Warning Systems Flashcards
EICAS line’s available for alerts?
Meaning of “vvvvvvvv”
secondary engine data
When is “STATUS” removed?
when the status display page is displayed
2 types of EICAS alert messages?
Warnings and Cautions
Red alert EICAS messages?
Amber alert EICAS messages?
Cautions or Advisories
Indented amber EICAS messages?
between 300’ and 900’ deviation from selected altitude
PULL UP light
- airlplane descent rate is severe
- airlplane closure rate is excessive with landing gear and/or flaps not in landing configuration
- EGPWS look-ahead warning exists
Terrain - Dotted Green
terrain 2,000’-500’ (250’ with gear down) below airplane’s current altitude
Terrain - Dotted Amber
terrain 500’ (250’ with gear down) below to 2,000’ above airplane’s current altitude
Terrain - Dotted Red
terrain more than 2,000’ above airplane’s current altitude
Terrain - Dotted Magenta
no terrain data available
Terrain - Solid Amber
look-ahead terrain caution active
Terrain - Solid Red
look-ahead terrain warning active
When is TERR displayed automatically?
- a look-ahead terrain alert occurs, AND
- TERR not selected by either pilot, AND
- HSI mode in VOR, APP, MAP or CTR MAP mode
Types of TERRAIN annunciations?
Terrain warning
- Red
- 20-30 seconds from impact
Terrain caution
- Amber
- 40-60 seconds from impact
Which HSI modes do annunciations occur in?
Highest elevation of obstacle or terrain displayed?
Highest elevation within selected map range in 100’s of feet AMSL. Colour corresponding to obstacle or terrain.
Lowest elevation of obstacle or terrain displayed?
Lowest elevation within selected map range in 100’s of feet AMSL. Colour corresponding to obstacle or terrain. (terrain within 400’ of nearest airport elevation not displayed)
Terrain annunciation - Red?
terrain warning occuring, 20-30 seconds from impact
Terrain annunciation - Amber?
terrain caution is occuring, 40-60 seconds from impact
Automatic PWS annunciation conditions?
think auto pop up
- aircraft below 1,200’ AGL
- WXT not selected by either pilot
- HSI mode selector in VOR, APP, MAP or CTR MAP
Where are the windshear alerts annunciated?
- center instrument panel
Types of TCAS symbols?
- Square - RA
- Circle - TA
- Diamond - Proximate
- Diamond (unshaded) - Other
Categories of crew alerts?
- time critical warnings
- warning
- caution
- advisory
Examples of alerts not associated with system failures?
- windshear
- altitude
- airpseed
Time critical warnings?
- requires immediate crew awareness and corrective action to maintain safe flight
- usually associated with primary flight path control
Warning (definition)?
- requires immediate crew awareness and corrective action
Caution (definition)?
- requires immediate crew awareness
* corrective action may be required
Advisory (definition)?
- requires routine crew awareness
* corrective action may be required
Types of EICAS alert messages?
- warning (red)
- caution (amber)
- advisory (amber, indented)
Four conditions that pushing master warning/caution reset switch has no effect?
- landing configuration
- autopilot disconnect
- takeoff configuration
- overspeed warning
Engine start inhibit exceptions?
That are the takeoff WARNING inhibits?
- master warning lights
* fire bell (EICAS message appears)
What are the takeoff CAUTION inhibits?
- master caution lights and beeper
* EICAS caution alert messages are not inhibited during takeoff
GPWS alerts?
2&4 think which comes first when configuring
Rising Terrain And The Ground is Wet
Mode 1: excessive and severe RATE of descent
Mode 2: excessive TERRAIN closure rate
Mode 3: ALTITUDE loss after takeoff or go-around
Mode 4: unsafe TERRAIN clearance when not in landing config
Mode 5: excessive deviation below GS
Mode 7: Windshear
INCREASE DESCENT RA’s are inhibited…
random alt
Below approximately 1,450 feet radio altitude.
DESCEND RA’s are inhibited…
Below approximately 1,100 feet radio altitude.
All RA’s are inhibited..
Below approximately 1,000 feet radio altitude
All TCAS voice annunciations are inhibited…
below approximately 500 feet radio altitude.
…….inhibit all TCAS alerts.
GPWS Immediate-Alert and Windshear annunciations
Proximate traffic?
Neither TA or RA but within 6 miles and 1,200’
Other traffic?
Neither TA, RA or Proximate
TA, time to CPA (closest point of approach)?
Between 20 and 48 seconds.
RA, time to CPA (closest point of approach)?
Between 15 and 35 seconds.
How is PWS Caution displayed?
- Black and Red PWS symbol
- Amber “WINDSHEAR” annunciation
PWS Caution conditions?
biggest splay, lowest height
- WS within 3nm and not directly ahead
2. Enabled during takeoff and approach below 1,200’ AGL
How is PWS Caution annunciated aurally?
trick, no mention of WS
How is PWS Warning (WINDSHEAR AHEAD) displayed?
the whole shebang, it’s a warning
- RED and BLACK PWS symbol on EHSI
PWS Warning (WINDSHEAR AHEAD) conditions?
