W8 Cannabis (AG) Flashcards
What is Cannabis?
It is a plant that is made up of more than 400 chemical constituents, including…
* Cannabinoids
* Terpenoids
* Phenolic compounds
* Nitrogenous compounds
* Amino acids
* Steroids
* Hydrocarbon
70 of these chemical constituents have potential for medical use
American term= marijuana
Cannabis chemovars:
Most accepted viewpoint- Monotypic genus which consists of a single species- cannabis sativa
Sativa, Indica, Ruderalis
subspecies= sativa and indica
sativa- taller, pale green colour
Cannabis breeding:
- Plants are distinctly male or female
- Therefore, cannabis plants are predisposed to outcrossing as opposed to self-pollination, which is the primary means of fixing desirable traits in other species
- Selective breeding of cannabis as a source of seeds, fibre and drugs
- Understanding the inheritance of chemical phenotype (chemotype) for the most clinically relevant cannabinoids has been central to modern medicinal cannabis and hemp breeding.
3 main chemotypes
Phytocannabinoids e.g. THC and CBD
What are they responsible for?
Cannabidiol (CBD)
- Responsible for the calming characteristics of cannabis.
- It is not regulated under the Drugs Misuse Act and is classed as a medicine.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
- Responsible for the intoxicating effects of cannabis.
- Classified as a Class B drug.
Cannabis-based product types?
Psychoactive use
Alimentary use
Medicinal yses
Fiber use
Other uses
Medicinal cannabis products:
- Cesamet and Canemes
-cont nabilone - Marinol and Syndros
-cont dronabinol - Sativex
-cont nabiximols - Epidiolex
-cont cannabidiol (plant-based CBD)
Cannabis preparations:
- Raw cannabis
- Magistral preparations
- Standardised cannabis
These are variable in THC/CBD composition
Cannabis based medicinal products
Current practice:
Who should prescribe?
Initial prescription of cannabis-based medicinal products (excluding nabilone, Sativex and CBD) must be made by a specialist medical practitioner (a doctor included in the register of specialist medical practitioners [the Specialist Register]. They should also have a special
interest in the condition being treated.
What are some cannabis-based product types?
Non-prescription products
(not licensed)
Consumer products containing CBD are safe? (for info)
- Consumer products containing CBD are sold directly to consumers in high-street shops and online without a prescription
- They include food and cosmetic
products - They are available in different over-the-counter formulations
Are edible cannabis-containing products safer than other forms?
Ingestion vs inhaling:
Ingestion/eating has a delayed onset of drug effect
Are Consumer products-containing CBD safe?
Studies have shown that:
* They may contain traces of THC
* They may contain unclaimed contaminants and adulterants
* They can interact with medicines!
Analysis of applications submitted to EFSA showed uncertainties related to:
* CBD interactions and biological effects
* The CBD matrix and its effect on the substance’s bioavailability
* The impact of long-term consumption
* Impact on the liver, the reproductive and endocrine systems
* Oral intake of CBD sometimes causes diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, GI discomfort, or
constipation in humans; the reason for this is not well-understood
* CBD may have neurological, psychiatric, and psychologic effects due to CBD’s
interaction with molecular targets and signalling pathways
* Genotoxicity?
Are Consumer products containing CBD addictive?
THC content and its impact
Consumer products containing CBD are not intoxicating?
Adverse effects due to a conversion of CBD to THC in the gut?
This was a rumour. Studies showed that this conversion does not occur.
Consumer products containing CBD are regulated?
- EFSA regulations
- UK FSA regulations
- Novel food products
Consumer products containing CBD have numerous health benefits?
No, this is clever marketing and online news article
Not enough evidence to believe this. Not completely safe either due to their side effects
Is Hemp seed oil is the same as CBD oil?
Hemp seed oil
* Made from the seeds of the plant
* It contains no active CBD or any other cannabinoids or terpenes
* Sometimes hemp seed oil is used as a carrier oil for CBD oils
CBD Oil:
* Is made from the unfertilised flower of the plant
* It contains high concentrations of CBD and related cannabinoids
* CBD oils are the primary medicinal preparation of the hemp plant
- Consumer products containing CBD have questionable safety
- Consumer products containing CBD may contain intoxicating cannabinoids
- Consumer products containing CBD are regulated before they are marketed
- Hemp seed oils are different from CBD oils
- Research is needed to confirm health benefits of the cannabis plant constituents
Test your knowledge - Example SAQ
Consumer products containing CBD are becoming very popular and are widely sold in health food shops.
1. Comment on the safety of these products, highlighting whether they can be addictive and whether they have health benefits.
2. Comment on how they are regulated?
- They have a lot of side effects. There is not enough evidence of their health bemefits and we do not know if there are long-term side effects
- Regulated by 3 regulatory companies
EFSA regulations, UK FSA regulations and Novel Food Products