W7L4 Fri Germ cell Flashcards
Role and member of germ cell
- Germ cells transmit genetic information from one generation to the next
§ Include gametes (eggs + sperm) + primordial germ cells PGCs (precursors to gametes)
life cycle of germ cell
-migration to genital ridges
-sexual differentiation
mechanism of Primordial germ cell specificaiton
-Determinative (preformistic) : specified by inheritance of “germ plasm” from the egg -
-Regulative (epigenetic) * specified by cell-cell interactions and signalling later in development
Determinative (preformistic)
PGC specification
Ø Germ plasma cytoplasm is rich in specialised RNA-binding proteins, RNA + mitochondria
Ø Contain inhibitors of transcription + translation (prevent somatic differentiation)
Ø Insects, nematodes, fish, birds + frogs
Zebrafish determinative specification
Ø Zebrafish: PGCs localise to cleavage (2-cell stage)
→ early PGCs localise outside embryo proper (protection from differentiation signals within embryo)
→ migrate into embryo once gonads form
Regulative PGC specification
Ø Ancestral form of germ cell specification
Ø Humans: PGCs in extremity region of yolk sac (protection from differentiation signals in embryo)
Ø Mouse: germ cell specification in posterior embryo via interactions b/w extremity + embryonic region (involve BMPs)→ migrate into extremity
Ø Mammals, urodeles (salamanders), most reptiles
Germ cells vs. somatic cells
germ cells and totipotent/pluripotent cells express many of the same genes
-somatic cell give rise to fetus, germ cell give rise to germ line
Key gene processes of PGC specification in mammals
Ø Prdm14:induce pluripotency genes (Sox2, Nanog) + repress somatic mesodermal genes (Hox, Brachyury promote diff.)
Ø Prdm1: promote germ cell-specific genes (Stella, Nanos3), extensive epigenetic remodelling
Germ cell proliferation
- E6.25 mouse: ~6 PGCs
- By E13.5: ~25,000 germ cells
- proliferation requires numerous growth factors & proteins
- autocrine and paracrine signals (SCF/c-kit, FGFs, LIF)
PGC migration
§ Migratory route guided by extra cellular matrix + chemoattractive/repulsive signals
Ø Extremity region → developing gut → dorsal mesentery → genital ridges (next to mesonephros)
§ Germ cells that go the wrong route apoptose (prevent tumour formation)
Germ cell sexual differentiation
first step is meiosis * in mice at E13.5-14.5:
– female germ cells enter meiosis
– male germ cells enter mitotic arrest
* germ cell differentiation initially depends only on the somatic environment, then later also on their chromosomal composition (XX or XY)
unique to germ cells
* recombination of genetic material
* production of haploid gametes
Control of entry into meiosis in the mouse
§ In mesonephros, vitamin A converted into retinoic acid (RA) which diffuses into gonads
Ø Females: RA activates Stra8 which promotes initiation of meiosis
Ø Males: expression of CYP26B1 degrades RA preventing meiosis
Non-equivalence of information
from eggs and sperm
- gametes carry the same genetic information but some of it is differentially modified between the sexes (= epigenetic “imprinting” of genes)
- evolutionary explanation: parental conflict in fetal investment
- imprints must be erased each generation in the PGCs
Type of Non-equivalence of information
from eggs and sperm
Ø Gynogenetic (2 maternal genomes): small placenta results in block in embryonic development
Ø Androgenetic (2 paternal genomes): embryonic growth retarded
Ø Epigenetic imprints must be erased each generation in PGCs (establish new imprints)
Epigenetic modifications
-heritable changes to DNA or chromatin structure but not DNA sequence
Ø DNA modifications: cytosine methylation of CpG islands often inhibit gene activation
Ø Histone modifications: active/open chromatin (gene expression) or inactive/condensed chromatin
Ø DNA methylation heritable b/w generations, histone modifications b/w cell divisions
Mechanisms behind initiating and maintaining epigenetic modifications
§ Developmental signals
→ activate DNA binding proteins
→ help establish + maintain DNA methylation
→ help establish + maintain chromatin structure
→ upregulation of DNA binding proteins
Epigenetic modification of germ cells importance
Epigenetic modification of germ cells is required for:
* correct germ cell-specific gene expression
* X chromosome reactivation in PGCs and inactivation during spermatogenesis
* imprinting erasure in PGCs and re-establishment during gametogenesis
* progression of meiosis
* gametogenesis
Modification of imprint status
- DNA methylation is the main epigenetic modification in PGCs
- epigenetic erasure of imprinted loci before and as germ cells arrive at genital ridge
- new imprint status established after sexual differentiation:
- females: during prophase I of meiosis
- males: during mitotic arrest
- Removal of DNA methylation by TET proteins
- Re-establishment of DNA methylation by de novo DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs)
Epigenetic control of gametogenesis
- spermatids: histones replaced by protamines
- oocytes contribute factors for post-fertilisation reprogramming (transcription factors and epigenetic modifiers)