warring city states Flashcards
polis ,what did it consist of
-the fundamental political unit in Greece
-made up of :a city and it’s surrounding countryside
populist -made promises and wanted social benefits
-draconian rule -cruel ,harsh
-people are equal and should be punished the same way
-supported debt slavers
-4 social groups (based on wealth )
-all citizens could join the Athenian assembly
-against slavery
-organised citizens into 10 groups (where they live )
-created the council of 500(form of assembly )
-all citizens could SUBMIT laws
main principles and practises in democracy
-rule of law
-all should be equal
-citizens directly involved
limitations and challenges of d. democracy
-took a lot time to submit a law (every citizen had to vote)
modern vs athenian democracy
modern -representative democracy-we ellect representatives
athenian -all citizens directly involved ,no representative
political system athens vs sparta
Athens :•DD
•council of 500(cleisthenes)
sparta :•oligarchy
•The council of elders :
-30 older citizen
-5 elected state officials(to carry out laws passed by the assembly)
education athens and sparta
athens :•mostly sons of wealthy families received formal edu.(learning to become better citizens
•studied:poetry ,math,physic,bio,geo,history
–>later :military school to defend athens
Sparta :military school till 30 then battlefield no intellectual pursuit
position and role of women athens vs sparta
athens :•no school or education (only educated by mothers )
•we’re weaving cloth or preparing food
Sparta :•military training
•considerably free
•could participate in political affairs
-strong hands at home