- WS detected within 3nm directly ahead
- Enabled during takeoff, below 1,200’
How is PWS Warning (WINDSHEAR AHEAD) annunciated aurally?
How is PWS Warning (GO AROUND WINDSHEAR AHEAD) displayed?
- RED and BLACK PWS symbol on EHSI
PWS Warning (GO AROUND WINDSHEAR AHEAD) description?
- Enabled during approach, below 1,200’
- WS within 1.5nm directly ahead
How is PWS Warning (GO AROUND WINDSHEAR AHEAD) annunciated aurally?
The PWS mode starts automatically when..
• aircraft is below 2,300 feet AGL
• thrust levers are set for takeoff
• WXR is selected on the EFIS control panel and
• TEST is not selected on the weather radar control panel
PWS alerts inhibited during takeoff and landing?
kts and feet, caution larger range
- WARNINGS, between 100 knots and 50 feet AGL
* CAUTIONS, between 80 knots and 400 feet AGL
PWS alerts inhibited by?
- Windshear immediate-alert warnings
- GPWS immediate-alert warnings
- GPWS look–ahead terrain alerts
PWS vs WS Immediate Alert?
- PWS alert when an excessive windshear condition is detected ahead of the airplane
- immediate windshear alert is when an excessive downdraft or tailwind is occurring
Which system does PWS use?
Weather radar
Which system does Immediate WS Alert use?
How is an Immediate WS Warning displayed?
- WINDSHEAR light (Red)
- Master WARNING lights
- Red WINDSHEAR on both ADI’s
Immediate WS description?
- Excessive windshear at the current airplane position detected by GPWS.
How is an Immediate WS Warning annunciated aurally?
Two–tone siren followed by WINDSHEAR x 3
Mode 1
Excessive descent rate
Mode 2
Excessive terrain closure rate
Mode 2A
Excessive Terrain Closure Rate with Flap not in Landing Position
Mode 2B
Excessive Terrain Closure Rate with Flap in Landing Position
Mode 3
Altitude Loss After Takeoff or Go-Around
Mode 4
with four legs, you can clear the table for landing!
Unsafe Terrain Clearance While Not In the Landing Configuration
Mode 4A
Unsafe Terrain Clearance with Landing Gear Up
Mode 4B
Unsafe Terrain Clearance with Landing Gear Down and Flaps Not In Landing Position
Mode 5
Below Glide Slope Deviation
Mode 6
Altitude Callouts and Bank Angle Callouts
Mode 7
Windshear warning system will work as warning where radio altitude is….
1,500 feet or below
There will be no WS warning when the airplane is..
On the ground before the takeoff.
Engine start inhibit period?
It’s About Time - IAT
- the engine reaches idle RPM
- the start is aborted
- 2 minutes elapse from engine start switch engagement
If a fire occurs during the takeoff inhibit…
- an EICAS warning message appears, but the fire bell and master WARNING lights do not activate.
- If the warning condition still exists when the inhibit is removed, the fire bell and master WARNING lights activate immediately.
Takeoff configuration warnings are terminated at…
Takeoff WARNING inhibits (applicable period)
think shortest possible window
nose gear extension to..
- 400’ AGL or 20 seconds elapsed time
Takeoff caution inhibits (applicable period)
- 80 kts to 400’ AGL or 20 seconds from nose gear extension
Takeoff advisory inhibits (applicable period)
The time either engine is advanced to takeoff thrust until:
- 400 feet AGL, or
- 20 seconds following nose gear extension
Takeoff advisory inhibits?
The following EICAS advisory messages are inhibited on takeoff:
• DATA LINK LOST to indicate data link is temporarily unavailable
• WINDSHEAR SYS to indicate windshear system is inoperative
Landing Inhibits?
- EICAS Communication alert messages such as SELCAL, ACARS, ATC or PRINTER and associated aural chimes.
- The CABIN ALERT message is not inhibited.
- The chime associated with the CABIN ALERT message is inhibited.
Landing inhibits (applicable period)
The inhibit begins on descent at 800 ft AGL and terminates at:
• less than 75 kt groundspeed
• 900 ft AGL on missed approach
If a communication alert occurs during the inhibit and exists when the inhibit ends, the EICAS alert message is displayed and any associated aural chime sounds.
Immediate Windshear - applicable period?
Can you have WS On the ground? Where does the fun start on an ILS?
- Enabled below 1,500 feet radio altitude.
* GPWS windshear detection begins at rotation.
The overspeed warning consists of:
- master WARNING lights illuminate
- OVSPD light illuminates
- EICAS warning alert message OVERSPEED is displayed
- aural warning siren sounds
Time critical warning condition annunciations?
MAVS - Must Act Viciously for Safety
Master warning lights, voice alerts, and ADI indications or stick shakers