W7L1 Mon Parturition Flashcards
Hormonal control: human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
- produced by the placenta after implantation.
-support the function of the CL, a temporary structure important in early pregnacy
Hormonal control: progesterone
-helps establish the placenta.
-stimulates growth of blood vessels that supply the womb and inhibits contraction of the uterus so it grow as the baby does
-strengthen pelvic wall muscle for labor
Role of progesterone in paturition
- Maintains uterine quiescence
- Decreases myometrial contractility
- Regulates nitric oxide (NO) synthase, relaxin
Inhibits - Gap junction formation (Connexin-43)
- CAPs (prostaglandin synthesis, oxytocin receptor affinity)
- Calcium mobilisation
- Oestrogen receptor expression
- Pro-inflammatory cytokine synthesis
Stimulates: - Prostaglandin degradation
- Source of progesterone varies between species (corpus luteum or placenta)
Role of relaxin in paturition
- Relaxes pelvic ligaments
- Softens cervix
- Contributes to placental development
- Prevents contraction of the uterus
- Acts through nitric oxide production
Some species it is only produced by the corpus luteum (not the placenta)
Hormonal control: key difference between humans and other mammals
- in animals, increase in progesterone but the decrease before birth
-in human and other species, continues increase of pregesterone
Hormonal control: drop in progesterone levels at parturition and the cause
Transition from quiescence (Phase 1) to activation (Phase 2) marked by change in ratio of oestrogen : progesterone
* In many animals, there is an abrupt withdrawal of progesterone from maternal circulation before parturition
* Caused by luteolysis (degradation of the corpus luteum) by prostaglandins
Hormonal control: functional progesterone withdrawal in humans
- There are two progesterone receptor (PR) isoforms: PR-A and PR-B
- PR-B inhibits oestrogen working through the ER-⍺ – this oestrogen signalling is “pro-labour”
- Progesterone withdrawal in humans depends on the ratio of PR- A and PR-B in the myometrium
-When progesterone starts signalling through PR-A, it inhibits PR-B, which in turn prevents the inhibition of ER-⍺
-Oestrogen can now signal through the ER-⍺
-Increases production of contraction-associated genes
-Increases contractility and excitability of myometrial muscle cells
Hormonal control: oestrogen (phase 2)
* Induces expression of contraction-associated protein (CAPs) receptors in myomentrium
* e.g. oxytocin receptor, prostaglandin receptors, gap junction proteins
* Makes myometrium more sensitive to CAPs
* Promotes cervical ripening
Key event of phase 2
i) Activation of uterine contractions
ii) Softening and ripening of the cervix
iii) Activation of fetal membranes
Phase 2: activation of uterine contraction :Myometrium
- Muscular wall of the uterus
- Increases in size during pregnancy
- Smooth muscle cells (called myocytes)
- Contractile machinery (actin and myosin)
-Myometrial contractility is calcium dependent - Prostaglandins and oxytocin inhibit intracellular cAMP (inhibitors of Ca2+) or stimulate local release of Ca2+ ions
- Binding of oestrogen to the oestrogen receptor (ER) triggers calcium mobilisation from internal stores in endoplasmic reticulum
- Oestrogen receptor (ER) can also act in the nucleus to increase transcription of contraction associated protein (CAP) genes
gap juction between myometrium
-Gap junction proteins enhance connectivity between myocytes in myometrium
-Stimulation of myometrial gap junction (called connexin-43) formation enables rapid and efficient spread of electrical impulses through the uterine muscle to facilitate the strong, coordinated contractions characteristic of active labour
Phase 2: stage of cervix change
- at the beginning of labour, the cervix has thinned
-during labour, the cervix opens
-at the end of the first stage of labour, the cervix is fully dilated (10cm)
Phase 2: Cervical changes in preparation for birth
- Change in the state of collagen fibers
- Collagen breakdown and rearrangement of fiber bundles (number and size)
- Changes in the relative amount of GAGs (e.g. hyaluronic acid) and the capacity of the cervix to retain water
- Dermatan sulfate (collagen fiber crosslinking)
- Nitric oxide
- Cytokine production called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) → degrades collagen
→ Enables cervical dilation (first stage of labour) - Largely regulated by inflammatory factors such as cytokines released from leukocytes (immune cells)
Immune control of pregnancy and parturition
-Balance between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory
-At parturition, transitions from anti-inflammatory to pro-inflammatory
-activation of macrophages in the amniotic fluid
-neutrophils and macrophages infiltrate myometrium and cervix
-§ ↑PGs = myocyte calcium entry increase + myometrial contractions
§ ↑MMP = collagen breakdown + cervical ripening
Phase 2: Activation (preparation for labour) | fetal role
- The fetus controls the onset of labour through hormonal and mechanical signals:
i. Fetal hypothalamus-pituitary- adrenal (HPA) axis
ii. Mechanical stretch (fetal size)
iii. Lung maturation (shown in rodents)
Hormonal: - Release of CRH (cortisol releasing hormone)
