Renal Histo- Herron and Nichols Flashcards
What are the two general regions of the Kidney ?
Cortex and Medulla surrounded by a fibrous capsule
Where do the blood vessels and nerves enter / ureter leave ?
In the Hilum
Where is the kidney located ?
In the retroperiteneum at the level of T12-L1
What is a renal column ?
( Or Berten Column ) is a medullary extension of the renal cortex in between the renal pyramids. It allows the cortex to be better anchored.
What is a cortical lobule ?
A cortical lobule is part of a renal lobe. It consists of the nephrons grouped around a single medullary ray and draining into a single collecting duct.
What is the main function of the kidney ?
To mantain plasma volume and blood pressure. It also produces hormones.
What does a nephron consist of ?
A renal corpuscle and its tubule. The renal capsule is the same thing as Bowmans capsule.
What are the components of the proximal thick segment ?
The proximal convoluted tubule and the proximal straight tubule
What comes after the proximal straight tubule in the nephron ?
The thin limb of the loop of henley
What is the macula densa ?
It is the demarcation point between the proximal tubule and the distal tubule. It is a feedback structure that can sense the amount of fluid in the tubule.
What are the portions of the thick distal segment ?
Medullary thin ascending limb, cortical thick ascending limb, macula densa, distal convuluted tubule, connecting segment, loop of henle.
Are collecting ducts part of the nephron ?
No they conduct urine from the nephron tubules to the renal papilla.
What are the openings in the renal papilla as it projects into the renal calyce ?
The Duct of Bellini
What are the thin segments of the loop of henlie composed of ?
Squamous epithelium
What does the lumen of the proximal tubule look like ?
The lumen of a proximal tubule has a star shaped lumen and a brush border. The lumen of distal tubule is more rounded and the luminal surface of the cells is sharper.
Which has a larger diameter, proximal or distal tubules ?
Proximal tubules generally have a larger diameter and contain a smaller number of nuclei.
What do the cells look like in the collecting ducts ?
They are smaller and more cuboidal than those of the proximal tubule.
What makes up the parietal layer of the corpusle ?
Epithelium that composes bowmans capsule
What makes up the visceral layer of the corpusle ?
The endothelial podocytes. The urinary space is between the parietal and visceral layers.
What are the phagocytes that are distributed amongst the capillaries of the glomerulous ?
The Mesangial cells. They phagocytose debris and provide structural support. They also secrete IL-1 and PDGF in order to repair the glomerulus.
What composes the cortical labrynths ?
The renal corpuscles, proximal and distal convoluted tubules.
What makes up the medullary rays ?
The medullary rays consist of affregation of straight tubules and collecting ducts. They lie between the cortical labyrinths
What is a renal lobule made of ?
A medullary ray and half of a cortical labyrinth on each side.
What is found in the medulla ?
Only tubules and collecting ducts.