Relativistic kinematics Flashcards
Lorentz transformations
What’s a proper orthocronous Lorentz transformation?
A Lorentz transformation that doesn’t change either the direction of time nor the orientation of space and that consists of 3D rotations and boosts.
- orthocronous: Λ^0(0) ≥ 1, doesn’t change the sign of the time coordinate
- proper: detΛ = 1, leaves the orientation of space unchanged
Mandelstam variables
What are Mandelstam variables?
A convenient set of variables to describe the kinematics of 2 → 2 scattering processes:
s ≡ (p(a) + p(b))^2 = (p(c) + p(d))^2 ,
t ≡ (p(a) − p(c))^2 = (p(b) − p(d))^2 ,
u ≡ (p(a) − p(d))^2 = (p(b) − p(c))^2 .
- Lorentz invariant by construction
- only two of the three variables can be independent at once
- s + t + u = m(a)^2 + m(b)^2 + m(c)^2 + m(d)^2
- they satisfy various bounds that determine the physical region in which s, t, u can take values for a physical proces (graphical rep of the allowed range of values: Mandelstam plane (triangle))
Mandelstam variables
What is crossing symmetry?
The scattering amplitude for the processes
- a + b → c + d: s-channel,
- a + ¯c → ¯b + d: t-channel,
- a + ¯d → c + ¯b: u-channel,
are part of a single analytic function extending beyond the physical domain of the Mandelstam variables. These are the three wedges outside the Mandelstam triangle. The crossing-symmetry relations: A(s)(s, t, u) = A(t)(t, s, u) = A(u)(u, t, s), that are the scattering amplitudes of the corresponding processes.
Invariant phase space
What is the invariant phase space of particles?
The possible states of a spinless particle of mass m are characterised by the four-momenta p^μ that satisfy p^2 = m^2 with positive energy, p0 ≥ m > 0. The phase space is the corresponding domain in R^4: Φ = {p ∈ R^4|p^2 − m^2 = 0 , p0 > 0}.
- infinitesimal phase space: dΩp = d^3p/[(2π)^3 2ε(p)], where ε(p) ≡ √(p^2 + m^2), invariant measure under orthocronous Lorentz trafos
- for n particles: dΦ(n) = ∏(j = 1,n) dΩ(p(j)) (2π)^4 δ^(4)[p(tot) − ∑(j = 1, n) p(j)]
- the two-body phase space: dΦ(2) = dΩ(CM)/(32π^2) √λ(s, m1, m2)/s, where λ(s, m1, m2) = (s − (m1 + m2)^2)(s − (m1 − m2)^2)