Walcott: Death Flashcards
ROAGH: “It cannot
“It cannot be long before we lie down in darkness, and have our light in ashes…”
ROAGH: “Stones only
“Stones only, the disjecta membra of this Great House.”
ROAGH: “The leprosy
“The leprosy of Empire.”
ROAGH: “Three
“Three crows.”
ROAGH: “Part of the
“Part of the continent, piece of the main.”
ROAGH: “Rook
“Rook o’er blown.”
ROAGH: “All in
“All in compassion ends.”
Shakespeare Sonnet LXV
“Sad mortality o’ersways” everything.
John Donne’s Devotions
“No man is an island entire of itself, every man is a part of the continent, a piece of the main.”
The Castaway: “We end
“We end in earth, from earth began.”
The Castaway: “In our own
“In our own entrails, genesis.”
The Castaway: “Godlike
“Godlike, annihilating godhead.”
The Castaway: “The ripe
“The ripe brain, rotting like a yellow nut hatching its babel of sea-lice, sandfly and maggot.”
The Castaway: “Cracking
“Cracking a sea-louse, I make thunder split.”
Lampfall: “There’s an old
“There’s an old fish, a monster of primal fiction that drives barrelling undersea.”
Lampfall: “Through nightmare
“Through nightmare, trolling.”
Lampfall: “To which
“To which I’m hooked.”
Lampfall: “Through daydream
“Through daydream, through nightmare.”
Lampfall: “Drifting
“Drifting, phosphorescent stars.”
Lampfall: “Closest
“Closest at lampfall.”
Lampfall: “Like the
“Like the moth-flame metaphor.”
Loreto Todd: “The speaker
“The speaker in the poem is held back by the love of family and friends and the realisation that death would also involve loss.”