WATER Flashcards
Why is a diagram of water in a vshape
lone pairs of eectrons on the oxygen atom have grater repultion than the electrons forming the single bonds between oxygen and hydrogen, this push the hydrigen atoms together giving it a bent like sha[e
covalent bonds of water, why is it polar?
Because oxygen has a higher electronegativity then hydrogen, therefor electrons are more attracted to oxygen, making hte oxygen atom having a partial negative charge while hydrogen having postiive making it uneven
a negative and postive pole ( both partial)
what are hydrogen bonds first
its a intermolecular force between molecuase in water is a hydrogen bond
second points on hydrogen bond
electrostatic attraction between partial pso
3rd point
hydrogen have slight postive and oxygen has slight negative
why is the melting point of water high
more energey to braek hydrogen bonds between all water moelcuules
what is the dipoles of water
partial negatie (oxygen) and partial positive (hydrogen)
how are dipoles created in water
dipoles are created in water molecules due to electroneagitivty differecce/ unequal sharing of eletrons between oxygen
why is the dipolar nature of water molecules is importnat
polarity of water makes it an elexcellant solves.
difference between polar and dipolar
they either carrry a postive or negative cahrge, single pole, dipolar has to oppstives pole
how can waters ph change
substance dissolve in it
why is ice less dence compared to water
crystal lattice has a greater volume
pros of lake of liquid being more dense then solid water
in cold weater lakes and rivers freeze form the top letting animals and plants to live underneth
why is the water on the top have high sruface tension while the water surrounded around it doesnt
- water is adhesive, and tends to aggregate (combining several elemnts) in drops rather then spread out over the surface.
what is cohesion
attraction of the smak kind of molecules using hydrogen bonding like water.
what is adhesion
attraction of molecules of a different kind using electro static attractions
roles for cohesion
play a role in water based processes in bioliogy liike how inscets relies on the strong surface tension of water to stay afloat
what is capillary action
upward motion against gravity, eg: the attraction between water moleculues and the glass walls of the tube,
water can only exist as
solid,liquid gas
what is responsible for meniscus forming
-waters high surface tension has a part in this because how water molecules like to stick togehter (adhesion), molecules touching the glass gets clinged on by water molcules forming meniscus
what is specific heat
amount of energy to change substance termperature
waters high specific heat what can it do
it can absorb llarge amounts of heat energy before it get hot, it mean it can release heat energy slowly when situations cause it to cool, high specific heat allows moderation of earths climate letting organisms regulate their body temperature
what is heat capactiy
is a measure of the substances capactiy to absorb and store heat enrgy
electron negatiity
ability of a atom to attract itself to an electric pair
calculating heat cpactiy formula
heat energy = specific heat capacity * mass *temperature change