From relativistic QM to QFT Flashcards
from relativistic QM to QFT
What is the requirement for a detailed theory for calculating M_if?
We have to construct a Hamiltonian that is Lorentz invariant and compatible with other symmetries of nature as well.
relativistic QM
How can we generalize QM to fit special relativity?
By substituting the relativistic energy-momentum relation: E^2 – p^2 = m^2 into the Schrödinger equation, the Klein-Gordon equation can be constructed.
(kocka op. + m^2)𝛙(t,x) = 0
relativistic QM
What are the difficulties with solving the Klein-Gordon equation?
- Lack of covariant probability current that gives a positive-definite probability density. From the KG eq. and its conjugate a probability current that is a conserved four-vector quantity van be constructed but its 0th probability densitiy component is not positive-definite.
- Existence of negative-energy solutions. The solutions are plane waves with corresponding four-momenta that satisfy the mass shell condition. Only the 0th components are bounded by the condition, so unbounded negative-energy states can also be present, which contradicts the observed stability of matter.
relativistic QM
What’s the general solution of the KG eq. and what does it represent physically?
Obtaining the solution:
- Going over to the momentum space by a Fourier-transform.
- Finding the algebraic equation that restricts the momentum space solution (non-vanishing only on the mass shell).
- Implementing 2. by setting the momentum space solution to a specific function.
- Substituting 3. into the real space solution.
- Introducing a(p) and b(p) complex amplitudes (along with the invariant one-particle phase space element).
Physical meaning:
- the a(p) term: positive energy solution of spatial momentum p
- the b(p) term: negative energy solution of spatial momentum –p
relativistic QM
How can the spin description be included and the problems with the solutions of the KG eq. be eliminated?
For 1/2-spin fermions the equation should be first order in the time derivative (to eliminate negative-energy states) and also in the spatial derivatives (to keep the Lorentz invariance). Furthermore the new eq. should imply the KG eq.
- The form of the solution: insert képlet.
- Finding a and b to reproduce the KG eq.
- The solutions: 4x4 matrices: γ matrices and their relations.
- Upgrading 𝛙 to a bispinor with spinors as components.
- Result: Dirac equation
The four-vector current constructed from this is a good probability current that gives a positive-definite probability density. The problem of negative energies is still not solved though.
relativistic QM
How can the Hamiltonian be constructed from the Dirac equation?
From the Dirac eq. the Dirac Hamiltonian can be obtained.
insert képlet
relativistic QM
How can the energy eigenfunctions be derived for the Dirac equation?
The plane wave solutions of the Dirac eq. correspond to the eigenfunctions of the Dirac Hamiltonian with energy p^0. These must satisfy two equations to which there are four solutions: two with positive and two with negative energy.
- Separating the positive and negative energy solutions.
- Introducing the u and v bispinors, that satisfy certain equations.
- Constructing u and v with spinors ξ and η.
- Choosing an orthonormal pair of spinors χ(s) and χ~(s) with which u and v can be “finalized”.
- Writing the completeness relations.
relativistic QM
How can we explain the two spin states of an electron?
The explanation is the double degeneracy of the energy levels. Taking the low energy limit in the positive-energy solution, the two surviving components can be interpreted as the two components of the electron wave function, corresponding to the spin up and spin down states.
relativistic QM
What’s the physical meaning of the negative energy solutions?
The initial idea is that we can interpret the negative-energy solutions as a positive-energy solution travelling backwards in time. This can be taken further by interpreting this as a particle traveling forwards in time but that has the exact opposite of every conserved charge of the original particle. These particles are the antiparticles: same mass, same spin but opposite charges.
The travelling backwards in time part is quite unsatisfactory anyway.
relativistic QM
What is chirality?
The right- and left-handedness of states. It can be constructed with the 5th gamma matrix.
- for positive energy states: chirality = helicity
- for negative energy states: chirality = opposite helicity
E.g.: neutrinos are left-handed, antineutrinos are right-handed.
helicity: the spin component that’s in the direction of motion
relativistic QM
What are the general solutions of the Dirac equation?
The plane wave solutions form a complete set of solutions of the Dirac eq. The most general solution is taking their linear combination with generally complex coefficients: insert képlet
The two terms correspond to the positive- and negative- energy states or to a particle and antiparticle each.
a sketch of QFT
How can we recontextualize QM to get rid of its problems?
Problems: negative probabilities from the wave functions of scalar particles, negative energy states that are interpreted as antiparticles but the concept that that invokes such as travelling backwards in time are iffy at best. The finiteness of the speed of light also prevents us from describing interactions via a potential relativistically.
Solution: getting rid of the pointlike particles and intorducing fields whose evolution only depends on fields and their derivatives.
- particles = localised excitations of fields
- particle interactions = ripples in a mediator field
a sketch of QFT
What’s second quantisation? How does the quantisation of fields work?
Promoting the probability field of the wave function to a type of field that acts as an operator on the (Hilbert) space of states that can create or annihilate particles.
So in essence, the amplitudes of the field normal modes are now operators that can excite and add particles to the vacuum state or erase them from there.
a sketch of QFT
How do creation/annihilation operators work for bosons/fermions?
insert formulas for the wave function, Hamiltonian, electric charge
- operators obey commutation relations
- the order doesn’t matter when writing a multiparticle state
- operators obey anticommutation relations
- the order doesn’t matter when writing a multiparticle state up to a sign (particle operators before antiparticle ones by convention)
a sketch of QFT
How can the EM field be described by QFT?
In QFT it’s the photon field: insert képlet
- it includes the two physical polarizations of the photons
- the operators must obey the commutation relations since the photon is a spin-1 boson
- the theory reflects that the photon is its own antiparticle