waste Flashcards
consuming raw materials and creating waste unidirectionally
linear economy
reusing or repairing materials to minimize waste
circular economy
our economy
linear with feedback loops
home and business waste going to a landfill, 2% of all solid waste
municipal solid waste
non municipal waste such as excess plastic from production, 98% of solid waste
solid waste
environmental impacts of all steps of making, using, and disposing of a product
life cycle analysis
unregulated disposal piles common in the developing world
open dumps
created from open dump decomposition including CO2, CH4, Volatile organic compounds, and toxic compounds
polluting gases
decomposing waste mixes with rain or ground water, can contain pathogens or toxins
regulates the movement and disposal of hazardous waste across boundaries
Basel convention
discarded electronic equipment, becoming a serious issue, prominent in the developing world
pits of waste that are lined and can eventually be covered and used for another purpose
burning waste which reduces waste volume, requires more energy, and produces toxic ash; 12% of US msw
incineration for electricity, potentially using landfill CH4
redefining waste as a resource, still requires processing and inputs
closed loop, material processed into a smaller product
primary recycling
conversion to a completely different product
secondary recycling
requires energy and materials to produce a lower quality product, often secondary recycling
secondary recycling, converts food into soil amendment
recycled requires 30-60% less energy
recycled requires 95% less energy
recycled requires up to 40% more energy
idea that purchases define a person
conspicuous consumption
lower quality products designed to fail after a period of time
planned obsolescence