W4-W6 word list Flashcards
V. Definition: To take someone away illegally by force or deception. Sample Sentence: The criminal attempted to abduct the child from the playground but was stopped by bystanders.
V. Definition: To praise enthusiastically and publicly. Sample Sentence: The author was acclaimed for her latest novel, which became an instant bestseller.
V. Definition: To achieve or complete something successfully. Sample Sentence: She worked hard to accomplish her goal of running a marathon.
Noun. Definition: Something accomplished, especially through effort, skill, or perseverance. Sample Sentence: Winning the championship was the greatest achievement of his athletic career.
V. Definition: To gain or obtain something, especially through effort or experience. Sample Sentence: Over time, she was able to acquire the skills needed to master the job.
Noun. Definition: A young person in the process of developing from a child into an adult. Sample Sentence: The adolescent struggled with the challenges of balancing school and friendships.
V. Definition: To examine something in detail to understand it better or discover more about it. Sample Sentence: The scientists will analyze the data to determine the cause of the experiment’s results.
Adj. Definition: Having an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities. Sample Sentence: His arrogant attitude made it difficult for others to work with him.
V. Definition: To attack someone violently or criticize strongly. Sample Sentence: The politician was assailed by his opponents during the debate.
Adj. Definition: Shocked or greatly surprised. Sample Sentence: He was astounded by the sudden announcement of his promotion.
Noun. Definition: A book of maps or charts. Sample Sentence: He used an atlas to plan their road trip across the country.
Adj. Definition: Very strange or unusual. Sample Sentence: The bizarre outfit she wore to the party caught everyone’s attention.
V. Definition: To support or strengthen something. Sample Sentence: She used the positive feedback to bolster her confidence before the presentation.
Adj. Definition: Having the shape of a circle. Sample Sentence: The table had a circular design that fit perfectly in the small dining area.
V. Definition: To give something, typically money, in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury. Sample Sentence: The company promised to compensate the workers for their overtime hours.
V. Definition: To create or write something, especially music or a piece of writing. Sample Sentence: He spent the entire afternoon composing a letter to his friend overseas.
Adj. Definition: Large in amount, extent, or importance. Sample Sentence: She made a considerable effort to finish the project before the deadline.
Adj. Definition: Showing concern for the needs or feelings of others. Sample Sentence: He was considerate of his friend’s feelings and decided not to bring up the topic.
V. Definition: To give something, especially in order to help achieve or provide something. Sample Sentence: Each member of the team will contribute their ideas to the project.
Adj. Definition: Polite, respectful, or considerate in manner. Sample Sentence: The hotel staff were courteous and always greeted guests with a smile.
V. Definition: To express disapproval of someone or something by pointing out faults or flaws. Sample Sentence: The movie was criticized for its weak storyline and poor acting.
V. Definition: To evaluate or analyze something critically, often pointing out its strengths and weaknesses. Sample Sentence: The professor asked the students to critique each other’s essays in class.
Adj. Definition: Endearing and soft, inviting one to cuddle or hug. Sample Sentence: The stuffed bear was incredibly soft and cuddly, perfect for children.
Adj. Definition: Attractive in a sweet or endearing way. Sample Sentence: The puppy was so cute that everyone wanted to take it home.
V. Definition: To devote time, effort, or oneself to a particular task or purpose. Sample Sentence: She decided to dedicate her life to helping those in need.
V. Definition: To protect someone or something from harm or attack. Sample Sentence: The soldiers were prepared to defend their country against any invaders.
V. Definition: To destroy something completely, especially a building. Sample Sentence: They decided to demolish the old stadium to make room for a new one.
V. Definition: To place money into a bank account or to put something in a specific place. Sample Sentence: He plans to deposit his paycheck into his savings account tomorrow.
Adj. Definition: Having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it. Sample Sentence: She was determined to finish the race, no matter how tired she felt.
V. Definition: To give out something to several people or places. Sample Sentence: The charity will distribute food and blankets to those in need during the winter.
Adj. Definition: Qualified to be chosen or to participate. Sample Sentence: Only students with high grades are eligible for the scholarship program.
Noun. Definition: Something that provides enjoyment or amusement. Sample Sentence: The circus provided entertainment for people of all ages.
Adj. Definition: Showing intense excitement or eagerness about something. Sample Sentence: The students were enthusiastic about the upcoming field trip to the science museum.
