W9: Persuasion Flashcards
What are the two models of persuasion?
- Heuristic-Systematic Model
2. Elaboration-Likelihood Model
Explain the heuristic-systematic model.
Peripheral/Heuristic: unconscious, automatic processing
- source attractiveness, source expertise, quality and quantity of arguments, consensus
Central/Systematic: conscious, deliberate, slower
e.g. argument quality (does the argument make sense?)
Explain the elaboration-likelihood model.
When you see a message, you either think about it a lot or a little.
- Central vs Peripheral
Factors that influence Elaboration (e.g. ability and motivation)
Process (central vs peripheral)
Factors that promote persuasion (argument quality vs source attractiveness)
What are the elements of persuasion?
Who? Message source
What? Message quality
Whom? Message receiver
What are the components of a message source?
- Attractiveness (Halo Effect)
- Credibility (Sleeper Effect)
- Certainty (Confidence)
What are the factors affecting message content?
- Quality
- straightforward and clear
- conclusive
- augmentation principle - Vividness
- Identifiable Victim Effect
What are the different factors affecting message receiver’s persuasion?
- Age
- younger people more persuaded - Mood
- stronger mood = more persuasion
- sad/happy/guilty - Need for cognition
- higher NFC: central
- lower NFC: peripheral
therefore, matching is crucial!
How does social media affect persuasion?
- Agenda Control
- emphasis on specific events to make people believe that it is important - Hostile Media Phenomenon
- naive realism (people who disagree with us are biased, even if it is balanced)
What are the 4 resistance to persuasion?
- selective attention and evaluation
- attention: the way people seek out information, tuning into info that supports their pre-existing attitudes
- evaluation: people like things that support their current attitudes - level of knowledge
- environmental awareness example - attitude inoculation
- toothbrush example - public commitment
- want to maintain self-image
- though polarisation