Walden - Ethical/Advance Practice Flashcards
Obligation to help patient, to remove harm, to prevent harm, promote good, “do no harm”
Ex. Educating patient about new prescription, how to take, encourage to stop smoking, calling surgeon to get prescription stronger
Beneficence e.g.
Obligation to avoid harm, protect a patient from harm, prescribing a medication that is not contraindicated to patient.
Obligation to act in way that’s useful to or benefits the majority, outcome is what matters with utilitarism, use resource to benefit the most
Ex WIC is only for women and babies because it would cost society more if these patients were hurt by inadequate food intake
Utilitariasm e.g.
Quality of being fair without acting with a lack of bias, fair suitable distribution of resources, ex homeless man admitted to ED without insurance, treated the same as a man with insurance
Quality or state of being worthy of ethical and respectful treatment respect for human dignity is important aspect of medical ethics, persons religious, personal, cultural beliefs are considered dignified treatment.
Ex. Using hospital gowns to cover patient front and back, Foley catheters should not be visible to visitors not to embarrass patient.
Dignity e.g.
Obligation to maintain trust in relationship- keeping promise, dedication and loyalty to patient.
Ex. NP should try her best to develop trust with patient
Fidelity e.g.
Obligation to protect patient’s identity, personal information, test results, medical records, conversations, and other health information is right is protected by HIPPA
Obligation to ensure mentally competent patients have right to make their own health decisions and express treatment preferences
NP are responsible for their own actions and choices and do not blame others for their mistakes
Ex. Patient diagnosed with pleurisy but when goes to ED is diagnosed with MI, no error is held accountable for her decision
Accountability e.g.
Obligation to present information honestly and trustfully, in order for patient to make informed decision, do not withhold “bad news”