Walcott: Colonisation Flashcards
ROAGH: “Lizard’s
“Lizard’s dragonish claws.”
ROAGH: “The smell
“The smell of dead limes quickens in the nose.”
ROAGH: “The leprosy
“The leprosy of Empire.”
ROAGH: “From evil
“From evil days, from evil times.”
ROAGH: “Stones only
“Stones only, the disjecta membra of this Great House.”
ROAGH: “Farewell
“Farewell, green fields, farewell ye happy groves.”
ROAGH: “The coal
“The coal of my compassion fought.”
ROAGH: “Albion too
“Albion too, was once a colony like ours.”
Pramad Nayer: “Walcott
“Walcott is against post-colonial bitterness and anger.”
TAT: “No
“No visible history.”
TAT: “This further
“This further shore of Africa.”
TAT: “Pompeian
“Pompeian bikinis.”
TAT: “Their grief
“Their grief howls seaward through charred, ravaged holes.”
TAT: “This stand of
“This stand of twisted, coppery, sea almond trees their shining postures surely bent as metal.”
TAT: “Their lengthened
“Their lengthened shapes amaze the sun.”
TAT: “They endure
“They endure their furnace.”
Loreto Todd: [Of the women]
[Of the women] Walcott “shows their beauty, their strength, their ability to survive in spite of their suffering.”