Weak interactions Flashcards
Parity and charge conjugation violations
What’s the proof of the weak interaction violating parity and charge conjugation?
Two experiments: decay of polarised cobalt-60, decay of polarised muons
Cobalt decay:
- the left- and right-handed neutrinos don’t appear with the same probability (fundamental process: decay of a neutron)
- the spins of the products of the decay are aligned: the electron shouldn’t have a preferred direction compared to the spin direction
- preferred direction of electrons when emitted: opposite to the nuclear spin —» violation of parity
- explanation: right-handedness (helicity = 1) of the anti-neutrino
Muon decay:
- the direction of the emitted electron depends on the angle of it compared to the muon polarisation
- preferred direction of the electron: opposite to muon spin
Charge conjugation:
- for antinichel and antimuons: positrons would be emitted in the preferred direction of the spin of the nucleus/muon
- reason: helicity = –1 for the electron neutrino
- this is different from the electron —» violation of charge conjugation
Neutral kaon oscillations and CP violation
What happens in the decay of kaons if CP is assumed to be a symmetry?
Let us assume that CP is a symmetry of nature.
Decay of kaons:
- the K0 and ¯K0 both decay into two pions, so they can oscillate into each other
- due to the decay, the time evolution leads out of the kaon subspace
- H(eff) (Weisskopf-Wigner approximation): complex eigenvalues (real parts: masses, imaginary parts: decay width) + K(S) and K(L) eigenvectors (not necessarily orthogonal)
- two types of kaons: short and long (reffering to their lifetimes) whose eigenstates don’t coincide with the strong int. eigenstates
- [CP, H(eff)] = 0 for now, so K(S) and K(L) should be identifiable as K1 and K2 CP eigenstates
- K1 = K(S), short component decays first (into two pions), K2 = K(L), long component decays second (into three pions)
Neutral kaon oscillations and CP violation
How do kaons still violate CP symmetry?
Violation of CP:
- if CP isn’t a symmetry, the K1 and K2 states mix: K(S) and K(L) will be linearcombinations
- two pions decays of the K(L) state were observed
- indirect CP violation: physical states aren’t CP eigenstates
- direct CP violation: a CP = –1 (K2) eigenstate can decay into two pions as well
The Standard Model requires an at least 3x3 CKM matrix for CP violation and thus 3 families of quarks. There’s a CP-violating phase in the matrix.