WBC cases Flashcards
12 week old puppy present with vomiting and bloody diarrhea
PCV: 27% (38-56) normocytic, normochromic
WBC 3.1 (6.0-17.0)
Segs PMN: 1.5 (3.0-11.0)
Band PMN: 0
Lymph: 1.5 (1.0-4.8)
Mono: 0.1 (0.2-1.4)
Eos: 0
normal morphology
TPP: 6.0 (5.8-7.2)
leukopenia with neutropenia, monocytopenia
likely pancytopenia from bone marrow supression. Since dog is young, is presenting with vomiting and diarrhea, and has pancytopenia, could be parvo virus which attacks rapidly dividing cells
4 month old calf presents for acute onset of diarrhea and nasal discharge
PCV: 35% (24-39)
WBC: 7.2 (4.1-11.3)
Seg PMN: 0.7 (0.8-11.3)
Band PMN: 2.5 (rare)
Lymph: 3.5 (1.1-7.5)
Mono: 0.5 (0-0.9)
Eos: 0
WBC morph: toxic PMN and Dohle bodies
TPP: 7.2 (6.8-9.2)
mature neutropenia with toxic left shift
overwhelming tissue demand-inflammatory leukogram
toxic PMN because they are being pushed out of the bone marrow at an increased rate
4 yo dog presents with adbominal distension after having an enterotomy for removal of carpet material
WBC: 36.0 (6.0-17.0)
Seg PMN: 31.0 (3-11)
Band PMN: 2.0 (0-0.3)
Lymph: 2.0 (1-4.8)
Mono: 0.6 (0.2-1.4)
Eos: 0.4 (0-1.3)
WBC morph: PMN have increased cytoplasmic basophilia and vacuolization
Desribe and interpret leukogram, mechanism for changes?
Leukocytosis, Neutrophilia with toxic left shift
Classic inflammatory luekogram
the storage pool from the bone marrow was released into circulation
toxic change from the decrease in time the neutrophils had to mature within the bone marrow
A mare present with signs of acute colic, appears dehydrated and painful
PCV: 58% (30-51)
WBC: 3.3 (5.9-11.2)
Seg PMN: 1.5 (2.3-9.1)
band PMN: 0
Lymph: 1.6 (1.0-4.9)
mono: 0.2 (0-1.0)
eos: 0
WBC morph normal
TPP: 6.8 (6.1-7.9)
Describe and interpret leukogram, mechanism?
erthryocytosis likely due to dehydration and stress
inflammatory leukogram
horses have a small marrow storage pool and slower marrow response times
likely overwhelming tissue demand
cat present with hx of reoccuring abscess on its neck
WBC: 20.5 (4.5-15.7)
seg PMN: 16.8 (2.1-13.1)
Bands: 0
Lymph: 2.5 (1.5-4.0)
mono: 1.0 (0-0.9)
Eos: 0.2 (0-1.9)
WBC morph: normal
Describe and interpret leukogram
mechanism for change?
leukocytosis with neutrophilia and monocytosis
chronic inflammatory leukogram
12 week old intact male Pekingese dog presents for mild lethargy and inappetance. You saw him 7 days ago for vacine appt, at which time ha appeared fine. He has no other clinical signs.
WBC: 18.0 (6.0-17.0)
Seg PMN: 10.0 (3.0-11.0)
band: 0
Lymph: 7.0 (1.0-4.8)
mono: 0.6 (0.2-1.4)
eos: 0.4 (0-1.3)
WBC morph: reactive lymphocytes
describe and interpret leukogram
leukocytosis with lymphocytosis and occ reative lymphocytes
likely from vaccination the week prior
you are volunteering at an animal shelter and a load of young feral cats arrives from health screening. After extracting on eof the cats from a carrier, you bag the cat and manage to draw blood for a CBC
WBC: 21.2 (4.5-15.7)
Seg PMN: 15 (2.1-13.1)
bands: 0
Lymph: 6.0 (1.5-4.0)
Mono: 0.2 (0-0.9)
eos: 0
WBC morph: normal
Describe and interpret the leukogram. Mechanism?
Leukocytosis with neutrophilia and lymphocytosis
epinephrine leukogram,
PMN go from marginated pool to circulating pool possibly increasing the amt of PMN by 3
5 yo MN cairn Terrier presents with history of itchy skin and has been receiving prednisone.
WBC: 19.7 (6.0-17.0)
Seg PMN: 17.0 (3-11)
Band: 0
Lymph: 0.5 (1.0-4.8)
mono: 2.0 (0.2-1.4)
eos: 0.2 (0-1.3)
wbc morph: normal
describe and interpret leukogram. Mechanism?
