Watery World Flashcards
What are the three main ways we use water?
AGRICULTURE - irrigation
INDUSTRY - cooling machinery, food+drink manufacture
DOMESTIC - in homes, drinking, washing
How is water used in a HIC?
47% - Industry
39% - Agriculture
14% - Domestic
How is water used in an LIC?
91% - Agriculture
5% - Industry
4% - Domestic
What is a reservoir?
An artificial lake created as a source of water supply by building a dam across a valley and allowing it to flood.
What is an example of a reservoir? >how long did it take to build(+fill up) >3 towns it supplies >its capacity >why do tourists visit
KIELDER WATER - NORTHUMBERLAND >6 years to built 2 years to fill up >Newcastle, Sunderland, Middlesbrough >200 billion litres >Leaplish waterside park - 1/4 of a million visitors a year
What is an aquifer?
Deep layers of rock that can hold substantial quantities of water. Often porous rocks such as chalk where it lets water in.
How is water extracted from and aquifer?
By drilling wells or boreholes down to the aquifer and then using a pump.
How much rainfall enters the London aquifer and how much is lost?
750 mm and about half enters the chalk. The rest is lost to evaporation or surface run off.
What is an example of a river used for a source of water?
How many people are supplied with this water?
Peace river - Florida
>750,000 people in the local region
>average 70 million litres of water supplied
What is water deficit?
Give examples of where.
Where the usable water supply does not satisfy the demand of the population
>tropical and sub-tropical areas
>Sahara and continental interiors e.g. USA
What is water surplus?
Give examples of where.
Where the usable water supply exceeds the demand.
>Equatorial locations
>Amazon basin
What are the water supply problems in LIC’s?
Lack of available clean water
Water borne disease (cholera, typhoid)
Water pollution (copper mining in Zambia)
What are the water supply problems in HIC’s?
Quality (fertiliser pollution, quality checks) Loss through broken pipes (old pipes in London) Spatial variability (southwest population,rain in north) Seasonal variability (Costa del Sol -Spain- more tourists)
Where and what has water aid done in Africa?
>4 boreholes built
>no cholera patients since 1997
>given people chance to earn money, children get education
How can we save water in the home?
Turn off taps
Use optimize shower heads
Cistem displacement device
How can water meters be used to manage water?
Pay for the volume of water householders use.
It allows people to be careful about how much water they are using.
What is appropriate technology?
The local community can use it relatively easily and without much cost.
What is a borehole?
A large hole dug down into an aquifer. A pump is placed on top to pump out the water.
Where are CEB’s (cost effective boreholes) used?
2000 new CEB’s to be installed. 400 a year. Funded by the government.