mckinley Flashcards
Attitudes towards business
Administration filled w wealthy men
set out business friendly policies
Did nothing to prevent consolidation of business into ever larger corporations
Economic attitudes/policies
Maintained protective tariff, so pleased conservative voters
Dingley Tariff Act 1897 pushed tariff rates to higher level
McKinley = strong believer in gold standard
- Strengthened by Alaska-Yukon Gold Rush of 1897-99
- Increased amount of gold in circulation
1900, introduced Currency Act
- Committed us to maintain gold standard
- Potential problems caused by these policies lessened by affluence of time, inc. farm prices
Foreign policy//impact on presidency
McKinley’s position strengthened by Spanish American War
Mc not particularly expansionist, but happy to bask in glory of naval successes in cuba + pacific
Appointed hero of war, roosevelt as vp upon 1900 reelection
Not harmonious pair, differences in beliefs, but strong electoral team + easily defeated bryan