Waverley Flashcards
Who wrote Waverley?
Sir Walter Scott
When was Waverley written?
What is the subtitle of Waverley?
‘Tis Sixty Years Since
What was Sir Walter Scott known for before Waverley was published?
His Poetry
What is the name of the main character in Waverley?
Edward Waverley
What is the name of Edward Waverley’s uncle?
Everard Waverley
What is Waverley’s literary-historical “claim to fame”?
It is widely considered the first Western historical novel.
What historical event drives the plot of Waverley? When did it take place?
The Jacobite Uprising; 1745
What other book from the Quals list is also set against the backdrop of the Jacobite uprising?
Tom Jones
What is the name of the Waverley family home?
What are the traditional political views of the Waverley family? Edward’s Uncle? Edward’s Father?
They are traditionally Tories with Jacobite sympathies. Edward’s Uncle, Everard, still firmly believes in the cause. His father, Richard, has taken up Whig politics to rise in station as part of the Hanoverian government.
What famous work of literary criticism takes Waverley as its main work?
The Historical Novel by Lukcas
Why, in his introductory note, does Scott say he chose Waverley for the name of his protagonist?
It is a name that sounds unquestionably English, but has no distracting associations in social or political life. It is a blank canvas for Scott to paint his story - it is “uncontaminated.”
Why, according to Lukcas, is Waverley the ideal conduit through which to experience a historical conflict in fiction?
He is the “middle-man,” not believing strongly in one side or the other. His loyalties can be swayed, and he is able to see both sides of the conflict.
He is also not a real or significant historical figure. Because historical novels must, in some degree, be true to history, writers shouldn’t choose figures that are too prominent.
What, historically, was the effect of the Jacobite uprising on Highland culture? How is that at play as Scott is writing the novel?
The punishments were thorough and effective, essentially wiping out Highland and clan culture altogether.
Waverley is written with a kind of anthropological nostalgia for the Highland way of life - Scott spends a lot of time describing what the people and traditions were like. He doesn’t do the same with the other prominent culture in the novel, Hanoverian. This is because Hanoverian culture “won” - this culture was still extant and dominant in Scott’s time.
With what two literary groups does Scott repeatedly align his Highlanders through allusions?
To Milton’s Fallen Angels and the Trojans from the Iliad and Aeneid.
What set Waverley apart from other novels which had treated historical topics before?
Scott convincingly interwove the public and the personal aspects of history, prompting readers to consider THEMSELVES as historical beings (as opposed to just famous people).
Under what name did Scott originally publish Waverley?
He published anonymously.
Of what type of literature is Waverley especially fond?
How does Waverley act when he is “in society”?
He isn’t used to being in it, so he dislikes it and is uncomfortable.
How does Edward spend his time with his aunt and uncle? What is the significance of this?
They recount tales of noble Waverley ancestors. These tales are similar to the romances Edward enjoys reading.
This is significant because it opens in Edward’s mind a pathway to inhabiting the romantic stories he has read about. The personal connection makes it easier to imagine himself in the role of hero. When he ends up among the Highlanders, it is as if he is playing a role in one of his family’s tales.
What is the name of Edward’s tutor? What trait does he have that will later cause Edward trouble?
Mr. Pembroke; he writes a very long work supportive of the Jacobite uprising that he sticks in Edward’s traveling trunk before Edward leaves for the army. It is for being in possession of this work that Edward will be arrested.
What is the Bradwardine family motto? Crest?
“Bewar the Bar”; a bear
Why does Edward join the army? Which army?
His father thinks it will be good for him; the Hanoverian army.
What is the name of the Bradwardine estate?
How is the Bradwardine house decorated?
There is almost a comical number of bears everywhere.
What are some of the literary comparisons Edward makes when he approaches the house at Tully-Veolan?
To Spenser’s the Faerie Queene, to Orlando Furioso, To Jerusalem Delivered; to him it seems enchanted.
It is notable in this scene that he processes a new environment and new introductions through books that he has read.
What is the name of the Baron of Bradwardine’s daughter?
Rose Bradwardine
What is Edward’s relationship with Rose like?
She loves him almost from the beginning, but he is more interested in Flora Mac-Ivor for quite a while. It is only towards the end of the novel that Edward returns her love and the two are betrothed.
What literary allusion is made by the author before the introduction of Rose Bradwardine?
To Fielding’s Tom Jones; Scott notes that she shouldn’t be introduced at the end of a chapter.
What is the “Blessed Bear of Bradwardine”?
A goblet in the shape of a roaring bear.
With which of the Baron’s friends does Waverly argue?
