summary Flashcards
psychiatric history
PC - impact, timing
past pychiatric history
past medical history
family history
medications and allergies
personal history - education, relationships, childhood
forensic history
drug and ETOH
social history - housing, supports
systems review and risk assesssment
sytems review
depression - mood, apetite, sleep
mania - impulsivity, flight of ideas, lack of sleep
anxiety - worry, panic attacks
psychosis - delusions, thought content
ED - laxatives, frequent weighing
PTSD - trauma, flashbacks, nightmares
OCD - obsessions, comppulsions, checking
organic causes - endocrine, neurological
risk assessment
- thought, plan and inent for suicide
- risk to others eg. dependants
- unintentional risk eg. medical compromise due to ED, neglect due to amotivation, risk to reputation due to disinhibition
mental state examination
A ppearance and behaviour
S peech - rate, tone, fluency
E motions - mood and affect and congruence
P erception - hallucination, derealisation
T hought - form, content
I nsiight
disposition - if the patient is at risk and not amenable to voluntary admission
biological - organic screen
psychological - psychoeducation, CBT, medication
social - SW, ALO, support groups, employment
organic screen
bedide - BSL, urine drug screen
laboritory - FBC, UEC, CMP, LFT, ESR, ANA, prolactin, TFT, vit B12/folate, Fe studies, hepatitis serology, sypphilis serology, HIV serology, coppper and ceruloplasmin (wilson’ss disease), vit D
consider imaging - MRI/CT
baby blues vs. perinatal depression
baby blues is up to 2-4 weeks post delivery and is milder and more transient
PND is longer, can occur prriorr to delivery
clinical presentation of postnatal depression
sadness, loss of interest
brain fog
peersisant worry - checking on baby, not leaving baby with other people, worry they dont love the baby enough
somatic symptoms - nausea, vomiting, palpitations
misuse of ETOH
edinburgh postnatal depression scale
completed at 12 weeks and at 28-30 weeks
mental health should also be assessed at the six week check
managment of post natal depression
risk assessment
disposition - consider need for admission to mother and baby unit
general management - build trust, validate, psychoeducation, empower
specific management - psychotherapy first line for mild/moderate, SSRI for severe (sertraline). address risk factors, consider support groups
follow up
safety net - ED, lifeline
HEEADSSS assessment
Education and employment
Eating and exercise
the two Es
education and employment
eating and exercise
the three Ss
how to ask about HEEADSSS
Home - relationship with family, do you feel safe
Educataion - school or working, performance, friends, plans
Eating - stress about body, recent changes to exercise
Activties - hobbies
drugs - alcohol, vaping
sexuality and gender - preamble, normalcy, gender identitity, relationships
suicidality - self harm, thought about taking your own life
safety - anything making them feel uncomfortable or treatened
serotonin syndrome
think like MDMA, aantidepressants
1. neuromuscular hyperactivity - clonus, hyperreflexia, hhypertonia, tremour, seizure
2. autonomic stimulatiion - hyperthermia, diarrhoeaa
3. agitation
neuroleptic malignant syndrome
unstable vitals
enzymes eg. CK
muscle rigidity (lead pipe)
examination requests at the end of the history taking
‘id like to perform a mental state exam”
“i would like to perform an organic screen including bedside investigators: (BSL, urine drug screen) and lab investigations: (FBC, UEC, CMP, LFT, ESR, lipids, prolactin, vit B12, STI serology, vit D)
“i do/do not beleive imaging is necessary”