- Source of CRH differs depending on species
role of cortisol
a) accelerates production of oestrogen
b) increases production of prostaglandins
c) helps mature fetal organs
Phase 2 fetal role in human: activation of cortisol
-In humans, fetal tissues and placenta can produce and secrete corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) which signals to the fetal pituitary gland to bring about secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
* ACTH then acts on the fetal adrenal to make cortisol
* Maternal stress can also have an additive effect on placental CRH
Phase 2 fetal role in sheeps
- Fetal stress (space limits), leads to activation of the HPA axis to release of fetal cortisol (the stress hormone)
- Cortisol:
- downregulates progesterone (P4) and increase of oestrogen (E2)
o leads to prostaglandin (PGE 2 ) production which activates the enzyme that converts progesterone to oestrogen
o increases PGF 2a which leads to luteolysis (destruction of corpus lutem)
– no more progesterone produced (not in humans) - Ratio of oestrogen:progesterone changes
- Oestrogen leads to downstream signalling causing uterine contraction
Phase 2: Activation (preparation for labour) | fetal role in rodent
- In rodents, timing of birth controlled by events in the maternal tissues leading to luteolysis (destruction of corpus luteum) and a drop in progesterone levels
o increases PGF 2a which leads to luteolysis
→ reduction in progesterone produced (note: not in humans) - Ratio of oestrogen:progesterone changes
- Oestrogen leads to downstream signalling causing uterine contraction
- Signal may be transduced by the mother (e.g. uterine volume), the fetus (nutrient restriction, developmental transition), or the placenta (increased fetal demand for nutrients)
Lung maturation (shown in rodents)
Ø Foetal lung produces surfactant protein A (SP-A) which matures lungs + interacts with macrophages in amniotic fluid → ↑NFkB → ↑PGF2a → luteolysis + ↓P4 → labour
Phase 2: Activation (preparation for labour) | fetal role mechanical strech factor
- As the fetus(es) increases in size, there is a mechanical stretch effect
- Nervous system detects (pressure on cervix or myometrium) and sends signals to maternal hypothalamus
- Leads to release of oxytocin by maternal pituitary gland
- ↑ Contractility by ↑ expression of CAP receptors (e.g. oxytocin receptor and gap junction proteins) within the uterus
- Stretch induces pro-inflammatory cytokine production
- Movements of the fetus → intermittent contractions
- Faster growth and more stretch at the end of pregnancy → stronger contractions
- Twins → more stretch → earlier birth
Phase 2: activation in marsupials
-Possible that parturition occurs when the limit of placental transfer is reached
-Leads to cortisol release and the cascade of prostaglandin signalling (Mesotocin is the oxytocin equivalent in the Tammar Wallaby)
Role of oxytocin in stage 3: stimulation
- Peptide hormone Released by pituitary gland in mother
- Receptors increase throughout pregnancy,particularly during labour (+ increased receptor sensitivity)
- Increases intracellular calcium (Ca2+)
- Stimulates prostaglandins (PGE2 and PGF2a ) synthesis and release from the amnion and decidua
- Sufficient to induce contractions and birth in most vertebrates (used in labour inductions in humans)
Role of prostagladins in phase 3: stimulation and test to see the effect
- Small lipid molecules which Regulate luteolysis
- Placenta is major source in most animals
- Synthesised from arachidonic acid enriched in the fetal membranes (humans)
- Can induce parturition in mammals
- Prostaglandin gel applied to cervix via vagina can be used to induce labour in pregnant individuals
- Studies shown that PG receptor inhibitors prolong gestation
- Key prostaglandins (PGs) in parturition: PGE2 and PGF2a
Phase 2+3: water breaking
- Fetal membranes are the amnion and the chorion
- Rodent models suggest that there is a weakening of membranes prior to labour
- “Water-breaking” = rupture of the amniotic sac
- Normally, it occurs spontaneously at term either during or at the beginning of labour
- Caused by pressure of baby or by uterine contractions
Pre-term premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) - can increase risk of prematurity and neonatal or perinatal complications
- once the membranes are ruptured, bacteria may ascend and could lead to amnionitis or fetal infection
The 3 stages of birth
-dilation of cervix
-expulsion of fetus
-after birth
Parturition in marsupials: from uterus to pouch
- Gestational period of marsupials is very short (in the uterus)
- Kangaroos: 28 to 33 days
- Tammar wallaby: 25 to 28 days
- Newborns are born undeveloped, no hair, premature eyes and ears
- Newborns crawl instinctively from the vagina to the pouch
- They rush to a teat in the pouch and feed for 7-9 months before being able to leave the pouch and fend for itself
Preterm Birth
- Foetal stress: uteroplacental insufficiency
§ Activation of foetal HPA axis → ACTH → DHEAS converted into oestrogen → ↑myometrial OTR, PGs, MLCK, calmodulin, gap junctions → rupture of membranes - Maternal stress:
§ Maternal HPA axis activation → cortisol → CRH → prostaglandins → contractions/cervical change