Water and Carbon Cycle Flashcards
A set of interrelated components working together towards some kind of process
Closed systems
These have no interactions with anything outside the system boundary. There are no inputs or outputs
Open system
These are where matter and energy can enter and exit a system
Dynamic equilibrium
A state of balance
Positive feedback loop
Where the effects of an action are amplified by knock-on effects
Negative feedback loops
Where the effects of an action a nullified by its subsequent knock-on effects
Name the 4 major subsystems (spheres)
Atmosphere, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere and biosphere
Cryospheric water
The water on earth’s surface that is ice
The amount of water in a river flowing past a particular point
What percentage of water is fresh water
What percentage of fresh water is easily accesible
What is the current PH of the ocean
Ground the remains at or below 0 degrees for at least two consecutive years
Terrestrial water
This consists of groundwater, soil moisture, lakes, wetlands and rivers
Those areas of the earth’s surface where water is in solid form
What are the 4 classes of terrestial water
-Surface water
-soil water
-Biological water
Surface water
The free-flowing water of rivers as well as the water of ponds and lakes
Water table
The upper level at which the pore spaces and fractures in the ground become saturated
The process of a solid turning into a gas
The process of adding snow and ice to a glacier
the process of removing snow or ice from a glacier or snowfield through melting, evaporation, sublimation, or wind
What are the two cryospheric processes
The process by which water vapour changes to liquid water
Cryospheric processes
Those processes that effects the total mass of ice at any scale
Drainage basin
This is an area of land drained by a river and its tributaries
The total output of water from the drainage basin directly back into the atmosphere
Groundwater flow
The slow movement of water through underlying rocks
The downward movement of water from the surface to the soil
The precipitation that falls on the vegetation surfaces or human-made cover and is temporarily stored there
Overland flow/Surface run-off
The tendency of water to flow horizontally across land surfaces
The downward movement of water within the rock under the soil surface
All the water that enters a river channel and eventually flows out of the drainage basin