the gilded age Flashcards
what was hayes’ attitude to presidency
moderate, in policies and personality, aimed to reconcile south (tried to give ‘home rule’ to south + preserve rights of all americans - impossible to do both)
who was samuel tilden and what was his approach?
tilden = demoncrat candidate, hayes’ rival in election 1876
moderate reformer, enhanced reputation by attacking corruption of tweed ring. could only succeed w/ support of south
why was the election of 1876 disputed?
tilden narrowly won overall popular vote
but, electoral college = confused
democrats claimed tilden won south carolina, florida + louisiana
republicans, who still held power in those states, disqualified enough democrat votes as invalid to challenge results + declare hayes winner
obviously massive electoral fraud on both sides - potentially disastrous political stalemate
compromise of 1877
after lengthy negotiations, hayes offered to:
remove all federal troops from south
provide fed aid, back railroad + public works development
why did the democrats accept compromise
would enable redemption of south
giving up fight to make tilden president relatively small price to pay
easy to promise to treat freedmen equally, as no chance of this actually happening
how did the 1877 compromise mark the end of reconstruction?
removal of troops took all force out enforcement acts + reconstruction leg, and the implementation of principles of 24th + 15th amendments
what did the democrats stand for
states rights, white supremacy, limited role of federal govt, low tariffs, little man
what did the republicans stand for
union, favoured big business, values of americans outside of south
why was hayes a weak president?
one term promise = lame duck
political opponents strengthened by 1877 compromise
consequences of 1877 compromise + redemption of the south
‘unredeemed’ state legislatures claimed by democrats
southern states become solid south, democratic stranglehold
redeemers dismantle reformist legislation, e.g. black voting rights undermined, discriminatory changes to law concerning land + black farmers
consequences of 1877 compromise + redemption of the south
‘unredeemed’ state legislatures claimed by democrats
southern states become solid south, democratic stranglehold
redeemers dismantle reformist legislation, e.g. black voting rights undermined, discriminatory changes to law concerning land + black farmers
who opposed hayes’ attempts to root out corruption + patronage?
block of republican dissidents, the Stalwarts, led by roscoe conkling
how did hayes challenge the stalwarts?
sacked chester arthur, one of conkling’s key supporters
who were the two fractions in the divided republican party
the stalwarts and the half-breeds
who did the stalwarts support?
ulysses grant - seemed likely to win
who did the nominating convention become deadlocked between?
blaine and grant
who emerged as the dark horse candidate from this infighting?
james garfield (governor of ohio)
how did garfield try to unite the party?
by accepting chester arthur as running mate
why was the appearance of republican dominance misleading
although garfield win 1880 election, margin of victory v close
garfield won popular vote by only 10,000
summary of chester arthur as president
limited talent
dubious integrity - tainted by links to conkling
only chosen to run as vp to unite party
mediocre, not disastrous
when did grover cleveland become president
1884, defeated in 1888, second term 1892
why did cleveland win in 1884
support from immigrants and southerners, promised to keep tariffs low
promise to tackle corruption + end spoils system
what was harrison’s winning campaign in 1888 election
need for high protective tariff
why did harrison win the election
support from frand army of the republic (GAR), org. represented verterns of northern armies in civil war
cleveland had refused to go along w GARs demands, denouncing as unjustified + corrupt
harrison gave GAR pensions, won support + votes
mckinley tariff
proposed by harrison, passed by congress in 1890, increased tariff levels
what was the state of corruption at the beginning of this era
state govts riddled w patronage + pork barrel politics, e.g. tweed ring in nyc and tammany hall
power and influence of big businesses - cartels + trusts
attempts to tackle corruption
efforts made to deal w problem by grant + hayes, only in presidency of garfield was there any real progress
pendleton act - who passed, what was it?
The Pendleton Act provided that federal government jobs be awarded on the basis of merit and that government employees be selected through competitive exams
chester arthur
limited imporvement in terms of corruption
political machines e.g. tammany hall still powerful
harrison’s public image = anti-corruption, but dealings w GAR classic example of pork-barrel politics
sherman antitrust
passed by congress 1890, allowed fed powers to try to limit monopolies etc