King Lear: Justice Flashcards
Richard Hooker: “God illuminateth
“God illuminateth everyone… by the force of light and reason… to know good from evil.”
Paul Delany: “Cash payment… left
“Cash payment… left no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest.”
Irving Ribner: “King Lear is
“King Lear is an affirmation of justice in the world, of a harmonious system ruled by God whose ultimate purpose is benevolent.”
Edmond: “Thou, Nature
“Thou, Nature, art my goddess; to thy law my services are bound… now gods, stand up for bastards!”
Gloucester: “I shall see
“I shall see the wingéd vengeance overtake such children.”
Lear: “Let the great gods…
“Let the great gods… find out their enemies now. Tremble, thou wretch that hast within thee undivulgéd crimes unwhipped of justice.”
Albany: “This shows
“This shows you are above, you justicers.”
Kent: “Fortune
“Fortune, goodnight… turn thy wheel.”
Edgar: “The low’st and most dejected
“The low’st and most dejected thing of fortune stands still in esperance… the worst returns to laughter.”
Edgar: “My father
“My father, parti-eyed? World, world O world!”
Albany: “The gods
[Enter Lear
“The gods defend her…”
[Enter Lear with Cordelia dead in his arms.]
Minas Savvas: “The deaths of
“The deaths of Cordelia and Lear seem to destroy any basis for a comprehensible cosmic law.”
Gonerill: “‘Tis his own blame
“‘Tis his own blame; hath put himself from rest and must needs taste his folly.”
Lear: “Better thou
“Better thou hadst not been born than not t’have pleased me better.”
Lear: “Into her womb
“Into her womb convey sterility.”
Lear: Regan will “with her nails
Regan will “with her nails… flay thy wolvish visage.”
Minas Savvas: It is “a world
It is “a world without forgiveness.”