Balmawhapple, who later gives it as “evidence” against Waverley.
What is the name of the innocent/fool who is part of the Bradwardine household? What is he known for doing?
Davie Gellatly; he wanders around the estate singing fragments of songs he learned from his brother (now deceased)
Compare the reading tastes of Edward Waverley and Baron Bradwardine.
Waverley likes works of romance and imagination, and prefers poetry. The Baron likes works based in fact and history, and prefers prose.
Scott’s exploration of their reading preferences is also an exploration of their identity.
What is the name of Waverley’s aunt?
What is the name of the girl to whom Aunt Rachael fears Edward is forming an attachment?
Miss Caecilia Stubbs
How do Edward and Rose spend most of their time together at Tully-Veolan?
Edward shares the works he loves with her; she becomes almost in awe of him.
Why doesn’t Edward fall for Rose during his first stay at Tully-Veolan?
Though she is pretty and sweet, she doesn’t appeal to his vivid sense of imagination. His romantic disposition can’t see the appeal of a girl he is helping translate and understand books.
What warning does Edward receive in the first letter he gets from his commanding officer at Tully-Veolan?
The letter is a gentle reminder that, though he is on approved leave, he might want to be careful who he spends his time with (since he is a member of Hanoverian army and the Bradwardine family has been historically Jacobite).
How does Edward first come into contact with the Highland clans?
Baron Bradwardine is robbed of some cattle while Edward is staying there. The Baron knows that this is part of complex political maneuvering by Fergus Mac-Ivor Vich Ian Vohr, with whom he is sometimes allied, sometimes opposed.
Who is Baillie Macwheeble?
He is the man who handles the Bradwardine assets and business. He is pretty loyal to the family - but more loyal to himself.
How can we read Edward’s relationship with the Highlanders through his verbal habits?
When Edward first learns of the Mac-Ivor clan, he calls its leader “Fergus of the unpronounceable name.” This theme continues through quite a while, with many references to Edward’s inability to understand their names or what they are saying.
Eventually, he does gain fluency and this habit fades into the background. He is gaining not only linguistic fluency, but also cultural understanding (fluency).
“I am afraid I shall never bring my English tongue to call him either one or the other.”
What representative of the Mac-Ivor clan arrives at Tully-Veolan to treat with Bradwardine?
Evan Dhu Maccombich
Why does Waverley go with Evan Dhu when he leaves Tully-Veolan?
He is enchanted by Evan Dhu’s stories of Highlander life, and he wants to see some of it for himself.
Who is the “renowned outlaw” Evan Dhu takes Waverley to see?
Donald Bean Lean
Where do Waverley and Evan Dhu continue to after leaving the cave of Donald Bean Lean?
To Glennaquoich, the seat of Mac-Ivor
Where were Fergus and Flora raised?
In the French court - they actually possess a very cultivated, European sensibility coupled with a fiery passion for their ancestral cause. In many ways, they are much more refined than Waverley (and not totally of the Highlander culture).
To what two Shakespearean characters are Flora and Fergus compared?
Viola and Sebastian; the siblings very closely resemble each other both in appearance and personality.
What literary pastime does Flora occupy herself with at Glennaquoich?
Studying, composing, and translating Highlander poems and songs.
We could read this as standing in for some of the reasons a relationship between Flora and Waverley will never work out. He doesn’t understand Highlander culture and names, and she is completely devoted to them.
What is a Dragoman? Who offers to be one for Waverley?
An interpreter; Flora
Why does the book suggest Waverley falls in love with Flora instead of Rose?
Her situation is more romantic. Her station as a kind of exiled noblewoman, the romantic wilderness and strangeness of Glennaquoich - all of this contributes to Waverley developing feelings.
What is the topic of the song Flora sings to Waverley on the first night they meet? Why is it important?
She sings a song about Bonnie Prince Charlie landing in Scotland in 1745; Waverley is so caught up in the romance of the evening that the broader political implications are not obvious to him.
How does Waverley end up injured when out hunting with Fergus? What are the consequences?
A command to duck is given in Gaelic, which Waverley doesn’t understand. Everyone else ducks, and he is injured. This leads to him nearby when Fergus and the others attend an important Jacobite meeting.
What news is contained in the letters Waverley receives while at Glennaquoich?
His aunt, uncle, and father write to him, telling him that his father has fallen out of disgrace with the Hanoverian government. This disgrace has tended to strengthen the family’s Jacobite leanings. They suggest he give up his commission in the Hanoverian army as soon as possible.
He also learns that is considered “absent without leave”, and that the authorities have been informed.
