Water & Carbon: EGC All Class Quizlet Flashcards
The vapourisation of a liquid into a gas
The change from a gas to a liquid
The process of water falling from the sky
Groundwater flow
The flow of water below the water table through permeable rock.
Groundwater storage
The storage of water underground, held within the rocks below the earth
Vegetation storage
Water taken up by plants and contained in plants
Surface storage
Includes water in puddles, ponds, and lakes
Water dripping from one leaf to another
The groundwater flow that feeds into rivers through river banks and river beds
Water flowing downhill through permeable rock above the water table
Through flow
Water flowing horizontally through the soil above the water table
Surface run off (overland flow)
Water flowing across the surface from rainwater, snowmelt
The process of water entering the soil, in the unsaturated zone with airspace
Water moving downwards through bedrock and soil below the water table
Water being blocked from reaching the ground by trees and plants
Water running down a plant stem or tree trunk
The movement of moisture through plants, water evaporates from within leaves
Water table
The level where water has saturated the ground; The upper level of saturated rock
Channel storage
The storage of water in the river channel. As water is being transported to the sea it is a store of water
Channel flow
The movement of water in the river channel moving towards the sea.
River discharge
The output of water from a river channel out to sea.
Energy drives change/movement between components. For example, within the Water Cycle, energy from the sun transfers water into water vapor through evaporation.
Counteract (something) by having an opposing force or effect. Carbon offsetting is where companies invest in green solutions to make up for/offset their Carbon footprint.
A series of natural or human actions that take place within a system.
Idealised representation of reality
A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements or parts that function together as a whole.
Open system
A system with inputs and outputs of both energy and matter
Closed system
A system with only inputs and outputs of energy
Dynamic equilibrium
A state of balance where inputs equal outputs in a system that is constantly changing.
Additions to a system. These include energy from the sun and precipitation.
Removal of energy or matter from a system. These include evaporation and river discharge.
An accumulation of matter - eg a lake
Transfers or flows
Movement of matter (eg water and carbon) between stores
Positive feedback
When a change in the system causes other changes that have a similar effect so that the initial change is amplified and the system moved further away from dynamic equilibrium
Negative feedback
When a change in the system causes other changes that have the opposite effect. This nullifies the initial change and restores balance in a system back to dynamic equilibrium
The air that surrounds the Earth
All the water on or surrounding the Earth, including oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and the water in the atmosphere
The outermost solid layer of the Earth, approximately 100km thick, comprising the crust and upper mantle
All living things on Earth
The frozen parts of the Earth’s surface including ice caps, frozen oceans, glaciers, and snow cover
A vast underground reservoir most commonly formed in rocks such as chalk and sandstone
Impermeable surface
Does not allow water to pass through
Permeable surface
Allows water to pass through
The increasing proportion of people living in towns and cities as opposed to the countryside, leading to the replacement of vegetated ground with impermeable concrete and tarmac
The removal of trees, leading to surface runoff and soil erosion and reducing soil water stores
Drainage basin
The area of land that is drained by a river and its tributaries