W5 Assembly and Automation Flashcards
Assembly is the process where the manufactured components that form products are joined together
to form the final product. There are two principal types of assembly systems: Workbench (or cell)
and Lines.
Workbench (Cell) assembly systems
In workbench systems a single fitter at a single bench does all the work required for a product.
To increase production rate, the number of benches is increased and they work in parallel.
Advantages of workbench systems
Since the complete set of activities take place
in each single cell, it is possible to add or
remove cells without affecting the rest of the
Good accountability
A single fitter assembles each product. It is
therefore, very easy to determine who would
be responsible for any quality issues.
Disadvantages of workbench systems
- Require more space (Low output per m2)
The work is duplicated across all workbenches.
Consequently, the same tools and auxiliary
resources should exist at each workstation.
This results in redundant use of space. - Require more assembly stores
The duplication would result in a
need for additional storage space. - Require more equipment
The same set of equipment
is required at each workstation.
Difficult to track products
Manual VS Automated Cells
- Cells categorized into Manual or Automated
- Automated cells constructed using robots or a single machine
- Usually implemented when long-term demand and investment justify it
- High output rate but limited variety of parts manufactured
- Highly flexible within designed product range
- Manual cells allow workers to choose work patterns
- Performance level negotiated for each worker
- Suitable for products with high variety and low volume
- Can accommodate products of various sizes
Kitted assemblies and bench stores
- Cells require storage space for necessary parts
- Two prevalent approaches: kitted assemblies and bench stores
- Kitted assemblies for high variety, low volume production
- Components for a single part loaded into a kit
- Kits kept together with products in the factory
- Bench stores for smaller products with cheap components
Cycle time
The time between two
consecutive finished products coming off the line is called cycle time
Takt time
The maximum cycle time that
can meet the customer demand is called takt time.
Assembly lines
- Assembly systems split work for each product into packages
- Each workstation completes work in one package
- Product moves through various workstations
- Work packages sequentially executed to assemble the product
Fixed fitter lines
- Fixed fitter lines have stationary fitters, products move from station to station
- Variations:
- Single fitter stations: each manned by one operator, suitable for small products
- Multi fitter stations: manned by multiple operators, suitable for large products
- Categorization based on product variety:
- Single product lines: assemble one product
- Multi-product lines: assemble several types of products using same workstations
- Mixed product lines: parts of assembly lines used for multiple products, others unique to single product
Moving fitter and Hybrid lines
- Moving fitter lines involve fitters walking or riding, products are often stationary
- Hybrid lines combine moving fitter and fixed fitter line features
Adv Disad of fixed fitter lines
Fast throughput times
Minimise tooling
Minimise stores
Allow fitter specialisation
High output and quality
Very efficient when on
Low flexibility
Need consistent demand
Difficult to balance
Typically on or off
Adv Disad of moving fitter lines
High flexibility
High product variation
Multi-skilled fitters
Fast throughput times
Minimise tooling
Minimise stores
Multi-skilled fitters
Difficult to manage
Adv and Disad of Hybrid lines
Adv: Combines the adv of fixed and moving
Disadv: Very difficult to balance
Large complicated lines
Line Balancing
- Line balancing: assignment of assembly tasks to workstations
- Goal: eliminate uneven workload, bottlenecks, stock holdups
- Achieve smooth flow of components throughout system
- Critical in assembly lines for even workload, maximum throughput with given resources
Intuitive Balancing
The engineer uses their experience to divide the work
among the workstation trying to equalise the load and eliminate bottlenecks
Mathematical Model
- Line balancing as a mathematical optimization problem
- Objective: Minimize number of workstations
- Often formulated as binary programming
- Exact solution challenging, heuristics commonly used instead
Heuristic Method
- Heuristic methods: experience-based, reduce need for calculations
- Objective often replaced by simpler goal likely to produce good results
- Rank Positional Weight method used in assembly line balancing
Rank Positional Weight (RPW)
- Calculate each element’s positional weight, which equals its task time plus all subsequent task
times in the precedence chains. - Construct a rank positional weight table of elements.
- Assign the unallocated element with the highest available rank to the first available workstation.
- Assign the next highest ranked unallocated element precedence and time permitting.
- Continue assigning the next highest ranked unallocated element until the workstation time
equals the cycle time or no further elements are available for adding. - Adopt the assigned element group as the next workstation and go to 3 or finish if there are no
more unallocated elements.
Defined as the output per employee per hour
Automation goals
- Integrate various aspects of the manufacturing system to improve product quality and uniformity
while minimising cycle times - Improve productivity to reduce costs by better control of the production.
- Improve quality by using repeatable processes and thus reducing variance.
- Reduce human involvement, boredom and thus the potential for human error.
- Raise the level of safety, especially in hazardous environments, for personnel.
- Economise space by arranging machines, material handling, etc. more efficiently.
Hard automation or fixed position automation
- Hard automation or fixed position automation for producing standard parts
- Machines not very flexible
- Parameters that can be changed:
- Product size
- Machining speed
- Feed rate
- Depth of cut
Transfer machines
- Machines called transfer machines built with modular structure
- Consist of power-head production units and transfer mechanism
- Expensive to design and build
- Economical use requires very high product quantities
Soft or flexible or programmable automation
- Greater flexibility achieved through computer-controlled machines
- Machines easily reprogrammed to produce new parts
- Enabled by numerical control (NC)
Numerical control
- Numerical control: method for controlling movements or variables of machine components
- Coded instructions directly inserted to control machine
- System interprets data and converts to output signals
- Actions controlled include:
- Turning spindles on and off
- Changing cutting tools
- Moving workpiece or tool along specific paths
- Unloading a part
Two types of circuits
(a) Open-loop where signals are sent to servos with no control, or (b) closed-loop where
signals are sent to motors but the position of the worktable is controlled through the
use of sensors (DAC=Digital-to-analogue converter).
Point-to-point systems in numerical control (NC)
- Axes of movement controlled independently
- Axes move with various velocities
- Position of axes in relation to each other not controlled
- Positioning operation completed before machining operation commences
Contouring system or continuous path system
- Axes of movement controlled simultaneously
- Allows machining operations while other axes move
- Operations exclusive to contouring system:
- Face milling
- End milling
- Peripheral milling
- Drilling can be done using point-to-point system
Industrial Robot
“a machine formed by a mechanism including several degrees of freedom, often having the appearance
of one or several arms ending in a wrist capable of holding a tool, a workpiece or an inspection
Robot specifications
- Control unit of industrial robot requires memorizing capabilities
- Robots may utilize sensing or adaptation features to respond to environment
- Widely used in material handling, spot welding, deburring, applying adhesives, inspection, gauging, and other applications
- Robots classified by basic type:
- Cartesian or rectilinear
- Cylindrical
- Spherical or polar
- Articulated, revolute, jointed, or anthropomorphic
Robot components
- Manipulator: Mechanical unit providing motions, including arm and wrist.
- End effector: Equipped at the end of the wrist, can include:
- Grippers, hooks, scoops, electromagnets, vacuum caps, adhesive fingers
- Spray guns for painting
- Attachments for spot, arc, and laser welding
- Power tools (drills, nut drivers, burrs)
- Measuring instruments
- Power supply: Electrical, pneumatic, or hydraulic.
- Controller: Can be simple, allowing replay of predefined motions, or complex, capable of adapting to evolving situations based on sensor input.