Wall Quiz #8 Flashcards
How is iodide transported across the placenta? A. Endocytosis B. Simple diffusion C. Carrier mediated process D. Iodine does not cross the placenta E. Facilitated diffusion
C. Carrier mediated process
You are called to the ED as a known 30 week gravid arrives following a gunshot to the abdomen. Vitals stable. Exam shows entry wound in the left upper quadrant above the uterine fundus. Fetal monitor is shown (category I tracing with contractions). Which of the following is the most necessary: A. CT scan of the abdomen B. Amniocentesis C. Laparotomy D. Peritoneal lavage E. Wound fistulography
C. Laparotomy
A 33yo G4P3 at 29 weeks presents with vaginal bleeding. Her two previous deliveries were cesarean. She has a known anterior placenta previa. She is at greatest risk for:
A. Placenta accreta
B. Placental abruption
C. Preterm cervical dilatation
D. Premature preterm rupture of the membranes
E. Uterine rupture
A. Placenta accreta
Where is hemoglobin F produced? A. Liver B. Yolk sac C. Bone Marrow D. Yolk sac and liver E. Placenta
A. Liver
In a normal pregnancy HCG levels increase in a curvilinear pattern and then plateau of 100,000 mIU/mL at how many weeks? A. 5 B. 6 C. 8 D. 9 E. 10
E. 10
A 19 yo G3P2 at 29 weeks is embarrassed to admit she has been craving and eating ice and clay. What test is likely to be abnormal? A. Toxicology screen B. Liver function tests C. Complete blood count D. EEG E. EKG
C. Complete blood count
A 57-year-old has leakage of urine when she coughs, sneezes and laughs. Exam shows a right lateral anterior vaginal wall defect. The defect is most likely caused by:
A. Pubococcygeus muscle
B. Detachment of endopelvic fascia from the ischial spine
C. Detachment of endopelvic fascia from the pubocervical ring
D. Detachment of pubocervical fascia from the arcus tendinous fascia pelvis
E. Disruption of the pubourethral ligament
D. Detachment of pubocervical fascia from the arcus tendinous fascia pelvis
Which of the following is the best management for a post-menopausal patient with an 8 cm unilocular mass of the adnexa?
B. Laparoscopic assessment of mass
C. CT guided drainage
D. CT of the abdomen to evaluate for nodes and CA 125
E. Observation and repeat ultrasound in 12 weeks
E. Observation and repeat ultrasound in 12 weeks
Which of the following medications are utilized for the treatment of hyperthyroidism in a patient with a molar pregnancy to prevent pulmonary edema during evacuation? A. Beta adnergic receptor blocker B. Ace inhibitor C. Furosemide D. Angiotension receptor blocker E. PTU
A. Beta adnergic receptor blocker
Erb’s palsy involves which nerve roots? A. C1-C3 B. C3-C5 C. C5-C6 D. C6-T1 E. C6-T2
C. C5-C6
Which of the following is most likely a cause of postpartum hemorrhage as a result of forceps delivery? A. Uterine atony B. Uterine rupture C. Retained placenta D. Subinvolution of the placental site E. Genital tract laceration
E. Genital tract laceration
A common cause of transverse lie include which of the following? A. Nulliparity B. Prolonged labor C. Placenta previa D. Oligohydramnios E. Fetal anomaly
C. Placenta previa
Which of the following is the most common cause of breast cancer? A. Paget’s disease B. Inflammatory Breast cancer C. Ductal carcinoma D. Cystosarcoma Phyllodes E. Lobular carcinoma of the breast
C. Ductal carcinoma
Which study type answers questions regarding risk factors for disease and prognosis? A. Case Series/ Case Reports B. Meta analysis C. Randomized controlled trials D. Prospective cohort studies E. Case control study
D. Prospective cohort studies
Functional Residual Capacity in pregnancy declines due to what physiologic change: A. Decrease in RR B. Elevation of the diaphragm C. Increase in Minute ventilation D. Change in PH E. Gain in weight during pregnancy
B. Elevation of the diaphragm
A woman is concerned that her 6 year old daughter is developing breasts. The least important step in your evaluation is :
A. Serum estradiol level test
B. Bone age
C. A gonadotropic releasing hormone challenge test
D. Pelvic ultrasound
E. Karyotype
E. Karyotype
A 18-year-old, G1P1 presents to your office with a known history panhypopituitarism. Which of the following is the most important treatment? A. Aldosterone B. ACTH C. Cortisol D. ADH E. Thyroxine
C. Cortisol
The histologic feature of endometrial hyperplasia that is associated with the greatest risk of progression to invasive cancer is? A. Architectural complexity B. Mitotic figures C. Nuclear atypia D. Squamous differentiation E. Tumor cell necrosis
C. Nuclear atypia
Metastases to which organ system poses the least risk to a patient with GTN? A. Lung B. Spleen C. Liver D. Brain E. GI tract
A. Lung
When compared with normal weight women, obese gravidas, with an BMI less than 50, are at an increased risk for the following conditions EXCEPT? A. Fetus with IUGR B. Proteinuria C. Fatty liver disease D. Gestational DM E. Cardiac Dysfunction
A. Fetus with IUGR