wamss notes personality disorders 2 Flashcards
what are the cluster C personality disorders
obsessive compulsive
obsessive compulsive personality disorder
Pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism & mental &
interpersonal control at the expense of flexibility & efficiency beginning by early adulthood
OCD- egodystonic- behaviours & thoughts are unwanted & the product of anxiety inducing thoughts
OCPD- egosyntonic- perceived as rational eg adherence to routines to achieve perfection
criteria for OCPD
A pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and
interpersonal control, at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency, beginning by
early adulthood and present in a variety of
contexts. 4 or more of:
- Loses point of activity
- Ability to complete tasks compromised by perfectionism
- Worthless objects (unable to discard)
- Friendships (& leisure activities) excluded due to preoccupation
- Inflexible, scrupulous, overconscientious
- Reluctant to delegate
- Miserly
- Stubborn
LAW FIRMS stands for
- Loses point of activity
- Ability to complete tasks compromised by perfectionism
- Worthless objects (unable to discard)
- Friendships (& leisure activities) excluded due to preoccupation
- Inflexible, scrupulous, overconscientious
- Reluctant to delegate
- Miserly
- Stubborn
risk factors for OCPD
Emotional or psychological trauma in childhood
Tx for OCPD
Psychotherapy: CBT, BT, Self-help, Cognitive analytic therapy,
avoidant personality disorder
Pervasive pattern of social inhibition despite wanting to be close to others, feeling of inadequacy & hypersensitivity to negative feedback
criteria of avoidant personality disorder
A pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, & hypersensitivity to negative
evaluation; 4 or more of:
- Certainty of being liked required before willing to risk involvement
- Rejection possibility preoccupies his thoughts
- Intimate relationships avoided
- New relationships avoided
- Gets around occupational activities that involve interpersonal contact
- Embarrassment potential prevents new activities
- Self-viewed as unappealing, inept, inferior
acronym for remembering features of avoidant personality disorder
CRINGES stands for
- Certainty of being liked required before willing to risk involvement
- Rejection possibility preoccupies his thoughts
- Intimate relationships avoided
- New relationships avoided
- Gets around occupational activities that involve interpersonal contact
- Embarrassment potential prevents new activities
- Self-viewed as unappealing, inept, inferior
symptoms of avoidant personality disorder
Social isolation despite desire for close relationships (fantasy of relationships)
Shyness & anxiety in social situations
Rejection & criticism hypersensitivity
Mistrust of others or one’s self
Highly self-conscious
risk factors for development of avoidant personality disorder
Childhood emotional neglect or rejection
Tx for avoidant personality disorder
Psychotherapy: CBT & Social skills training
Medications for Anxiety if Sx are severe
dependant personality disorder
Pervasive & excessive need to be taken care of that leads to submissive & clinging behaviour
& fears of separation
Pervasive psychological dependence on other people. This personality disorder is a long-
term condition in which people depend on others to meet their emotional and physical needs
criteria for dependant personality disorder
A pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of that leads to submissive and clinging
behaviour and fears of separation, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of
contexts. 5 or more of:
- Reassurance required for decisions
- Expressing disagreement difficult (fear of loss of support or approval)
- Life responsibilities assumed by others
- Initiating projects difficult
- Alone (feels helpless and a sense of discomfort when alone)
- Nurturance (goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance & support)
- Companionship sought urgently when close relationship ends
- Exaggerated fears of being left to care for self
acronym for remembering criteria of dependant personality disorder
RELIANCE stands for
- Reassurance required for decisions
- Expressing disagreement difficult (fear of loss of support or approval)
- Life responsibilities assumed by others
- Initiating projects difficult
- Alone (feels helpless and a sense of discomfort when alone)
- Nurturance (goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance & support)
- Companionship sought urgently when close relationship ends
- Exaggerated fears of being left to care for self
risk factors for dependant personality disorder
Childhood emotional neglect or peer rejection
prognosis of dependant personality disorder
few achieve normal levels of independence
Tx for dependant personality disorder
Psychotherapy: CBT