Most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
Water Vapor
From burning of fossil fuels
Carbon Dioxide
Produces from decaying plant or animal matter.
Used as refrigerant in refrigerator and air-conditioning units.
Also called as laughing gas, _________ has been used in surgical and dental procedures for years because of its anesthetic and analgesic properties.
Nitrous Oxide
It is the amount of water that is returned to air from liquid to gaseous state.
It is measured using an evaporation pan.
It refers to the fraction of the sky obscured by clouds when observed from a particular location.
Cloud Cover / State of the Sky
_________ is the usual unit of measurement of the cloud cover.
_________ oktas means clear.
_________ oktas means the sky is completely covered.
It is the response to solar radiation.
It is measured using a thermometer.
Common units are degree ___________, ___________, ___________, and ___________.
- Celsius
- Fahrenheit
- Kelvin
- Rankine
It is the water vapor content of the atmosphere.
Indicates likelihood or precipitation, dew or fog.
Expressed as percent, measures current absolute humidity relative to maximum (highest point) for that temperature.
Relative Humidity
Ration of water vapor content of mixture to total air content on mass basis.
Specific Humidity
Water content of air expressed in gram per cubic meter.
Absolute Humidity
Amount of humidity in % is measured by ___________.
Areas near ocean or large bodies of water usually have milder climates with less temperature variation compared to inland areas.
Humidity: Proximity in Water
Water Heats and cools more slowly than land, moderating the climate.
Humidity: Proximity in Water
Amount of water that is released from the atmosphere.
Rainfall / Precipitation
Rainfall / Precipitation is measured in mm by using a __________.
Rain Gauge
It is the force exerted on a surface by air above it as gravity pulls it to Earth.
Atmospheric Pressure
It is measured in Barometer
Atmospheric Pressure
It is the air in motion.
It has magnitude and direction.
It is measured using anemometer and wind vane or aero vane.
_________ can carry air masses with different temperatures and humidity levels, affecting the weather.
Wind from the ocean can bring ___________ air.
Wind from the deserts can bring ___________ air.
The type and amount of __________ can influence local weather patterns.
It is the distance from the equator significantly affects temperature and climate.
Regions closer to the equator are generally __________, while those further away are ___________.
- Warmer
- Cool
Higher ___________ tend to hand cooler temperatures.
for every 100 meters increase in altitude, the temperature typically drops by about 1º.
On March 4-6, 2023, temperature in the municipality dropped to zero degrees Celsius that paved the way for frost to form on top of the leaves of plants although there was no significant damage to crops that was reported during that time.
Atok, Benguet
It is continuous record of bright sunshine hour is obtained by sunshine recorder; consists of a spherical glass mounted on a stand. When the sun rays fall on the glass, a strip of prepared paper held in a grove at the focus length starts burning.
Campbell Stoke Sunshine Recorder
It is a device used for measuring radiant flux of electromagnetic radiation.
It is a shelter for thermometer, hydrometer and other instrument used in measuring temperature and humidity.
Stevenson Screen
It consist of two horizontally placed thermometers. One records the minimum temperature of the day and the other records the maximum temperature of the day,
Minimum and Maximum Thermometer
It is an instrument swung freely in the air or is aerated by a fan, the loss of heat required to evaporate water fro the wet bulb will cause it to show lower temperature reading.
Sling Psychrometer
This devices use a human or animal hair under tension. Hair is hygroscopic, its length changes with humidity and the length changes mage be magnified by a mechanism and indicated on a dial or scale.
It is used to measure atmospheric pressure, intantaneously.
It is recording minute fluctuation of atmospheric pressure.
Indicates both the wind direction and wind speed or simply the wind velocity.
Aero Vane
It is shaped like an airplane. The nose of the plane points to the direction from which the wind blows and the rotation of the propeller measured the wind speed.
Aero Vane
It is used for the measurement of wind speed. Either three or four metal hemispheres are mounted on arms which rotate freely about a vertical axis.
It is device used for measuring the amount of rainfall. It is 8 in. in diameter. The rainfall collected is being measured with the use of the dipstick with a measurement on it.
Rainfall entering the funnel collector is directed to the tipping bucket assembly. When the incremental amount of precipitation has been collected, the buckets assembly tips and activates a magnetic reed switch. The sample is discharged through the base of the gauge.
Tipping Bucket Recorded and Rain Gauge
It is a device which measured the amount of water evaporated in certain time from the surface. It consists of a round reservoir with a diameter of 46.5 inches and depth of ten inches. The tank is filled with water up to two and half inches from the top. The decrease by noting the level of water with the help of vernier scale.
Evaporation Pan