Groups and Figures general Flashcards
learn their names... its hard but do it
Nicholas I
The guy before Alexander II who started the crimean war
Alexander II
Tsar 1855-81
emancipated serfs
got blown up
Alexander III
Tsar 1881-94
no wars when he ruled
period of reaction since they blew up his dad
Nicholas II
Tsar 1894-1917
The last tsar
messed up ww1
Leader of The Bolsheviks
Ruled Russia 1917-1924
Ruled russia 1928-1953
beat the nazis
start of the cold war
Ruled russia 1953-64
Cold war
Space race
Virgin land scheme
Po bed onost sev
Helped Alexander II with Judicial reforms 1864
Tutored Alexander III, majorly influenced him
Conservative and reactionary.
His influence faded under Nicholas II
Peoples Will
A terrorist group of educated classes who were upset with Alexander II’s refusal to continue his reform program after mid 1860s
(they also blew him up)
Those actively supporting the Bolsheviks during civil war
Those actively opposing the Bolsheviks during civil war
A revolutionary with a leading role in securing bolshevik success during civil war.
Wanted world revolution, stalin disagreed.
Head of the NKVD , stalin’s secret police, 1938 - 1953.
Some beleived he was involved in stalin’s murder.
He was denounced as a traitor, arrested and executed.
Once he was shot, the MVD (replacement for the NKVD) was placed under control of the party rather than one individual.
Anti Party Group
Opposed Khruschev
Attempted to abolish the post of first secretary of the party, which would have destroyed khruschev’s power base.
Cheif protagonists: Molotov, Kagonovich, Malenkov.
Prime minister under Nicholas II from 1906 - 1911.
Authoritarian. Quick to respond to changing political climate.
Introduced Peasant land bank
Accelerated trial for civillian rioters, resulting in series of quick executions “stolypin’s neckties”
Constitutional Democrats. A liberal political group founded in 1905.
seenas the intellectual arm of the liberal movement
Supported the tsar, in particular, his proposals made in the october manifesto.
A mystic who gave counsel to NII’s family.
When Nicholas took military command in 1915, rasputin extended his influence over the tsarina.
Progressive Bloc
A group within the fourth Duma consisting of Kadets, Octobrists, Nationalists and Progressives, who challenged the authority of Nicholas II.
Father Gapon
Orthodox preist
Led a march of workers on the winter palace in 1905, who were fired on.
(Bloody sunday)
Russian intellectuals who had greater freedom to criticise tsarist rule following AII’s reforms.
Cheif proponents - Chernyshevsky , Lavrov.
Influenced by Karl Marx to create their own brand of popular socialism.
Published “What is to be done?” In 1863. Containing simplistic message on how poor russians could be released from misery
this had a profound impact on lenin.
“going to the people” Campaign 1870s.
Socialist revolutionaries
emerged from populist movement 1901.
focused on improving conditions of the poor
split into two by 1905 (radical left/moderate right)
despite their divisions they were the biggest threat to tsarist rule before 1917
Radical Left SRS
SRS split to left and right in 1905
the left appealed more to industrial workers
they were responsible for around 2,000 political killings including grand duke sergei and Plehve
Moderate Right SRS
SRS split to left and right in 1905
the right Appealed more to peasants
the right worked with other parties and groups, gathering support and momentum after 1905 revolution.
Grand Duke Sergei
Brother of Alexander III
govoner of moscow at the start of the 1900s
killed by radical left SRs.
much hated minister of interior served 1902 - 1904
killed by radical left SRs.
George Plekhanov
known as father of russian marxism
populist/ black reparation
emphasised working class consciosness
Social Democrats
founded 1898
influenced by Plekhanov’s interpretation of Marx, working class consciousness.
Few workers inclined to engage w. theory. So they focused on improving pay and hours.
eventually split to bolsheviks and mensheviks.
Leader of the kadets
Foreign minister in 1917
leader of octobrists
war minister in 1917
Pyotr Struve
He founded the union of liberation in 1904, which demanded the freedom and justice for all russians.
In particular, it wanted more land distribution for peasants, a representative constituent assembly and improved conditions for industrial workers.
Green armies
Mainly peasant groups who opposed bolshevik rule
Dmitri Milyutin
military reformer and war minister 1861-81.
Reorganised army administration using prussian military system as a model.
Also devised the milyutin plan which were the beginnings of russification in poland.