Weapons of War Flashcards
Repeating Riffle
-Developed in the late 1800’s by 1900 was the main weapon of most armies
* Uses a 6 bullet “clip” to repeatedly fire
* Replaced the top loading musket (which could shoot 3 bullets a min)
* Could attach a bayonet to the
end which allows the gun to be used as a spear
-virtually the only weapon that can be used to take enemy positions
-Short range (the only way to get to the enemy is to literally run there…think machine gun)
* Easily jams with mud and dirt
* The form of attack that creates the most casualties for your side
-Soldiers on horseback carrying swords and repeating rifles
-Very fast and maneuverable – able to attack with both weapons and the horse, itself
-Can pull carts and other equipment
-Difficult to run through the mud and craters of a battlefield
* Easy target for machine guns (unable to “get down”)
* Prone to panic from the intensity of the explosions
Machine Gun
-A gun capable of firing hundreds of bullets per minute
-can kill many soldiers quickly
-nullified calvary
Easily overheats and jams
Heavy and unwieldly – limited to defensive positions
-Invented in 1901 by the Wright brothers
-a machine that can fly over the battlefield
-is equipped with a machine gun and sometimes bombs
-good for scouting
-Highly entertaining (gambling on dogfights)
* Pilots would sometimes drop chains, bricks and flaming bottles of alcohol
-can carry little weight
-limited range
Chlorine Gas
-Imagine the effects of too much chlorine in a swimming pool, now hyper-concentrate it and make it a gas
* When released will carry on the wind
* It melts lungs and soft tissue, often resulting in death or chronic breathing problems
* First introduced by Germany on April 22, 1915 was replaced it with
mustard gas in 1917
-can kill many soldiers quickly with limited casualties
-The wind could change and blow it back on your own troop or into a nearby town
-The advent of gasmask greatly reduced its efficacy
Extremely large gun that can fire shells with incredible force over considerable distance
-Can kill many soldiers quickly with minimal casualties
* Destroys fortifications, tanks, artillery, and machine gun nests
-hard to manuever
difficult to aim
-it is hard to find enemy artillery
-comes from the English word, “fear nothing”
-first built in 1906 by the British
-The largest and most powerful class of warship in history
-would win in a traditional ship to ship battle
-very expensive
-difficult to aim accurately
-not very useful against submarines
-WWI mostly fought on land
Flame Thrower
-invented by Germany in 1900
-Used gas under pressure to fire a lit stream of accelerant (thickened gasoline) at a target
-The tank was carried on the back of a soldier who could shoot flames towards the
-can quickly eliminate everyone in a bunker or trench
-limited range and mobility
-if tank is hit it can explode
*First deployed in 1915 by the British
*Equipped with machine guns and flame throwers
An armored vehicle with conveyor-belt-like tracks over its wheels to traverse difficult territory
-heavy duty
-artillery can advance behind it
-good for getting past barbed wire
-constantly got stuck in mud
-slow and easy target
-engines tend to overheat
- a ship which can travel underwater
-can shoot torpedos - also has a cannon on top
-can sink supply ships
-can stay submerged for an extended period of time
-difficult to find targets
-needs to be above war to shoot targets
-short lifespan