Waxler - Morrison (1991) social support to improve stress Flashcards
To see how social relationships influence response to breast cancer survival
Quasi experiment with women who were diagnosed with breast cancer. Independent design as women had existing social networks
133 women
under 55 pre menopausal
refered in Canada with breast cancer
Patients mailed a self-administered questionnaire to gather information on their demography and existing social networks, education level, who they were responsible for, contact with friends/family and perception of support from others
Psychometric test of social network that combined marital status, contact with freinds/family and church membership
Details of diagnosis absracted from medical records 1980-81 and then survival and recurrence rates were checked in their medical records in 1985
Six aspects with social networks were significantly linked with survival. Marital status, support from friends and contact, total support, social network and employment
The more social networks and support, the higher the survival rates are for women with breast cancer. Although type of cancer was still a main factor in survival