ecology, biodiversity, and conservation Flashcards
closely related organisms able to produce fertile offspring
collection of the same species in an area
populations of different species in an area
all living and nonliving things in an area
genetic change in a population over generations
better adapted organisms survive and reproduce
natural selection
measure of species richness, number of different species in an area
species richness
measure of biodiversity, relative abundance of each species
species eveness
individuals reduce resources availability for others
role of a species in a community
sequential appearance of species after a disturbance
a species with a strong influence on abundance and diversity of other species in a region
keystone species
an organisms place in a food chain only 10% of energy transfers up
trophic levels
constant and rapid population growth
exponential growth
point at which growth slows due to dwindling resources resulting in logistic growth
carrying capacity
tropical or along the equator, home to many unique endemic species susceptible to extinction
biodiversity hotspots
increased extinction rates, habitat alteration, resource over exploitation, intro of invasive species, climate change, and water impacts
human impacts on biodiversity
goods humans consume provided by ecosystems such as timber
provisioning ES
natural resources provide favorable conditions for humans such as photosynthesis
regulating ES
fundamental natural condition of other services such as pollination
supporting ES
enhance quality of life for humans such as a beautiful view
cultural ES
seeks proper use of nature supported by Gifford Pinchot
seeking protection of nature from use supported by John Muir
protected by the federal gov. through federal agencies
federal lands
state parks, forests, game lands, and recreation areas
state lands
areas protected by local countries
global protected areas
negative impacts of habitat fragmentation
ecological island effect
using the forests without causing permanent damage
sustainable forest management
rotational grazing or shade grown agriculture preventing clear cutting
grazing and grassland management
decrease urban sprawl
zoning ordinances