W7: Atherosclerosis I; HT; Atheroma; Thrombosis & Embolism; Ischaemia Flashcards
Describe the process of atherogenesis and understand how atheromatous plaques form
focal plaques in intima of large/medium arteries
- FATTY STREAK: non-significant. fat-laden macrophage
- ATHEROMATOUS PLAQUE: lipid core fibrous cap (inflamm cells), smc prod collagen, foamy macrophage, lipid, debris
- FULLY DEVELOPED PLAQUE: calcification, arterial branching, large areas
- COMPLICATED ATHEROMA: haemorrhage or rupture
Understand the role of lipids in the aetiology of atheroma and presentation of hypercholeteraemia
LDL cholesterol major component of accumulation at vascular wall, which become oxidised and consumed by foam cells = toxicity = endothelial injury
- 1º familial or 2º idiopathic/acquired hypercholesterolaemia; FH ↓LDL receptors on membrane
• corneal arcus, tendon xanthoma, xanthelasmata
Acute Complications of atherosclerosis
stenosis = St. Angina
severe stenosos = ischaemia, unstable ang., periph. art. disease, atrophy
acute atheromatou occlusion: coag cascade, necrosis of affected area
embolisation of distal beds
ruptured atheromatous AAA = dilatation of vessel, retroperitoneal haemorrage
Describe the process of thrombosis.
thrombosis: solid mass from blood constituent in vasc. system
clot: solid blood
- turbulent blood flow
- endothelial injury
- collagen exposure and interaction with plaque
- fibrin meshwork and rbc trap
*lines of zahn: rbc then PT.
=> prophylaxis: TEDS, subcutaneous heparin
Common emboli
fat, bone marrow emboli: fractures
trophpoblast, amniotic: pregnancy
Rheumatic Heart Disease - aetiology, pathophys, and pres.
Predisposing rheumatic fever at early age
* males, flitting, polyarthritis, rashes, fever, sore throat
* DISORDERED IMM. RESPONSE = cardiac and joint inflamm. (+neuro)
- Ab and T-mediated dmg to heart
=> ASCHOFF BODIES (necrotic, inflamm cells)
=> pancarditis + murmurs
RHD - valvular + chronic rheumatic heart diseases
- MITRAL STENOSIS (common) or regurg.
- Vegetations on valve leaflets
CHRONIC - valvular abn. - inflamm = fibrinoid => deforming fibrotic valvular disease * leaflet thickening, commissural fusion, thickeneing and shortening of chord. tend.
RHD - valvular + chronic rheumatic heart diseases
- MITRAL STENOSIS (common) or regurg.
- Vegetations on valve leaflets
CHRONIC - valvular abn. - inflamm = fibrinoid => deforming fibrotic valvular disease * leaflet thickening, commissural fusion, thickeneing and shortening of chord. tend.
General Process of Infarction: main events
i. COAGULATIVE NECROSIS (heart, spleen)
ii. COLLIQUITIVE NECROSIS (brain): cystic infarct d/t small foci breakdown draw fluid to area
=> often irreversible and severe dmg.
- coag, haemorr., oedema
- necrosis, lymph infiltrate (24hr)
- swollen mitochondria
- ↑Infiltrate ↓Specialised Features
- Disintegration. Immune Cell Death
- pale infarct., red (lung+liver)
- darkening of infarct
- Granulation at periphery
- Established gran. and collagen deposit.
- ↑Collagen + Scarring
=> scar.
Reperfusion Injury
Restoration of supply but huge influx of oxidative dmg + inflamm cells.