Wall-2 Flashcards
Are renal clearance and excretion rate the same thing ?
Volume of plasma cleared of a particular substance by elimination into the urine per unit time (Units: mL/min)
Not the same as excretion rate (the quantity of a substance in the urine per unit time; units: mg/min)
Use the same formula for any substance cleared by the kidney: renal clearance is the excretion rate/plasma concentration.
What is creatine clearance equal to ?
Creatinine clearance (CrCl) is approximately equal to the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) because creatinine only enters urine through glomerular filtration; it is not reabsorbed or secreted or metabolized to any great degree. CrCl is easily measured clinically and can give an overall picture of kidney function ( i.e. GFR). There is ~ 10% creatinine secretion, therefore creatinine clearance slightly over estimates true GFR.
What is the clearance ratio ?
State what the ratio values mean
Compares the clearance of a particular substance to the GFR
Can be used to get an idea of how the kidney handles this substance.
**Ratio = 1.0 means that the solute is handled like creatinine or inulin and its elimination is equal to the GFR.
**Ratio 1 means that the solute is filtered and actively secreted from the peritubular capillaries to the tubular fluid. (Ex: Potassium or hydrogen ion)
**Ratio = 0 means that either the solute is too large to be filtered (i.e. protein; OR a smaller molecule that is protein-bound) or it is filtered and 100% reabsorbed (i.e. glucose and amino acids should not be excreted to avoid wasting fuel)
What is the filtration fraction FF
Represents what percentage of renal plasma became glomerular filtrate
Normal GFR is approximately 120 mL/min (10-20% lower in females)
Normal RPF is approximately 600 mL/min
Normal FF = 120/600 = 0.2
About 20% of RPF becomes glomerular filtrate (usually constant)
Can FF change ?
FF can change with a perturbation of volume state.
**Volume depletion (i.e. hypovolemia due to bleeding)
↓ cardiac output, with slight ↓ real arterial perfusion pressure, leading to activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
In order to keep GFR constant, the kidney will ↑ filtration fraction (autoregulation)
**Volume expansion
↑ CO, ↑ RPF, ↑ perfusion pressure
Autoregulation causes a ↓ FF (opposite effects as described above for hypovolemia)
In the case of volume depletion, How is the afferent arteriole vasodialated ?
Angiotensin II produces vasodilatory prostaglandins. Afferent arteriole has minimal number of AII receptors
Myogenic response of the vessel will also cause dilation for more blood flow (less resistance)
In a condidion of volume depletion, How is the efferent arteriole vasoconstricted ?
Caused by local angiotensin II, efferent arteriole has abundant AII receptors
Since more plasma became filtrate in the glomerulus, the hydrostatic pressure of the efferent vessel (which becomes the peritubular capillaries) is now much lower than normal.
Also, since no protein was filtered at the glomerulus, the same amount of protein reaches the efferent arteriole in a smaller volume. Therefore, the oncotic pressure of the peritubular capillaries is now higher than normal. These
Starling forces enhance peritubular capillary reabsorption.
How can the autoregulatory response be disturbed ?
Preventing local production of AT II (i.e. ACE-inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers or direct rennin inhibitors)
Preventing production of vasodilatory prostaglandins (i.e. NSAIDs)
*Notice that these are some of the most commonly used agents and thus can produce a significant clinical problem.
How will the Kidney react to volume expansion ?
↑ CO, ↑ RPF, ↑ perfusion pressure
Autoregulation causes a ↓ FF (opposite effects as described above for hypovolemia)
Kidney will shut off renin and AT II productionNet effect is to augment delivery to the distal nephron; therefore, it is easier to excrete solute and water.
This system of autoregulation will be covered again in small group sessions, and there are summary tables available in the syllabus.
Where does the bulk of reabsorption take place in the nephron ?
Proximal Tubule
Where is the fine tuning of the reabsorption take place ?
The Distal Tubule
What cell is key to reabsorption ?
The renal epithelial cell or tubular cell. Its apical membrane is exposed to the urinary space and the basolateral membrane is exposed to the interstitial space
What is the main purpose of the renal epithelial cell ?
Must reabsorb tubular fluid (ultrafiltrate of plasma), then send it through the cell or between the cells and back to the circulation
Need different transporters in apical vs. basolateral membranes
Need very large surface area in sections that will reabsorb huge amounts (i.e. proximal tubule); ↑ SA via villi and microvilli
What are tight junctions ?
Think of them as “gates”
Separate luminal transporters from basolateral transporters
Causes polarization of renal epithelial cell and separation of unique apical transporters from the basolateral side
What is the role of Na/K ATPase in renal absorption?
the cell is reabsorbing a huge amount of Na+ which must then be removed from the cell and returned to circulation
NO Na+/K+-ATPase on the apical side because it would be counterproductive!
How are transport proteins and ion channels used in renal absorption?
Specific transport proteins, ion specific channels, and water specific channels on the luminal and basolateral sides
Allow huge amounts of reabsorption
Includes transporters that link Na+ transport with other solutes
What are the two basic mechanisms for reabsorption ?
All reabsorption occurs either transcellularly (as described above) or paracellularly (through tight junctions).
Describe the proximal portion of the Nephron ?
The proximal portions of the nephron particularly the proximal convoluted tubule) are considered high capacity and low resistance.
Bulk reabsorption without the creation of steep gradients
Reabsorb a quantitatively large amount, but the osmolality of the tubular fluid remains the same (constituents changed)
Describe the distal portion of the nephron
The distal tubule is considered low capacity and high resistance.
Not for bulk reabsorption, but for maintenance of steep gradients between urine and plasma
What portion of the tight junctions influences paracellular absorption ?
Tight junctions are composed of claudin proteins that influence properties of paracellular reabsorption.
What are the six mechanisms of reabsorption ?
- Simple Diffusion (Lipid Soluble)
- Facilitated or carrier mediated diffusion (Glucose)
- Active Transport (Na-K ATPase)
- Coupled Transport (Link Trans to Na)
- Counter transport (Cl-HCO3 Exchanger)
- Channels ( Ion Specific or Aquaporin)
What are the differences between carriers and channels ?
Major difference between carriers and channels is that channels are not saturable. As long as there is an electrochemical gradient for the specific ion or water, it WILL move across a channel. On the other hand, coupled transporters have Michaelis-Menten kinetics; they are saturable and have a transport capacity. Once the transport capacity is exceeded, no more solute can be absorbed.
What is the size of the proximal tubule ?
Includes all parts of nephron from the proximal convoluted tubule exiting the glomerulus to macula densa (end of the cortical thick ascending limb of loop of Henle)
This entire segment is built for bulk reabsorption. By the time the tubular fluid reaches the macula densa, ~ 90% of the total filtrate has been reabsorbed, leaving the remaining nephron with a small volume to create fine, steep gradients, necessary for precise homeostasis.
Why do you want the bulk of material absorbed before it gets to the distal tubule ?
Everything is geared toward getting solutes reabsorbed proximally so the distal nephron is not overloaded. Because the distal nephron is not built for bulk reabsorption, any excess delivered solute will be lost in the urine.