What monarch does the Hanoverian army serve?
George II
Why does Flora reject Waverley’s advances?
She is too invested in the Jacobite cause for romance - especially with someone who doesn’t support and understand the cause like she does.
She urges Waverley to become a Jacobite not because of some “hurried, and probably temporary feeling” but because he has truly reflected and agreed with it. (He doesn’t listen…)
To what historical figure is Flora devoted?
Captain Wogan, a man loyal to Charles I back in the day.
What letter does Waverley receive that finally convinces him to leave Glennaquoich? Where does he resolve to go?
A letter from Rose Bradwardine, who tells him of the increasingly tense political situation (including her father being taken into custody). Edinburgh (the “Lowlands” as opposed to Glennaquoich’s “highlands”).
What is the name of Fergus’s servant who at times serves as a guide to Waverley, and at least once tries to shoot him?
Callum Beg
Who is Mr. Cruickshanks?
A suspicious landlord from whom Callum and Edward hire horses from on their way to Edinburgh. He travels with them, and betrays his suspicions about their loyalties when Waverley is taken into custody at Carinvrecken.
What is the name of the village where Waverley is taken into custody? Why is he taken into custody?
Cairnvreckan; the uprising has already put everyone on high-alert and shoots at a blacksmith causing a ruckus (the blacksmith is barely injured)
What two men are responsible for Waverley’s keep and interrogation in Cairnvrecken?
Mr. Morton, a clergyman, and Major Melville, a magistrate.
What does Major Melville reveal to Waverley?
That he is wanted under suspicion of treason
Who is Sergeant Houghton? When does he show up again?
A man from Waverley’s troop whom he respected and corresponded. It was Houghton that sent him his books at Tully-Veolan, and Houghton who was the target of the false communications about Waverley from Donald Bean Lean.
As Waverley is marching with the Jacobites to war, he comes across Houghton bleeding to death. His reprimands about Waverley’s absence, and subsequent death, are some of the first events which make him question his choices.
Houghton was a tenant at Waverley-Honour; many of the young men there joined up to be a part of Edward’s troop.
What plot was hatched against Waverley while he was in the Highlands?
Donald Bean Lean communicates with Sergeant Houghton, supposedly on authority from Waverley, that he is deserting for the Jacobite cause.
What is the Hanoverian nickname for Bonnie Prince Charlie?
The Young Pretender
What does the reader learn from the conversation between Morton and Melville after Waverley retires?
That there are several letters from Edward’s commander that passed between the two he received, all going unanswered - we might begin to suspect that something fishy is going on.
Between Morton and Melville, who is more sympathetic to Waverley’s declarations of innocence?
Morton; Waverley recounts to him the full scope of his adventures.
To what mythical figure is Donald Bean Lean frequently compared?
Robin Hood
Where is Waverley to be sent after he is taken into custody at Cairnvrecken? Who is employed to take him there?
Stirling Castle; a man called Gilfillan
What happens to Gilfillan’s troupe when they are on the road to Castle Stirling?
They are waylaid by a group of Highlanders who have come to “rescue” Waverley. Gilfillan and several others from the party are killed.
A peddler acts as a decoy so the troupe is taken by surprise.
How is Waverley treated after Gilfillan’s troupe is attacked?
Very poorly; the going is rough, and his “rescuers”/captors refuse to tell him anything, and only speak in Gaelic, which he doesn’t understand.
He eventually catches a fever and is left in a hut to recover, still not knowing what is going on.
Who is the woman who watches over Waverley during his fever?
Old Janet, who later takes care of the Baron and Davie after the uprising fails.
What effect does captivity and hardship have on Waverley’s romantic temperament?
Although at first it is dampened by his circumstances, his time recovering from his fever - when he realizes he is not in danger - is enough to spark it back to life again.
Who does Waverley unexpectedly see during his confinement? What does she do?
Alice, daughter of Donald Bean Lean. She slips some papers secretly into his pack.
With whom is Waverley reunited once he is liberated from the hut where he had his fever?
Where does Balmawhapple march with Waverley? What is there, and who does he meet there?
To Edinburgh, which has been taken by Charles II’s forces. Here, he is reunited with Fergus and Flora.
What does the text suggest is the main motivating factor in Waverley swearing loyalty to Charles Edward?
Charles II is polished and congenial. Even though he offers Waverley safe passage to Hanoverian forces if he so desires, the Stuart king’s manner appeals such to Waverley’s idea of romance that he swears loyalty then and there.
When does Waverley swear allegiance to the Jacobite cause?
