Waiata (Songs) Flashcards
Ehara i te mea
Nō nāianei te aroha
Nō nga tūpuna
Tuku iho, tuku iho
Te whenua, te whenua
Te oranga o te iwi
Nō nga tūpuna
Tuku iho, tuku iho
Whakapono, tumanako
Te aroha te aroha;
Nō nga tūpuna
Tuku iho, tuku iho.
Not the thing
of recent times, is love
but by the ancestors it has been
passed down, passed down.
From the land, the land
comes the wellbeing of the people;
by the ancestors it has been
passed down, passed down.
Faith, hope
and love;
by the ancestors they have been
passed down, passed down.
E toru ngā mea
Ngā mea nunui
E Ki ana
Te Paipera
Ko te mea nui
Ko te aroha
There are three things
Very important things
As stated in
The Bible
And the greatest thing
Charity/ Love
Te aroha
Te whakapono
Me te Rangimarie
Tatou tatou e
For us all
Purea nei e te hau
Horoia e te ua
Whitiwhitia e te ra
Ma hea ake nga
Po raruraru
Makere ana nga here
E rere, wairua e rere
Ki nga ao o te rangi
Whitiwhitia e te ra
Mahea ake nga
Po raruraru
Makere ana nga here
Scattered by the wind
Cleansed by the rain
Uplifted by the sun
All doubts are
Lifted away
All restraints are cast off
Fly free, o spirit
Fly to the realms of the heavens
Uplifted by the sun
All doubts are
Lifted away
All restraints are cast off