War & Peace Flashcards
What are the causes of war?
Gain power & control over resources & trade
Defend itself from invasion
To gain independence from another country
Country wants to defend a weaker & smaller nation
Take back land they believe is theirs
What is a pacifist? (5)
- Belief that war & violence are wrong & cant be justified
- Believe that conflicts settled by peaceful means, e.g. strike
- Absolute pacifists believe it’s never right to kill, even in self-defence
- Conditional pacifism accepts in extreme circumstances, war is needed
- Selective pacifist rejects certain types of wars, e.g. nuclear
What is the just war theory?
War must be declared by legal authorities
Cause must be just
War must be last resort
Principle of proportionality must be observed
War must have reasonable chance of success
Only sufficient force used
Peace restored at end
No harm to civilians
“War is a waste of money & resources” (10) AGREE
War costs millions of lives & suffering, so can’t be justified
Damage to buildings, resources, services & environment
Money could be spent on education & healthcare
“War is a waste of money & resources” (10) DISAGREE
The only way to stop attacks on a country, is to stand up to them
Pacifist methods aren’t as effective as conflict
Dictators must be challenged