In Edinburgh, soon after meeting Charles II for the first time.
Who else does Waverley reunite with at Edinburgh castle?
Baron Bradwardine and Rose
What is the cath d’ath?
Tartan (battle colors)
What is Flora and Fergus’s last name?
What is Evan Dhu’s last name?
Who is Fergus’s landlady in Edinburgh?
The Widow Flockhart; it is from her that Waverley learns “what went down” after he receives his pardon in England.
What is the palace in Edinburgh called?
The Palace of the Holy-Rood
How was Donald Bean Lean able to cause so much mischief in Waverley’s name?
Lean stole Waverley’s seal when Edward camped at his cave back at the beginning of his Highland adventure. Waverley only notices its absence after the death of Houghton.
What does Donald Lean do with Waverley’s seal?
He tries to convince the men Waverley commanded to mutiny and join the Jacobite cause.
What effect does seeing Houghton die have on Waverley?
First, he is able to figure out that Donald Lean has been using his seal to cause mischief in his name. Seeing the death of a man he was responsible for makes Edward start to question the wisdom of joining the Jacobite cause. He looks around at his companions with new eyes, and realizes for the first time that he is a traitor to England.
What bit of contractual terminology do the Baron and Fergus quibble over regarding the king?
Whether service is due to the Prince or the boots of the Prince - the complication being that Charles II wears no boots, only brogues and trews.
What is the name of the English commander Waverley saves? What is his connection to the Waverley family?
Colonel Talbot; he was Everard’s rival in love. Everard hoped to marry Emily Bladeville, but she confessed to him that she loved Talbot. Being a kind man, Everard withdrew his suit and acquired Talbot adequate rank so that he could marry Emily.
What is the name of the battle in which Waverley takes part (on the side of the Highlanders)?
The Battle of Gladsmuir (AKA the Battle of Prestonpans)
What was Donald Lean’s motivation in his plot against Waverley?
He truly believed Waverley to be loyal to the Stuart cause, and hoped that convincing a group of soldiers to join the Jacobite cause would win him favor with Charles II.
Who is the “Chevalier”?
Charles II (Bonnie Prince Charlie); presumably a reference to his French upbringing, youth, and nobility.
Which author is Waverley again and again noted to be able to quote and translate from ?
Why doesn’t Fergus want to marry Rose Bradwardine?
Because her father intends to entail his estate away from her. When there are rumors that this may not be the case, Fergus sets his signs on marrying her.
What upsetting letter does Colonel Talbot receive? What is Waverley’s reaction?
That his wife is gravely ill; Waverley obtains a parole from the Chevalier so that Talbot can go home to his wife.
What becomes a point of contention in Fergus and Edward’s friendship?
Fergus is determined that Edward and Flora will wed. Since Flora has no interest in marrying him, Edward has no interest in forcing the subject.
Fergus also thinks that Edward wants to marry Rose Bradwardine
What supernatural tale does Fergus tell of Glennaquoich? Why does he tell him?
That of the Grey Spectre. The Grey Spectre appears before the Mac-Ivor clan before any big disaster, but especially death.
Fergus believes he has seen the Spectre. He wants to makes amends with Waverley, renouncing his interest in Rose and hoping he will give Flora his protection.
Why does Edward finally set off towards home?
He gets separated from the Highlanders when they are attacked at night by English cavalry.
Who is Edward mistake for after losing the Highlanders? Who helps him?
He is mistaken for “Ned Williams” by a girl looking for her lover. Her father, Jacob Jopson, gives him shelter and food.
Who offers to shelter Edward after he leaves the Jopson house?
The real Ned Williams and his family, at Fastwaite.
Who does Edward see among the dead while traveling to the Williams farm?
Callum Beg
Who is Evan Dhu loyal to?
Fergus Mac-Ivor
When does Waverley’s romantic temperament finally start to abate?
After the battle where he is separated from the Highlanders, and during the Winter he is hiding at the Williams farm.
What prompts Waverley to leave Fastwaite for London?
He happens across a newspaper reporting that his father has died. The paper suggests that the illness which killed his father was brought on by the stress of being suspected of treason because of his son’s involvement with the Jacobites, and that Waverley’s Uncle might soon suffer the same fate. He leaves for London immediately.
How does Edward decide to get to London? Who does he meet on his way?
By the “Northern Diligence,” or public stagecoach. He meets a very nosy woman called Mrs. Nosebag, who kind of sticks to him through the whole journey.
Where does Edward go once he gets to London? What does he learn about his father there?
Talbot’s house.
