W5: Brain And Control Of Movements 1 Flashcards
What are upper motoneurones?
They have a motor efferent whose entire axon resides within the CNS.
What are lower motoneurons?
Responsible for bringing about contraction and change in muscle length. They have a motor efferent whose axon travels in peripheral nerves.
How do the 2 connect?
Upper can never contact muscles directly. They always produce their actions by influencing lower motoneurons.
How are movements produced by the motor system?
Common to all movements - the body’s motor system releases itself from a tonic descending inhibition from the brain that normally operates to suppress any and all movements. The default position in the body is tonic descending inhibition on the motor system.
What does the cerebral cortex do?
Represents the highest centre for processing of sensory information and for motor commands.
What are voluntary motor commands issued through?
The motor cortex, which is located in the frontal lobe occupying the pre-central gyrus
What is the pre-central gyrus responsible for?
Activating muscles in the body. Gives signals from all parts of the body.
What brings about the motor homunculus?
The cells of the pre-central gyrus relationship to each other bring about the motor homunculus.
Other names for pre-central gyrus
Motor strip, motor cortex, pre-central gyrus, M1
Key motor cortical interconnections
- the motor strip receives signals from the pre motor area and the supplementary motor area
- between the supplementary motor areas and the pre motor areas, there is a lot of exchange of information between them. Both of these are fed information from the posterior parietal cortex
- motor cortex gives the final command via descending fibre tracts
- the variety of descending motor fibres coming from the pre-central gyrus of the brain constituted the pyramidal tract. These are all apomotoneurons.
- pyramidal tract then carries the signal to the lower motorneurones which bring about the response in muscles
What are pyramidal tracts?
Axons of apomotoneurones from the motor cortex.
Motor homunculus
Neurones of the motor strip are grouped according to skeletal muscles they command. The motor map of cortical neurones can be reconstructed into a disproportional caricature of a distorted muscle man known as the motor homunculus.
Which side of the motor cortex controls the left side of the body?
The right cerebral motor cortex of the brain controls skeletal muscles of the left side of the body and vice versa.
Neurones of the brain at the level of the pre-central gyrus have axons which leave the cerebral cortex down the descending fibre tracts. These will carry on until the level of the medulla, then what happens?
75-85% of fibres cross over onto the other side. These fibre tracts of the brain will now bring about control of muscles on the opposite side.
20-25% of fibres that do not decussate will stay on the same side. When they get to their destination, they decussate at the site of their target.
So the cerebral cortex has 100% decussate on to the contralateral side.
What are descending fibre tracts formed from?
Axons of neurones with cell bodies in motor nuclei of the brain. Descending systems of the brain are upper motoneurons.