Noun. Definition: A mathematical statement that shows the equality between two expressions. Sample Sentence: The teacher wrote a complex algebraic equation on the board for the students to solve.
Adj. Definition: Absolutely necessary or extremely important. Sample Sentence: Water is essential for all living organisms to survive.
Adj. Definition: Full of important or interesting events. Sample Sentence: Their trip to Europe was eventful, with lots of sightseeing and cultural experiences.
Adj. Definition: More than what is necessary or reasonable. Sample Sentence: The manager warned the employees against taking excessive breaks during work hours.
V. Definition: To put out a fire or light. Sample Sentence: The firefighters worked quickly to extinguish the flames.
Noun. Definition: Intense, violent anger. Sample Sentence: She was filled with fury when she discovered the damage to her car.
Adj. Definition: Done with excessive speed or urgency; hurried. Sample Sentence: The hasty decision led to mistakes that could have been avoided with more careful thought.
V. Definition: To pay attention to advice or a warning. Sample Sentence: She failed to heed the warnings about the storm and was caught in the rain.
Noun. Definition: A seven-sided polygon. Sample Sentence: The architect used a heptagon shape in the design of the unique building.
Adj. Definition: Unsure or slow to act because of uncertainty or doubt. Sample Sentence: He was hesitant to make a decision without consulting his team first.
Adj. Definition: Having high ideals or goals, often unrealistic or impractical. Sample Sentence: His idealistic view of the world led him to believe that all conflicts could be solved peacefully.
V. Definition: To light up or make something clear. Sample Sentence: The streetlights illuminate the park at night, making it safer for people to walk.
Adj. Definition: Existing only in the mind or imagination; not real. Sample Sentence: As a child, she had an imaginary friend who kept her company.
Adj. Definition: Extremely large or great in size or degree. Sample Sentence: The immense crowd at the concert filled the entire stadium.
Adj. Definition: Lacking humility or modesty; boastful. Sample Sentence: She was immodest about her accomplishments, often bragging about her success.
Adj. Definition: Not influenced by personal feelings; lacking human warmth or connection. Sample Sentence: The automated email response felt impersonal and left many customers frustrated.
Adj. Definition: Evoking admiration through size, quality, or skill. Sample Sentence: The athlete’s impressive performance earned him a gold medal.
Adj. Definition: Not paying attention; negligent. Sample Sentence: The inattentive driver caused the accident by failing to notice the stop sign.
Adj. Definition: Unable to be destroyed; lasting forever. Sample Sentence: The indestructible material used in the building’s structure can withstand any weather conditions.
Adj. Definition: Clever, original, and inventive. Sample Sentence: The inventor came up with an ingenious solution to the problem.
Adj. Definition: Too many to be counted; countless. Sample Sentence: There were innumerable stars visible in the clear night sky.
Adj. Definition: Too small or unimportant to be worth consideration. Sample Sentence: The error was so insignificant that it didn’t affect the overall results.
V. Definition: To teach or give someone information on how to do something. Sample Sentence: The coach will instruct the players on the new strategy before the game.
Adj. Definition: Too powerful to be defeated or overcome. Sample Sentence: The superhero seemed invincible as he fought off all his enemies.
Noun. Definition: A feeling of great happiness and triumph. Sample Sentence: There was widespread jubilation in the streets after the team won the championship.
Adj. Definition: Remarkable enough to be famous; very well known. Sample Sentence: The band became legendary after their groundbreaking performance at the festival.
Noun. Definition: A bullfighter who performs in a bullring, especially the one who kills the bull. Sample Sentence: The matador’s skill and grace in the ring earned him loud applause from the crowd.
Noun. Definition: A feeling of deep sadness, typically with no obvious cause. Sample Sentence: He felt a sense of melancholy after saying goodbye to his friends.
Adj. Definition: Worth remembering or easily remembered, especially because of being special or unusual. Sample Sentence: Their trip to Paris was one of the most memorable experiences of their lives.
Noun. Definition: Playful misbehavior or troublemaking, especially in children. Sample Sentence: The children were always up to some kind of mischief, like hiding each other’s toys.
Adj. Definition: Dark and unclear, often due to thick mist or dirt in the water. Sample Sentence: The murky water of the lake made it difficult to see the bottom.
V. Definition: To give a spoken or written account of something. Sample Sentence: The documentary was narrated by a famous actor, giving it a dramatic tone.