He learns that the rumor that his actions had caused his father’s illness were false. His father, Talbot informs him, kind of sucked and mostly only cared about himself, rather than Edward’s fate.
What alias does Talbot give Edward?
Frank Stanley
What does Edward tell Mrs. Nosebag his name is?
What happens to Donald Bean Lean?
He is arrested and confesses to Mr. Morton and Major Melville his actions using Waverley’s seal and inciting his troop to mutiny. He is then hanged.
Is Waverley eager for more military action once he reaches Talbot?
Absolutely not
Why does Talbot think Waverley needs to get away for a while?
The first punishments carried out after the uprising will be especially harsh, to prove a point and satisfy anger. He wants to get Waverley out of the way until people are thinking a little more clearly.
Who is the real Frank Stanley? What is his role in the novel?
A student at Cambridge. He gives Edward a passport in his name which allows him to travel north to Scotland, where he can be safe until Talbot acquires his pardon.
Where will Fergus and Evan Dhu be tried?
Where does Edward learn Flora is (from Mrs. Flockhart)?
In Carlisle, awaiting her brother’s trial.
What line from Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner does Waverley feel describes his return to Edinburgh?
He is “a sadder and wiser man.”
What possession does Edward find in the ruins of Tully-Veolan?
His copy of Ariosto that he had been sharing with Rose.
What is Edward’s return to Tully-Veolan like?
The mansion has been ruined - all of the Baron’s proud bears are torn down.
Who does Edward meet upon his return to the ruins of Tully-Veolan?
David Gellatly
What is David Gellatly particular use/talent?
In carrying messages
What does David Gellatly initially tell Edward about the fates of the Bardwardine clan?
That they are all dead - but he then leads Edward to the Baron.
What are the Baron and Rose doing in the aftermath of the uprising?
The Baron is hiding out, because he is a wanted man.
What happens to the Bardwardine estate?
The Baron loses rights to it, and it passes to that male heir he was so intent upon having. That distant relative, however, has no sympathy for the Baron and little use for the estate - so he sells it to Talbot and his wife Emily, who restore the estate and give it back to the Baron.
What does Waverley discover when talking to Old Janet after the Uprising failed?
That Rose was the mysterious cloaked woman he witnessed when he had a fever. She was watching over him and convinced Alice to give Edward the papers he needed to clear his name.
He learns, in fact, many actions Rose took to ensure his safety. It was she who suggested that Waverley be rescued from Gilfillan, and to Charles II that Waverley might be a good dude to have around.
Why does Charles II think that Edward and Rose are an item?
Because of all the steps Rose took on Waverley’s behalf to ensure his safety.
What happens to Baillie Macwheeble?
He is too insignificant to get caught up in the prosecutions for the uprising, though he is stripped of his position.
What did Talbot have to do to get Waverley’s and the Baron’s pardon?
He threatened to resign his commission; the king relents and grants him his requests.
What happens to Alice Bean?
She becomes a maidservant for Rose
What proposition does Evan Dhu make at his trial? What is the audience reaction?
That if the court lets Fergus go, they can kill six of the best men of the Mac-Ivor clan in his place.
What defense does Fergus make for himself at his treason trial?
None; “My defense would be your condemnation.” He states that he is happy to lose his life for the cause.
What are the outcomes of Fergus’s and Evan’s trials?
Fergus is sentenced to death, as is Evan (although he is invited to plead for mercy, he refuses out of loyalty).
What is Flora’s attitude when Edward meets with her after Fergus’s trial?
She feels it is her fault he will be killed, because she spurned on his ambitions even when it was always going to end this way.
She has lost her beauty and poise in her grief, and asks Waverley not to come see her again.
What is the Gaelic name for Fergus’s Grey Spectre?
Bodach Glas
What does Fergus tell Waverley he has seen the previous night when Waverley visits him in prison?
The Bodach Glas/Grey Spectre
What are Fergus’s last words?
God Save King James
Where does Flora go after her brother’s execution?
Back to France
What does Rose have to trade to Donald Lean to get him to “rescue” Waverley?
Her family jewels
What languages always pepper the Baron’s speech?
Latin, Greek, and Gaelic
What one new painting is added to Tully-Veolan when the Baron gets it back?
A painting of Fergus and Waverley in their Highland garb
How does the Blessed Bear of Bradwardine come back to Tully-Veolan?
Frank Stanley discovers that it is in the possession of Mrs. Nosebag, who had looted it.
What does the last chapter contain?
Some good jokes about reading (this should have been a preface, but students often skip to the end) and Scott telling of how these stories captivated his imagination when he was young.