WBM Flashcards
Tread way photo
TDP grid size
50 cm in main floor fwd to aft
Latteraly they vary
What can you use to guide you clearing a load
Floating pallets
When cargo is restrained using d rings only there is no requirement to use the X locks
GRS and flat floor overlap
One free frame reference is to be left before TDR (TL / TL 2 and 3 see load plan) can be used
Shaded part of envelope
Case B ZFW CofG forbidden if the fwd 23% MAC applies see WBM
Reduced Payload Areas used when enhanced loading reported.
Used for tracked vehicles frame spacing
Load clearances
150mm to allow smoke detection and rapid decompression to work properly
Can go down to 50mm
Max TO, LDG and ZFW reduced tyre px
120 (120)
120 (120)
117.1 (109.6)
78 (78)
Max lateral imbalance
10,000 kg.m
Generally speaking what weight vehicle can come on no problems at all
=< 5,000
As long as footprints are ok (stick to tredway)
Footprint limits consider
Min contact area
Min edge
Quick H-Arm for stability on wheels
Vehicle 7 m (29.1 - 22.0083)
Pallets 12 m (34.2-22.0083)
How many degrees of lateral restraint is required before you need a LAA
Up to 60’, anything over LAA required
4535 chain around what minimum dimension
19mm but down to 11mm with load reduced to 9000lbs