RBC cases Flashcards
hx: 6 yo F GSD HBC, lateral recumbency with thready pulses, <8 broken ribs, extremely painful
Laboratory Data: HCT: 26% (37-55)
RBC count: 3.88X10^12/L (5.5-8.5)
Hgb: 8.7 g/dl (12.0-18.0)
MCV: 66.8 (60.0-77.0
MCHC: 33.5 g/dl (31.0-34.0)
RBC morpho: WNL
Plasma color: N
TP: 3.2 g/dl (5.5-7.8(
albumin: 1.7 g/dl (2.8-4.0)
Moderate normocytic, normochromic non-regenerative anemia
likely internal bleeding into abdomen from the traumatic HBC
Hx: 9 yo mininature mare who presented for weakness, depression and colic, mm: pale & yellow, weak pulses and rapid swallow breathing, thin, poor BCS, anorexia, foaled several days ago, red/brown urine, no defecation in 2 days, normal gut sounds
HCT: 10% (30-51)
RBC count: 1.53 x 10^12/L (6.5-12.8)
Hgb: 3.6 g/dl (10.9-18.1)
MCV: 53.0 fl (35.0-53.0)
MCHC: 36.0 g/dl (34.6 38.0)
RBC morph: numerous Heinz bodies present, slightly increased anisocytosis
Plasma color: icteric, moderate hemolysis
TP: 7.0 g/dl (5.6-7.0)
albumin: 2.9 gdl (2.4-3.8)
severe normocytic, normochromic regenerative anemia
likely from intravascular hemolysis from a toxin such as red maple leave or onion/garlic
Hx: 6Y MN dog boarded last week, lethargic, vomiting
PE: Temp 101.8, Pulse: 130, Resp: 40/min, MM; pale/icteric, dull depressed, hydration-adequate, Sclera and gums-icteric
RBC: 2.8 (5.71-8.29)
Hgb: 7.83 (13.5-19.9)
HCT: 23.8 (38.5-56.7)
MCV: 85.1 (64.0-73.0)
MCHC: 32.9 (33.6-36.6)
RDW 18.7 (12.5-16.5)
TPP: 6.0 (5.8-7.2)
RBC morph: Anisocytosis +3, polychromasia 3+, spherocytes 3+, 13 nRBC
plasma color: icteric
Moderate macrocytic, hypochromic regenerative anemia
likely IMHA (spherocytes)
Hx: 9 yo Holstein-Friesian cow, calved 1 week ago, developed d 6 d ago, some other cows have d, given electrolyte therapy
PE: temp: 102, Pulse: 108 bpm, resp-68/min, MM: pink, hydration-~10% deh, QAR, BCS 3/5
RBC: 9.36 (5.52-8.48)
Hgb: 16.6 (8.6-13.6)
HCT: 44.6 (24.9-39.1)
MCV: 47.7 (39.2-52.2)
MCHC: 34.0 (33.5-35.7)
RDW: 21.0 (18.6-22.4)
TPP: 10.5 (6.9-9.4)
Alb: 4.3 (2.3-3.5)
RBC morph: normal
Plasma color: normal
Erythrocytosis with hyperproteinemia
likely due to dehydration from the diarrhea
Hx: 2.5 yo M GSD occasional v bile-tinged fluid, lethargy, & anorexia for few weeks
abdominocentesis-marked mixed inflammatory process
conc urine with mild pre-renal azotemia
leukocytosis with inflammatory profile
RBC: 4.48 (5.5-8.5)
Hgb: 10.4 (12-18)
HCT: 31 (37-55)
MCV: 71.2 (60-77)
MCHC: 33.5 (31-34)
TPP: 5.7 (5.2-7.2)
RBC morph: normal
Plasma: normal
mild normocytic, normochromic non regenerative anemia
Anemia of inflammatory disease
Hx: 6yo MN yellow lab, several weeks of intermittent diarrhea, occ melena
RBC: 3.2 (5.71-8.29)
Hgb: 5.89 (13.5-19.9)
HCT: 19 (39-57)
MCV: 60 (64-73)
MCHC: 31 (33.6-36.6)
TPP: 3.8 (5.2-7.2)
Reticulocytes: 24,900 (<80,000 ul)
rbc morph: 2+ keratocytes, 1+ schistocytes, 2+ hypochromasia
plasma: normal
Severe microcytic, hypochromic non-regenerative anemia
Schistocytes: DIC, vasculitis, vascular tumor
blood loss–>Fe defiency
Hx: 7 yo MN mixed breed dog presented for lethargy and vomiting
RBC: 1.47 (5.6-8)
Hgb: 3.4 (14-19)
HCT: 11 (40-55)
MCV: 77 (65-75)
MCHC: 30.1 (33-36)
TPP: 7.2 (6-8)
reticulocytes: 175,000 (<80,000 ul)
RBC morph: 3+ spherocytes, 2+ polychromasia, 2+ anisocytosis,
Plasma: mildly hemolyzed
Severe macrocytic, hypochromic regenerative anemia
likely due to IMHA
13 yo DSH presented for lethargy, partial anorexia for past month
RBC: 4.99 (7-10.5)
Hgb: 7.7 (10-16)
HCT: 24 (30-50)
MCV: 48.1 (42-53)
MCHC: 32.1 (30-33.5)
TPP: 7.9 (6.8-8.3)
Reticulocytes: 15,800 (<60,000 ul)
RBC morph: ~5% heinz body
plasma: normal
mild normocytic, normochromic non regenerative anemia
likely due to anemia of inflammation poss neoplasia
Hx: 6 mo, M Standard poodle, 1 week hx of anemia, lethargy, wt loss, large fluctuant submandibular swelling developed overnight
RBC: 2.56 (5.71-8.29)
Hgb: 5.7 (13.9–19.9)
HCT: 17 (38-56)
MCV: 83 (64-73)
MCHC: 32 (33.6-36.6)
TPP: 5.0 (5.8-7.6)
Reticulocytes: 153,000 (<80,000 ul)
RBC morph: 2+ polychromasia, 2+ anisocytosis
plasma: normal
Severe macrocytic, hypochromic regenerative anemia
hematoma in submandibular swelling
blood loss
hx: 4 yo Warmblood gelding, poor performance
HCT: 73 (27-43)
MCV: 48 (38-52)
MCHC: 35.8 (34.6-38.2)
TPP: 8.3 (4.6-11.6)
RBC morph: 2+ echinocyte
plasma: normal
erythrocytosis likely due to splenic contraction due to epinephrine
echinocytes likely to due slight dehydration after exercise
6 yo FS mixed breed dog with hx of CKD presented with increasing lethargy
RBC: 2.34 (5.5-8.5)
Hgb: 5.25 (12-18)
HCT: 15 (38-56)
MCV: 64 (60-72)
MCHC: 35 (34-38)
TPP: 6.4 (6-8)
Reticulocytes: 2,000 (<80,000/ul)
RBC morph: rare polychromasia
plasma normal
Severe normocytic, normochromic non-regenerative anemia
due to decrease Epo production and usually correlates with the severity of the CKD