Water and Carbon - River Exe case study Flashcards
How long is the river Exe
82.7 Km
Where is the source of the River Exe
Simonsbath, near Bristol
What percent of the land use around the River Exe is grassland
What percent of the land use around the River Exe is arable
What percent of the land use around the River Exe is Urban
What percent of the water balance is runoff
Why is does the river Exe have such high runoff
The rocks are very impermeable meaning there is very little percolation and baseflow
Is the river Exe more flashy or subdued
What does the Wimbleball Reserve help with on the River Exe
Helps to reduce the risk of flooding because it regulates the flow of water
What are the two features put in place to help reduce flooding
-The Exwick Spillway
-Trew’s Weir