V. Definition: To discuss something formally in order to reach an agreement. Sample Sentence: They had to negotiate a contract that was beneficial for both sides.
V. Definition: To gently push or poke someone to get their attention. Sample Sentence: She gave him a nudge to remind him it was his turn to speak.
Adj. Definition: Great in number; many. Sample Sentence: She received numerous awards for her contributions to science.
V. Definition: To care for and encourage the growth or development of someone or something. Sample Sentence: She wanted to nurture her children’s creativity by enrolling them in art classes.
Noun. Definition: A particular time or event. Sample Sentence: The wedding was a joyous occasion that brought the entire family together.
Adj. Definition: With no special or distinctive features; normal. Sample Sentence: It was just an ordinary day at work, with nothing exciting happening.
Noun. Definition: A decorative object, especially for a home or a Christmas tree. Sample Sentence: She hung a shiny ornament on the Christmas tree.
Noun. Definition: A five-sided polygon. Sample Sentence: In geometry class, they learned how to calculate the angles of a pentagon.
Adj. Definition: Having no purpose or reason; useless. Sample Sentence: It seemed pointless to continue the argument since neither side was willing to compromise.
V. Definition: To make something political in nature or to cause something to become involved with political issues. Sample Sentence: The debate over climate change was quickly politicized by both sides.
V. Definition: To satisfy thirst by drinking; to extinguish a fire. Sample Sentence: After the long hike, the cold water helped to quench his thirst.
Noun. Definition: Intense, violent anger. Sample Sentence: He was filled with rage after finding out about the betrayal.
Adj. Definition: Having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected. Sample Sentence: The artist’s painting was praised for its realistic depiction of the countryside.
Noun. Definition: A person who rises in opposition against authority or control. Sample Sentence: The rebel refused to follow the strict rules of the new regime.
Noun. Definition: The act of mentioning or alluding to something. Sample Sentence: She made a reference to her favorite book during the discussion.
Adj. Definition: Unwilling or hesitant to do something. Sample Sentence: He was reluctant to try the new dish, unsure of what it tasted like.
V. Definition: To arrange for something to be held or kept for future use. Sample Sentence: They reserved a table at the restaurant for their anniversary dinner.
V. Definition: To voluntarily leave a job or position. Sample Sentence: The CEO decided to resign from his position due to personal reasons.
V. Definition: To keep possession of something. Sample Sentence: The company worked hard to retain its top employees by offering competitive salaries.
Noun. Definition: A sheath for the blade of a sword or dagger, typically made of leather or metal. Sample Sentence: The knight drew his sword from its scabbard and prepared for battle.
Noun. Definition: The written text of a play, movie, or broadcast. Sample Sentence: The actor memorized his lines from the script before the rehearsal.
Adj. Definition: Done or existing alone; isolated. Sample Sentence: He enjoyed a solitary walk through the park every morning.
Adj. Definition: Performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse without premeditation. Sample Sentence: Their spontaneous road trip turned out to be the most fun they’d had all year.
V. Definition: To use or replace one thing with another. Sample Sentence: She decided to substitute almond milk for regular milk in the recipe.
Adj. Definition: Higher in rank, quality, or status. Sample Sentence: His superior performance earned him a promotion at the company.
V. Definition: To oversee or direct the execution of a task or the work of others. Sample Sentence: The manager was hired to supervise the construction project and ensure it stayed on schedule.
Adj. Definition: Not certain or fixed; provisional. Sample Sentence: The meeting is scheduled for next week, but the time is still tentative.
V. Definition: To shake involuntarily, often as a result of fear, anxiety, or excitement. Sample Sentence: She began to tremble as she waited to give her speech in front of the large audience.
Adj. Definition: Not planned or meant. Sample Sentence: The unintended consequences of the new law caused confusion among the citizens.
Adj. Definition: Not having the necessary qualifications, knowledge, or experience to do something. Sample Sentence: He was unqualified for the job because he lacked the required skills.
Noun. Definition: The place where an event or meeting is held. Sample Sentence: The concert will take place at a large outdoor venue downtown.
Adj. Definition: Keeping careful watch for potential danger or difficulties. Sample Sentence: The security guard remained vigilant throughout the night.
Adj. Definition: Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. Sample Sentence: The small village was vulnerable to flooding due to its low elevation.