weaknesses of the federal government Flashcards
andrew johnson profile
Represented Tennessee in house + senate, was gov from 1853-1857
seemed like the clear choice as Lincoln’s running mate in 1864
Supported emancipation, but racist
Became President after Lincoln’s death
Held deep differences with Congress over Reconstruction
Was impeached in 1868, only narrowly escaping conviction
what were johnson’s plans?
wanted to reintegrate southern states fast as possible
favoured leniency
slavery must be abolished, but no wish to promote positive of ex slaves - freed slaves didnt get vote
accepted wade davis bill for oath of loyalty (all southerners except confed soldiers + plantation owners would be pardoned if swore allegiance to union)
but, agreed that when each former confed. state held convention to revise its constitution, those attending convention would be elected by 1860 white electorate
how successful were these policies?
not very:
aims to shortcut reconciliation (pardoning southerners) didn’t work as intended + caused repub. Opposition
Had wanted to purge old plantation aristocracy and prevent from gaining power + influence in congress
But new state govs dominated by old southern elites
And men elected to present southern states in congress mostly former confed politicians + officers
New state govs also backtracked on rights for african americans - every state brought in black codes
Several states refused to ratify constitutional amendment for abolishing slavery
was his policy flawed?
Understandable that wanted to reconcile south, prevent ex confed becoming ‘degraded and debased’
But had betrayed northern libs
Undermined status of black people in south
Allowed old confed leaders to creep back into politics
what opposition came from the south
The men that southern states elected in conventions for state govs were ex confederate politicians etc.
None allowed limited voting rights to freedmen.
All raised objections to ratifying 13th amendment
Imposed black codes.
Raised doubt about southern acceptance of defeat.
1865 KKK founded by confed ex-soldiers in tennessee
1866 race riots in memphis, new orleans + other s. cities
By 1868, entrenched opposition to reconstruction across whole south
how did congress oppose johnson?
through overturning of vetoes..
December 1865, congress refused to seat representatives of reorganised southern states
Formed joint committee on reconstruction to decide whether southern states should be allowed back in union
Johnson’s vetoing of civil rights act etc damaged relations w congress
Alienated moderate republicans and forced them to side w radicals - so stronger opposition
Rallying behind amendment shows opposition
Johnson denounced amendment, as angered south
Congress passed Reconstruction Act feb 1867
why did johnson clash w/ radical thaddeus stevens
stevens wanted to confiscate estates + redistribute to freedmen
Knew econ freedom as important for slaves as political
veto of freedmen’s bureau bill
J didn’t work w/ moderate republicans, sided w/ democrats.
Congress passed a bill strengthening powers of freedmen’s bureau (+3 years, prosecute offenders of discrim. against freedmen).
Johnson vetoed bill.
passed another freedmen’s bureau act 1866, johnson vetoed this too
civil rights act 1866
congress passed civil rights bill 1866 which gave minimum rights to black people & allowed fed intervention to enforce them
Johnson vetoed bill
Congress overturned presidential veto (2/3rd majority in both houses, ensured passage of civil rights bill)
what was the purpose of the 14th amendment/what did it do
to make sure civil rights bill couldn’t be changed in future
Stated people born in us or naturalised were us citizens, and all us citizens had equality before law
Gave fed. authorities right to intervene if state breached rules
Rejected by all ex-confed states except tennessee
Third clause disqualified from office anyone who had previously supported confederacy - cancelled most of Johnson’s pardons
Most controversial event of reconstruction amendments
reconstruction act 1867 - veto + what did it do?
Johnson vetoed
March, congress voted through again, overriding veto
Act declared all previous measures to reintegrate southern states void, only tennessee recognised
other ten ex-confed states effectively abolished
put under military rule until elected delegates agreed new state constitution that allowed voting rights for african americ. males
After this + ratifying 14th amend., would be allowed back in union
how did johnson oppose the reconstruction act
obstructed by placing conservative military officers in control of military districts
why did congress attempt to impeach johnson
his obstructionist tactics
how did congress try to impeach johnson
by passing laws to limit his powers:
Prohibited president from issuing direct military orders
through the Tenure of office act
what was the tenure of office act
act passed by congress to limit johnson’s powers + start process of impeachment
Known that J wanted to get rid of secretary of war, edwin stanton
J suspended stanton 1867, strengthened alliance between moderates + radicals
Tried to dismiss stanton 1868
Thaddeus Stevens led house of reps to start process of impeachment
outcome of impeachment?
