Crime & Punishment Flashcards
What are the causes of crime?
Poverty Traumatic childhood experiences Peer pressure Culture in which they’re brought up in Substance addiction Emotions/revenge
What are the consequences of crime?
Jail Lack of freedom Permanently on record Victims: Bereaved Psychologically damaged Hurt Lack of funds
What is protection in relation to punishment?
Society must be protected from dangerous criminals, they lose freedom so others don’t have to worry about being in danger from them
What is detergent in relation to punishment?
Sentence may be deterrent to criminal repeating same offence.
Others may be deterred when they see what happens to those who offend
What is vindication in relation to punishment?
People want laws upheld. Those who break them should be punished to show society is determined to uphold justice
What is revenge/retribution in relation to punishment?
Society & victims of a crime deserve to take revenge.
In the OT Moses laid down principle of “eye for an eye, tooth for tooth” Exodus 21.
Some Christians support this today. Others disagree & point out Jesus taught forgiveness.
What is reform/rehabilitation in relation to punishment?
Criminal learns how to be law-abiding member of society. Many Christians believe this is important because Jesus offered forgiveness & hope.
What is repayment/reparation in relation to punishment?
Criminal should make good the hurt they caused
They might do community, carry out useful, repay money they’ve stolen, or even apologise to their victim.
Arguments for capital punishment
They wont get back into world again Heavily discourages people from committing crimes Shows public they care & protect them Bible says take an “eye for an eye” Saves money for government Justice for families
Arguments against capital punishment
What if they’re wrongly convicted
Death is easy way out, rotting in jail worse
Life is sacred, we’re interrupting God’s plan
The Bible says “don’t murder”
What does the Bible OT say about capital punishment?
“Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed” - GEN 9:6 - whoever takes the life of a man can expect that he may die at the hands of one
“You shall not murder” - EX 20:13 - one of 10 commandments given to Moses, clearly states taking life of another person is wrong”
“But if there is a serious injury you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot” - EX 21:23-24 - idea of retribution, if someone causes you harm, they should be harmed
What does the Bible NT say about capital punishment?
“But I tell you do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek turn to them the other cheek also” - MATT 5:38-39 - Jesus tried to take away desire for revenge in people
“Let any one of you who are without in throw the first stone… neither do I condemn you… go now and leave your life of sin” - JOHN 8:1-11 - In his eyes everyone is a sinner, people are very quick to judge others. This verse asks us if we’re without sin ourself. God wants us to make wise choices and leave our life of sin - not condemn ourselves.
“Bless those who prosecute you.. do not repay anyone evil for evil… do not take revenge but leave room for God’s wrath for it is written ‘it is mine to avenge’… do not overcome evil by evil but overcome evil with good. - ROMANS 12:14-21 - It’s God’s responsibility to sort it out, don’t go down line of revenge. Even if court case goes wrong, God will sort it out in after life.
“A man reaps what he sows” - GALATIONS 6:7 - What you put into life, you will get back. If you live a life of crime, it will come back to you in earth & the after life
“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities… they are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.” - ROMANS 13:1-4 - God has pt in place judges, juries, police, courtrooms. He’s allowed these things to be put in place. They are his unstick givers on earth, while he is in after life.
What do churches say about capital punishment?
Catholic - “The traditional teaching of the church doesn’t exclude recourse to the death penalty, if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against the unjust aggressor. However if non-lethal means are sufficient to defend and protect people’s safety, authority will limit itself to such means.”
Church of England - “This synod would deplore the reintroduction of capital punishment into the United Kingdom sentencing policy.”
What is restorative justice?
- Encourage those who have caused harm to look at the damage they’ve done
- Giving them an opportunity to make a reparation
- Offering those who have suffered harm the opportunity to have this acknowledged and amends made
What does restorative justice rely on?
Voluntary cooperation - if one party doesn’t want to take part then range of options is reduced. If neither party is wiling, there’s no option but to let formal justice take its usual course
Social injustice & inequality - this limits how caring & supportive communities can be. For example, if there’s a big gap between the rich and the poor in a community, then there isn’t likely to be much voluntary participation, as the people are unlikely to want to work together.