Leukocytosis with neutrophilia, monocytosis and lymphopenia
Steroid leukogram
glucocorticoids cause a shift from the marginated to circulating as well as released from the storage pool for PMN, mono
glucocorticoids cause sequestration of lymphocytes within lymph nodes
10 yo MN Lab presents for 2 week hx of intermittent diarrhea and lethargy. PE reveals palpable abdominal mass
WBC: 21.44 (6-17)
Seg PMN: 18.2 (3-11)
bands: 1.1 (0-0.3)
Lymph: 0.54 (1.0-4.8)
mono: 1.6 (0.2-1.4)
eos: 0
WBC morph: 1+ toxic change
describe and interpret leukogram. Mechanism?
leukocytosis with neutrophili with toxic left shift, lymphopenia and monocytosis
Steriod leukogram
4 yo FS English Springer Spanial presents with hx of pigmented urine. The owners think she might have a urinary tract infection. On PE, pale and icteric, quiet, responsive, mild heart murmur
WBC: 76.4 (4-13.3)
Seg PMN: 61.12 (2.0-11.2)
band: 7.64 (0-0.1)
Metamyelocytes: 0.76
lymph: 2.29 (1.0-4.5)
mono: 4.58 (0.2-1.4)
eos: 0
2+ toxic change
HCT: 16.0 (37-60)
RBC: 1.97 (5.5-8.5)
Hgb: 5.0 (12-18)
MCV: 81 (60-77)
MCHC: 31.3 (33.6-36.6)
RBC morph: 4+ anisocytosis, 3+ polychromasia, occ Howell-Jolly bodies, 4+ spherocytes, agglutination
reticulocyte: 316,000/ul
Describe and interpret leukogram
Primary DDx
Leukocytosis with neutrophilia with toxic left shift with metamyelocytosis and monocytosis
Classic Inflammatory leukogram
severe macrocytic, hypochromic regenerative anemia with anisocytosis, polychromasia, occasional Howell-Jolly bodies, severe spherocytes and agglutination with reticulocytosis
Primary DDx: IMHA
5 yo DSH MN indoor/outdoor cat present with 3 day hx of lethargy. PE: hypothermic, bradycardic, increased lung soundsbilaterally with dyspnea and weak femoral pulses
WBC: 38.4 (3.4-15.7)
Seg PMN: 5.38 (1.2-13.2)
Bands: 31.1 (0-0.16)
metamyelocytes: 0.38
Lymph: 1.15 (1.0-5.4)
mono: 0.39 (0-0.8)
eos: 0
WBC morph: 4+ cytoplasmic basophilia and vacuolization, numerous Dohle bodies noted
HCT: 20.5 (26-47)
RBC: 4.45 (5.74-10.5)
Hgb: 7.1 (8.8-16.0)
MCV: 46 (39-55)
MCHC: 34.6 (31-35)
Rbc morph: normal
describe and interpret
leukocytosis, degenerative left shift with toxic change and presence of metamyelocytes
mild normocytic, normochromic non-regenerative anemia
could be traumatic wound to thorax caused pleural effusion
poor prognosis because of degenerative left shift
2 month old Holstein-Friesian Heifer with 2 day hx of failure to defecate, lethargy and anorexia. PE: Quiet and depressed, temp: normal, MM: normal, 8% deh, 8 cm non-reducible umbilical hernia
WBC: 16.9 (4.0-12.0)
seg PMN: 11 (0.4-6.0)
Bands: 0
Lymph: 4.9 (1.6-9.0)
mono: 1 (0-1.2)
eos: 0
WBC morph: normal
HCT: 48% (22-38)
MCV: 33.6 (28-40)
MCHC: 33.5 (28-34)
RBC morph: normal
TPP: 8.8 (5.5-8.0)
Fibrinogen 0.5 (0.1-0.4)
Plt: adequate
describe and interpret, acute or chronic?
leukocytosis with neutrophilia
classic inflammatory leukogram
erythrocytosis (from being dehydrated)
hyperproteinemia with hyperfibrinogenemia
likely chronic process because ruminants have a small storage pool and slower maturation time
8 yo Freisian gelding presenting with 2 day hx of lethargy. 8-10% deh, hypermotile liquid gut sounds, diarrhea staining of tail and rear legs
WBC: 1.6 (4.6-11.6)
seg PMN: 0.1 (1.5-8.5)
Bands: 0.21 (0-0.01)
Lymph: 1.14 (0.9-7.5)
mono: 0.16 (0.05-0.6)
WBC morph: 2+ toxic change
HCT: 36 (27-43)
Hgb: 12.8 (10.9-18.1)
MCV: 47.6 (38.2-53.0)
MCHC: 35.6 (34.6-38)
mild rouleaux
describe and interpret, prognosis
leukopenia with degenerative left shift and toxic change
could be endotoxin leukogram
prognosis is good, since it is normal to have a brief period of leukopenia before the bone marrow has time to catch up
4 month old F Golden Retriever with hx of being discharge from the University Hospital 3 weeks ago after being treated successfully for Parvo. She had received fluid therapy, abx, and fenbendazole. She represents for decreased appetite and activity. on presentation, recumbent and unable to stand with white mucous membranes, tachycardic.
WBC: 2.3 (4.0-13.3)
Seg PMN: 0.44 (2.0-11.2)
bands: 0
Lymph: 1.84 (1.0-4.5)
mono: 0.02 (0.2-1.4)
eos: 0
WBC morph: 2+ reactive lymphocytes
HCT: 6% (38.5-60)
RBC: 0.91 (5.5-8.5)
Hgb: 2.3 (12-18)
MCV: 66.5 (64-73)
MCHC 36.5 (33.6-36.6)
RDW: 14.2% (12.5-16.5)
RBC morph: normal
Platelets 4000 (150000-425000)
describe and interpret. what would bone marrow look like?
leukopenia with neutropenia and monocytopenia
critical normocytic, normochromic non-regenerative anemia
pancytopenia from Parvo virus infection
hypoplasia of all three cells types in bone marrow