War and REVOLUTION Flashcards
when was the crimean war?
crimean war 1853-1856
- ottoman empire in decline
- russia threatened turkey over access to holy lands
- in response, britain and france invade the crimea
-russia had old weapons - Alexander II signed the treaty of paris to end the war
what strengths and weaknesses did the crimean war show in russia 1853-1856?
- strong naval artillery
-enemy stronger due to superior industrialisation, telegrams, railways, steam ships
-army of 700,000 could not repel enemy
-500,000 losses
Impact of the crimean war
- international humilliation
- modernisation: serfdom, education, local government
-changing perceptions in russia- Britain’s military success against napoleon and in crimea
when did Alexander II sign the treaty of paris and what did it do
1856, ended crimean war
-black sea demilitarised:
- forced to destroy it’s black sea fleet fort at sevastapol
-lost influence in romania and serbia
- gave up a chunk of it’s southern empire
When was the Russo- Turkish War
+ explain it in a nutshell
breakdown of ottoman empire saw russia declare war in defence of slavic states it ruled
peace treaties gave russia land but it lost significant gains when austria-hungary and britain also got concessions
What were the two treaties of the Russo- Turkish war?
Treaty of San Stefano
Treaty of Berlin 1878- severely restricted russia’s political and military gains
When was the Russo- Japanese war + explain it in a nutshell
Nicholas II wanted eastward expansion in korea, an ice- free port in china and a patriotic war. He underestimated japan’s strength + modern advancement, was easily pushed back.
who was the crimean war fought between 1853-6
Russia and the Ottoman Turks with the latter supported by france and britain
What did slavophiles argue after the crimean war?
Questioned how great russia really was
Many argued russia’s status as a world power was damaged
Casualties of the crimean war 1853-6
- heavier casualties than any other europen war in the century
- Russia: 500,000
- this made up most of the war’s casualties
russia lost more than France, Britain and Turkey comnined
What was the cause of most deaths during the crimean war? What was the ratio of those who lsot their lives in battle?
One in five lost their lives in battle
most died of disease
What did the harsh terms of the treaty of paris (1856) show?
how fearful other european powers were of the great russian bear
military weaknesses revealed could be remedied
How did the crimean war lead to the reform of local government?
emancipation of serfs led to reduced role of nobility
Zemstva filled the gap and was significant as members must now be elected
how were the (mostly peasant) military treated during the crimean war?
What did the writer Leo Tolosty describe the army as?
punishments such as “running of the gauntlet” where they were beaten with wooden clubs
Poor accomodation spread disease- around 1 million died of poor health from 1833-1855
Lack of decent clothing or equipment
“we have no army, we have a horde of slaves” - Leo Tolosty, writer