wamss notes somatic disorders Flashcards
somatic symptom disorder
Symptoms that cannot be explained by a physical illness or injury, substance or mental illness that the patient feels as real and causes the pt anxiety/concern
Somatic: relating to or affecting the body, distinguished from the mind
criteria of somatic symptoms disorder
A. One or more somatic symptoms that are distressing or result in significant disruption of daily life
B. Excessive thoughts, feelings or behaviours related to the somatic symptom as manifested
by at least one of:
1. Disproportionate & persistent thoughts about the seriousness of Sx
2. Persistently high levels of anxiety about Sx
3. Excessive time or energy devoted to these Sx or health concerns
C. Although any one somatic symptom may net be continuously present, the state of being
symptomatic is persistent typically for >6 months
how is somatic symptom disorder different from factitious disorder
Factitious disorder: deliberately producing or feigning symptoms
how is somatic symptom disorder different from malingering
Malingering: fabricating or exaggerating symptoms for secondary gain
how is somatic symptom disorder different from illness anxiety disorder
Illness Anxiety disorder: anxious about having a serious disorder based on minor signs
how is somatic symptom disorder different from conversion disorder
Conversion disorder: production of the symptoms are unconscious
Tx for somatic symptom disorder
Often a chronic condition: management
Analgesic medications generally not helpful
Psychotherapy- CBT: Nil single Psychotherapeutic modality is effective with all pts
Validation of the pts experience
Referral: Pain clinic, physiotherapy
SSRI & TCA some evidence
illness anxiety disorder
Preoccupation and anxiety about having a serious disorder based on minor signs and
symptoms and negative test results
The pts distress emanates not primarily from the physical complaint itself but rather from
their anxiety of the cause of the complaint
Formerly known as hypochondria
criteria for illness anxiety disorder
A. Preoccupation with having or acquiring a serious illness
B. Somatic Sx are not present or are only mild
C. High level of anxiety about health
D. Pt performs excessive health-related behaviours (repeated checks) or maladaptive
avoidance (avoids doctors)
E. Illness preoccupation present for at least 6 months
specifiers of illness anxiety disorder
Care-seeking type
Care-avoidant type
Tx of illness anxiety disorder
Negative test results – only reassure a pt for a short amount of time
Regularly schedule doctor appointments rather than relying on multiple ‘as needed’ visits
Complaints and concerns taken seriously
Unnecessary test not performed to reassure the pt
CBT or relaxation techniques – some evidence
Treat comorbid mental illness
factitious disorder
Falsification of medical or psychological signs associated with the intent of deception
This is in contrast to somatic and conversion disorders in which the underlying conflicts &
production of symptoms are unconscious
criteria for factitious disorder
A. Falsification of physical or psychological signs or symptoms or induction of injury or
disease, associated with identified deception
B. Pt presents themselves to others as ill, impaired or injured
C. The deceptive behaviour is evident in the absence of external rewards
specific types of factitious disorder
Munchausen Syndrome: factitious disorder involving repeated episodes seeking admission to
Factitious Disorder by Proxy: The individual presents another individual (victim) as ill
The perpetrator not the victim receives the diagnosis
Pseudologia Phantastica: behaviour of habitual or compulsive lying
Malingering: fabricating or exaggerating symptoms for secondary gain
conversion disorder
functional neurological symptom disorder
Patients that present with neurological symptoms such as numbness, blindness, paralysis or
seizures which are not-consistent with organic causes that can be traced back to a
psychological trigger
criteria for conversion disorder
A. One or more Sx of altered voluntary motor or sensory function.
B. Nil clinical findings of recognisable medical or neurological conditions
La Belle Indifference: Inappropriate lack of concern about ones illness
La Belle Indifference:
Inappropriate lack of concern about ones illness
motor symptoms of conversion disorder
weakness, paralysis, abnormal movements- tremor, dystonia, gait abnormalities, abnormal limb posturing
pseudoseizures in conversion disorder
episodes of abnormal limb shaking with ‘apparent’ impairment of consciousness. EEG activity is normal during the seizure, there is not post ictal period & the frequency does not diminish with anticonvulsant Tx
sensory symptoms in conversion disorder
reduced sensation, vision or hearing abnormalities
cause of conversion disorder
Often occur in relation to a particular stressor
Often associated with other mental illness
Tx of conversion disorder
Exclusion of medical cause
Management of comorbid mental illness
Psychotherapy & CBT