11 charges placed against J, most breaches of tenure of office act
Led to Johnson being placed on trial in senate
Conviction seemed certain, as strong repub majority, but many resisted
Didn’t want to take extreme step + moderates not keen on potential successor Wade
In end, Johnson saved from conviction by 1 vote
Ruined chances of reelection
what was grant’s background
Victorious war hero
Close to radicals
Had a mandate, legitimate
Engaging personality ?
No political background - inexperienced
overview of grant’s presidency
Dominated by the issue of reconstruction and ended in failure and disappointment
Administration was plagued by accusations of corruption
Best known before as the Union general who led union to victory during civil war
Presidency lasted two years
how did democrats depict themselves in the ‘reconstruction election’ of 1868
Republicans represented themselves as the party of patriotism and principle, painting the Democrats as ‘disloyal’.
what did grant’s victory depend on?
7,000,000 votes from African-Americans, which made Republicans even more determined to strengthen the provisions for black voting rights
15th amendment
gave voting rights to black men
passed in February 1869, before Grant was even inaugurated
who carried out implementation of reconstruction policies
the Federal Government, by state governments in those states where the republicans had a majority in the state legislatures and by organisations such and the Freedmen’s Bureau
enforcement acts
Between 1870 and 1871, the federal government passed 3 enforcement acts to strengthen the provision of the 14th and 15th amendments to try and limit discrimination
intentions of civil rights act 1875
Intended to guarantee equal treatment in issues such as jury service and public transport
reactions to civil rights act
Even some Republicans regarded this as an extreme interference with state governments, and there was a long struggle before it passed
He signed but there was still mounting opposition to such policies in the South, Radical Reconstruction was losing momentum
where did opposition to radical reconstruction come from
‘on the ground’ from white terrorist groups e.g. kkk
political opposition from southern state legislatures
powerful reaction from democratic party in south - redeemers
how did Violence and intimidation reduce the Republican vote from African-Americans - examples
in Louisiana more than a thousand people were killed, most of them freedmen. This violence was carried out by extremist groups, but they were openly encouraged by ‘respectable’ white politicians.
In 1873 three whites and an estimated 150 pro-republican freedmen were killed in the Colfax massacre
States such as Mississippi, Arkansas and Alabama were ‘redeemed’ with the help of similar violent actions
examples of legal forms of discrimination to promote redemption of south
voters were disfranchised by measures such as literacy tests and vagrancy laws.
at what point had redeemers won back white Democratic control of most of the ex-confederate states?
by 1876
The failure of Radical Reconstruction
By 1875, support was waning in congress
Liberal Republicans were reluctant to keep using federal troops in the South
The redeemers had gained confidence due to won back states
‘Redemption’ was helped by Grant’s decision to approve the amnesty act in 1872, allowing large numbers of ex-Confederates to return to political life
In March 1876, two rulings by the Supreme Court went in favour of Southern conservatives, not federal laws.
why did reconstruction ultimately fail?
ten years since end of civil war, even radical republicans now tired of constant political battles
northern public sick of hearing about southern affairs
grant’s position weakened by stock market panic 1873
what corruption scandals was grant highly criticised for?
1869 black friday scandal - conspiracy btwn gould and fisk to control ny gold market; grant not directly involved but tainted by brothers links to gould + fisk
tweed ring - political machine based on patronage that was controlling politics in nyc
personal secretary caught taking bribes from whiskey ring
why was republican party in mess at end of grant’s presidency
combination of scandals and econ depression left grant badly discredited. liberal republicans deserted him, party divided. clear grant would not win third term in office